Dragon Emperor 2 Pure Soul

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The next day Noah went to the grand elders house he looked for the grand elder

"Oh Noah what a surprise to see you in my house"

A old man with white hair falling to his shoulder and long white beard came out of his house

"Grand elder, Noah greets you"

Noah respectfully bowed to the old man this elder was one of the elders of the dragon kind he was respected by all dragons and was a leading figure and he was also one of the friend's of the previous dragon emperor Noah's father so Noah spend a lot of time with him and usually went to him for guidance

"So what brings you here after becoming the dragon emperor you only show up when you need advice so what do you need"

Noah looked embarra.s.sed but he still said

"Grand elder my son was born yesterday I seek your wisdom regarding a matter related to him"

The grand elder looked on with joy

"What great news! Did you tell your father yet he would be jumping with joy"

"No I didn't tell him yet because I want you to look at my son and give your advice first"

The grand elder looked confused

"What is the problem"

"I think it is better you see for yourself I cannot describe it with word's "

"Ok then let's go take a look"

The grand elder and Noah went to see leo

Mia saw her husband and grand elder walking towards her she went to greet the grand elder

"Grand elder Mia greets you"

Mia and the grand elder had a very good relations.h.i.+p and he was the reason Noah and Mia met so she looked up to him and the grand elder saw Mia as a daughter

"How are you Mia"

"I am fine but please take a look at my son"

They then proceeded to the room Leo was resting in the grand elder took a look at leo and was shocked for a moment Mia and Noah seeing this their expression became grave as they knew that very little things in this realm can shock the grand elder

"Elder what is the matter is something wrong"

Noah asked anxiously

"No there is nothing wrong with your son on the contrary his dragon soul is the most pure soul I have ever seen"

Noah and Mia relaxed after hearing this

"Then what about this dragon symbols than is on his arm"

Mia asked worriedly

"I don't think that this ever happened to any other child I have seen this is a first for me as well"

The grand elder pondered for a moment before saying

"This dragon markings look very similar to one of the oldest books I've read about our dragon race"

"what was it about"

Noah asked

"It is said that in the ancient times our dragon race had a treasure which was invincible they were two gauntlets that granted the dragon who wore it power beyond imagination even the G.o.d's were jealous of the dragon race but the gauntlet can only be worn by the purest of the dragon's it is said that when the gauntlet was about to chose it's master the G.o.d's attacked the our race but since the gauntlet did not choose a master we were left venerable so we lost and the G.o.d's stole our treasure but since only a dragon can use it and it cannot be destroyed the G.o.d's took the gauntlets and hid it in a place no dragon can go to"

Hearing this story Noah and Mia were shocked

"Is this story really true?"

Noah asked

"I don't know if it is true but the dragon markings on your son is the same as the ones I saw on the gauntlet in the book and combining the fact that your son has the purest dragon soul I ever saw I think there is a high possibility that it is true"

"Then what are we to do"

Mia asked

"Well the first thing is no one is to know of this we must keep this a secret do not tell this even to your closest ally because if this is true then it both blessings and disaster for our dragon race if it is known to the G.o.ds then our whole race will be in danger"

Noah and Mia s.h.i.+vered hearing this

"But how can we hide the dragon markings"

Noah asked

"No need to worry I can sense a little soul power coursing through the markings since your son is still little and can't control his soul power I can use my soul power to make the markings disappear for a while and when he grows up he can hide it or make it appear on his will"

Saying that the elder put his hands on the markings and put a little soul power in it and the markings slowly started to fade away

"Thank you grand elder for your help"

Mia said

The grand elder laughed while saying

"'Ha ha ha' no need for thanks I see you as my own daughter so your son is naturally my grandson why wouldn't I help him"

Mia bowed her head embarra.s.sed

"Then I wish take my leave ,oh and inform your old man about him becoming a grandfather he will be jumping with joy"

"I will grand elder thank you for your guidance"

Noah bowed respectfully and sent the grand elder off and came back inside seeing Mia with a worried face he hugged her

"Mia don't worry nothing will happen to our son"

Mia looked at leo sleeping finally calmed down

"We should keep the markings a secret even with your father"

Noah nodded his head

"Yeah my father was never one who kept secrets"

Mia leaned to his shoulder and closed her eyes

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Dragon Emperor 2 Pure Soul summary

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