The Evolution Of A Goblin To The Peak Chapter 1008: Witch Hunt: Scheme

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Chapter 1008: Witch Hunt: Scheme

A young woman wearing a white dress, her long, beautiful red hair cascading down her back, descended the stairs. She spotted a man in the kitchen, busily preparing breakfast for them.

The man looked up and smiled at her. "Remuria, just a moment longer. Breakfast is almost ready."

Remuria settled into a chair, her gaze fixed on the man.

With black hair and gentle features, he meticulously finished preparing their meal and set it on the table.

His name was Lavin.

The couple happily enjoyed their breakfast together.

At that time, the Walpurgis Night was their entire world. No living beings in the land had ever left its confines. It was a place where diverse people lived, and those who stood at the apex were the witches, the rulers of the land.

Lavin held the esteemed position of Captain Guard in a Royal City located in another region of Walpurgis Night. Though his status was high in that region, compared to Remuria, it paled in significance.

Remuria, the granddaughter of an elder of the Walpurgis Night.

The couple remained together for years, finding happiness in each other's company. Yet, there were those who harbored resentment. Among them was Elder Grecia. She couldn't abide the idea that the bloodline of a royal witch like Remuria would be pa.s.sed to a non-witch race.

At first, Remuria ignored Elder Grecia, a.s.suming she wouldn't act against her. Besides, Remuria felt useless as a witch, despite being the granddaughter of an elder. At twenty-five years old, she still hadn't awakened her soul weapon.

Not awakening a soul weapon was shameful for witches. The soul weapon was their symbol of strength and status.

Remuria and Lavin were having dinner together in their house.

"I will go to another region tomorrow, so don't wait for me. I have to lead my troops and eliminate some dream beasts," Lavin said.

Remuria nodded at him. She stayed silent for a while before saying, "I have something to tell you."

Lavin raised his eyebrows, curious.

She revealed that she was pregnant. Lavin's excitement was palpable at the news. He was finally going to be a father.

The couple celebrated this precious occasion.

Months flew by, and Remuria eventually gave birth to a baby. They named him Remus. The child displayed immense potential; testing revealed he had affinities for four elements and possessed a remarkable amount of mana comparable to a C-rank fighter.

Many witches received the report, but they didn't take any action, considering Remuria's grandmother's position as an elder. Furthermore, they were uncertain about whether the baby, Remus, would awaken his soul weapon in the future. After all, his mother, Remuria, hadn't awakened hers, and his father was not a witch. The likelihood of Remus awakening a soul weapon was low.

One day, Remuria was in her room, humming a song to her baby. Lavin wasn't at home yet, as he was on a mission.

"You will grow strong in the future, Remus," she whispered, smiling as she gently kissed the baby's forehead.

Suddenly, a knock echoed on the door.

Remuria turned her head and asked, "Who's there?"

Based on the aura, she knew it wasn't her husband. Though not as powerful as him, she was still an A-rank expert and could sense the energy of nearby people.

"A letter for you!" a voice replied.

Remuria stood up and went to open the door. She received a letter from a delivery man.

After the delivery man left, she opened the letter and read it. After a while, her eyes widened in shock as the letter fell to the ground. Tears welled in her eyes as her lips trembled. "G-Grandma is... d-dead?!"

The letter came from the witches, informing her that her grandmother, one of the Six Elders, had pa.s.sed away.


Somewhere in the Walpurgis Night, Elder Uiny sat having tea, a pleasant smile adorning her face. Seated across from her was another woman.

"Cermine, Elder Renia is dead..." Elder Uiny stated.

"So, what are we going to do next?" Cermine inquired.

"You'll allow Elder Grecia to nominate you to become an elder. Meanwhile, I'll support the family of Elder Renia from the outside. We'll slowly pierce through the Walpurgis Night until the power of Purity blooms."

"Then, I'll instigate Elder Grecia. She despises what Remuria is doing, so it won't be difficult to oppose her," Cermine declared.

"I have something to give you," Elder Uiny said, retrieving a small bottle from her robe and placing it on the table.

"What's this?" Cermine asked, peering at the reddish liquid inside the bottle.

