The God Creator System 1 Becoming A God

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"Watch out!" He shouted as he runs towards the child that was about to get hit by a truck

Few seconds before the truck hits the child, He tried to save the child by pus.h.i.+ng her away from the Truck's path, but to his surprise his hands pa.s.sed through the child making him fall face first to the ground.

'W-what? where did she go?' The child that he was trying to save has disappeared, Was he hallucinating? where did the child go?

The light's getting brighter and brighter as the truck speeds to him.

'No! No! I refuse to die!' Realizing that he doesn't have enough time to get out of the truck's way, Gritting his teeth, he desperately tried to crawl out of the truck's path.

'I was trying to save someone's life now I'm here knocking on death's door, G.o.d.. what did I do to deserve this?' Those were his last thoughts before getting hit by the truck.

His life memories flashed through him as he bounces through the ground.

"" He can hear people calling to him.

He was feeling immense pain all over his body, Breathing heavily desperately trying to keep himself alive, he slowly tried to open his eyes finding out that only one of his eyes responded due to the fact that his body was giving up on him, Worst of all he had an injury to his head and broken bones on his limbs.

It's a miracle that he could still stay awake and alive after getting hit by a fast truck head on, anyone that would get hit by it would be long gone dying right away.

His vision was red, with blood flowing from his head to his eyes

"Call-.....A...Lance!!" They were shouting, He could only hear some parts of it but he guessed that they were calling an ambulance

'I'm really dying..aaaaaahhh...' Unsatisfied with his death, he closed his eyes accepting it, there was no use at trying to live anymore.

No unordinary achievements, No friends, all of his relatives are dead, no lover or family, those are his condition.


Finally, the pain became numb, his heart stopped.







He could feel it, his eyes are open yet he can see nothing.

'Where am I?' He asked himself

He could feel himself looking around yet... There was nothing, Just darkness, there was nothing around him, not even light.

"Am I in the void?, I thought there was an afterlife? where's the promised afterlife?" He spoke yet there was no sound, he knows and felt that he spoke yet no sound came out of his mouth

He looked down, there was nothing, He tried to touch any part of his body yet he felt nothing. but he can still feel that he can move all parts of his body.

'Guess I'll try to walk around.. seems pretty useless, but its better than doing nothing.'

He walked around... He can't feel anything under his feet yet he kept moving.

After a while, he gave up, the thought of him moving around without feeling any ground felt stupid.

"Tsk.. am I going to stay here for eternity? In nothingness?, Do I even exist at this point?"

He closed his eyes....trying to sleep

After a while, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He started to count trying to fall asleep by counting. one....two...three....four.....-

Time pa.s.sed by. Sometimes he opens his eyes checking if something changed.




"How am I still sane?... When did I have the patience to wait this long?, Also how am I still not asleep?!" He complained.

The silence continued.

He continued counting

It became days.

Then months.

Years have pa.s.sed.

Then He lost track of it.

There was still nothing, yet he still feels sane after being alone in nothingness for decades.

"...eternity..." He spoke yet there was no sound.

".... how long have I been in here?..." he asked himself.

It was the same thing every day, he kept counting yet nothing changed, he never got bored or tired of it.



Suddenly after decades of silence, a voice speaks, it was a voice that sounds like a female without emotions behind her words.


"Who's there?!!" He looked around searching for the source of the voice, finding nothing as usual.

[[You have been chosen to become a G.o.d]]

[[Do you accept?]]

"W-wait what?" After waiting for years, an outrageous question was asked, do you want to become a G.o.d? It was suspicious to him, everyone wouldn't just refuse or immediately accept an offer like that

[[Refusal would transfer your essence to a newly made body in a random world made by the G.o.ds and everything you learned in your life would be forgotten.]]

"The G.o.ds? How many G.o.ds are there?"

[[There are at least a million of G.o.ds with their own worlds and galaxies]]

"I see.... who created the G.o.ds?"

[[A phenomena called --------------]] the moment she mentioned it, her voice twisted to a sound he couldn't understand

"A phenomena?.. so G.o.ds are made by chance.. are you related to it?"

[[No, I am not, you're the only one chosen after the creation of the system Millenniums ago]]

"Why me?"

[[DENIED, You currently have no permission to gain knowledge about that.]]


[[The system highly recommends you to accept its offer to become a G.o.d]]

"...If I accept... would you be able to answer my questions?"


[[Some of the information would be available to the user.]]

After thinking for a while he decided to accept.

".....Its better than forgetting everything so I accept!"

[[Accepted, your essence will now receive the abilities of a novice G.o.d.]]

Suddenly there was light gathering around him, after years of darkness, light has appeared, surprisingly it didn't blind him even though it was so bright.

It slowly covered his body, his body was now visible, it now existed, unlike the past few years where he could sense them now it was there, it was made out of light.

[[Your essence has successfully become a G.o.d]]

He looked at his hands opening and closing it, it was now visible, he can now feel his body.

"Can you answer questions now?" He said as he looks around, except his glowing body, there were nothing and pure darkness around him.

[[Accepted, The system was created by --------------- and set requirements of pa.s.sing ■■■■■■■ and with the condition of ■■■■■,■■■■■■■■■ and lastly -------]] Some of her words were in a language that he couldn't understand since it never existed on earth, some were interrupted by a deafening ring that blocked his hearing

"What?... why can't I understand most of your words?"

[[You haven't got permission to learn them, please increase your ranking.]]

"Ranking? Can I know my current conditions?"

[[Please say 'Status' to view information about yourself]]


A gamelike menu appeared in front of him

[[Name: Unknown G.o.d ]]

[[Current Forms: Humanlike essence ]]

[[Ranking: Novice G.o.d ]]

[[Abilities: Creation, Destruction ]]

[[Reputation: Unknown ]]

"Is this visible to the others?"

[[It is not, the system is a special creation by ----------- and only the user would be able to see and hear it.]] The female 'System' answered him and referred him as 'user'

"Why is my name Unknown G.o.d?" He has a name yet it wasn't there, instead it was replaced with 'Unknown G.o.d'

[[You have been reborn as a G.o.d, your past lives mean nothing, you are free to change your current name]]

"I see.. guess Ill change it later, I'm bad with names."

"So I'm currently a human made out of light?"

[[User, you have misunderstood it, Light and Essence are different from each other.]]

"...." was it mocking him? he decided to ask another question

"My abilities, it said creation, can I create anything?"

[[You need to fully understand your creation to create them, attempting to create something you don't fully understand may lead to failure.]]

"Basically... knowledge is power..wait may lead?" It means there was still a chance for him to create anything without knowledge about it but there's only a chance of failure.

[[You can only attempt five times to create something with your current G.o.d rank]]

"Five attempts to create something?..."

[[The system recommends you to create light as a starter creation.]]

"Wait how?"



[[Please describe it and the system will attempt to create it with your help.]]

"Why describe? Can't I just imagine it?"

[[You are not a G.o.d created naturally, you cannot create something without the help of the system]]

"I see..." then he thought, how would he describe light?

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The God Creator System 1 Becoming A God summary

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