"It's a potion called Concentrating Soul. It's a lost potion from the Walpurgis Night's glory days. It can help a witch awaken their soul weapon," Elder Uiny explained. She paused before adding, "Give this to Elder Grecia. Then, she'll have no choice but to give it to Elder Renia's granddaughter. If she doesn't awaken any soul weapon, then it's your time to take that


"Wouldn't it be better to give it to Remuria directly?" Cermine asked.

"No, it's just a ploy to make it appear that we aren't on the same side. If that girl truly awakens her soul weapon, then it's fine with me since I could use her. But if not, then you'll be taking that position," Elder Uiny explained further.

"But what if Elder Grecia refuses to give it to Remuria?" Cermine inquired.

"Elder Grecia will give it to her. Despite her disdain for Remuria, she remains loyal to Walpurgis Night. If I nominate that girl, Remuria, then Elder Grecia will have to prove that Remuria is unfit to become an elder. If she fails to give it, I will still support Remuria's candidacy. Regardless of the outcome, this is merely a facade to demonstrate that we are not allies," Elder Uiny explained.

"I understand... Then, I'll deliver it to Elder Grecia," Cermine said with a smile as she tucked the potion into her pocket.

"I'll discreetly contact the authorities in their city. No one will be able to interfere until I give the signal," Elder Uiny declared with a smile.


Remuria carried her baby, tears streaming down her face, while Lavin comforted her.

They were at the funeral of Elder Renia, Remuria's grandmother. Many people attended,

mourning the loss of the esteemed elder. Elder Renia had been a pillar of the Walpurgis Night community, and her pa.s.sing was a significant loss for the witches.

Elder Uiny approached the grieving family and said, "I'm sorry for your loss, but I have something to tell you."

Remuria turned her head, and Lavin took Remus from his wife, leaving Remuria alone with

Elder Uiny.

There was a moment of silence before Elder Uiny spoke. "Elder Renia had high expectations

for you. She believed that you would continue her legacy. All of her belongings will be pa.s.sed

on to you."

"What do you mean?" Remuria asked, bewildered.

"The elders have one vacant position, and I believe you are more suitable to carry on the legacy of Elder Renia. You were her only family," Elder Uiny explained.

In the days that followed, Elder Uiny continued to visit Remuria's family, openly supporting

them. Many witches began to see Remuria as a compet.i.tor for the vacant elder position,

especially with Elder Uiny backing her.

Some witches voiced complaints, arguing that Remuria lacked the qualifications to become an elder as she was weak and did not possess a soul weapon.

Remuria was at home with her baby when Elder Grecia visited, accompanied by Cermine.

"What can I do for you, Elder Grecia?" Remuria asked, preparing tea for her guests.

"I merely wanted to ascertain if you truly intend to carry on Elder Renia's legacy," Elder Grecia replied, glancing towards the room where Remus was sleeping.

Remuria followed her gaze to her child's room.

Elder Grecia continued, "If you are indeed committed, then are you prepared to sever ties with your husband? I cannot allow a non-witch to enter the sacred domain of witches." "W-What do you mean?" Remuria asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"It is as I said," Elder Grecia stated coldly, rising from her seat. "We will take your child, and you will not be able to see your husband. The bloodline of the witches must remain pure." Remuria's eyes widened in shock. She then heard Remus cry and hurriedly went to comfort her baby, humming a soothing tune.

"If you choose to remain in this situation, then forget about carrying on Elder Renia's legacy. Perhaps it's best for you to live like this," Elder Grecia declared, observing Remuria holding her baby. She then added, "Oh, I forgot to mention, I slipped a Concentrating Soul potion into your drink. If you awaken a soul weapon, then you may have a chance at the position. But if not, there will be no need for you to step foot in our sacred grounds."

Remuria's heart raced with fear and confusion. She turned to Elder Grecia, her eyes wide with shock, before collapsing to her knees, still cradling her child.

"W-What is happening to me?" she gasped, feeling agony coursing through her body as

blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.

Elder Grecia's expression remained cold as she explained, "Do not fret. This will not kill you. It is merely a test to awaken your soul weapon, if you truly possess one. I will determine if you are worthy of Elder Renia's position."

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The Evolution Of A Goblin To The Peak Chapter 1008: Witch Hunt: Scheme summary

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