Reincarnated As a Fox With System Chapter 885: Final Countdown!

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885  Chapter 885: Final Countdown!

A tremendous explosion was triggered when Tang Li Xue's [Spiral Sphere Bomb] hit the strange creature's body!

The strange creature actually reacted fast enough by turning around and condensing a black s.h.i.+eld with its black fog-like energy, but the explosion was too devastating for the strange creature's black s.h.i.+eld to block it completely.

The strange creature's body was still thrown off uncontrollably forward like a cannonball because of the powerful impact of the devastating explosion!

Tang Li Xue was actually in a much worse condition than the strange creature because she threw her [Spiral Sphere Bomb] toward the strange creature at very close range just now.

Tang Li Xue was not only flung back violently but she also got injured pretty badly.

Despite that, Tang Li Xue smiled victoriously instead while laughing an evil laugh in her heart: 'It really hurts~! But it is still acceptable because I exchange this with your dead end, hehehehe...'

Yes, the direction where the strange creature got thrown off was actually the several strange pitch-black holes created after the falling transparent s.p.a.ce fragments shattered the ground!

Tang Li Xue knew that even her [Spiral Sphere Bomb] should not be able to kill the strange creature, so she planned to push the strange creature until it fell into the Void s.p.a.ce under those several strange pitch-black holes!

Just when Tang Li Xue thought that her plan had succeeded since the strange creature had already flown toward those pitch-black holes, the black energy around the strange creature suddenly transformed into several giant demonic claws and stretched to grab the ground!

The several giant demonic claws left tens of meters long trails on the ground before the strange creature's body stopped right before it fell into the pitch-black hole.

Tang Li Xue gnashed her fangs in rage and embarra.s.sment when she realized that her plan failed.

"You ugly monster, do you really think this is already over?!" Tang Li Xue scolded as she slowly stood up again despite her body still riddled with injuries.

"I want to see how you try to withstand this then... Come out, my strongest sword~!" Tang Li Xue muttered as she urged the tiny sword floating at the center of her sea of consciousness.

[Soul Slaying Sword]~!

Tang Li Xue should not be able to use or control [Soul Slaying Sword] yet at least until her cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, but under the Spirit stat boost of her [Divine Will] plus [Mind's Eyes], Tang Li Xue had confidence that she could finally use her [Soul Slaying Sword]!


The loud sound of sword chant echoed through the entire cliff!

The [Soul Slaying Sword] in Tang Li Xue's sea of consciousness trembled violently before it flew out very swiftly from Tang Li Xue's forehead!

Different from before when Tang Li Xue was still weak, but she forcefully controlled the [Soul Slaying Sword] until she pa.s.sed out, the current Tang Li Xue not only has an extremely powerful soul or spirit, but even her bloodline had been transformed into an even more powerful Yin Yang Celestial Sky Fox Bloodline.

The [Soul Slaying Sword] was flying around so fast like a lightning bolt under Tang Li Xue's control as if it were the extension of Tang Li Xue's consciousness.

"Go, cut that ugly monster for me~!" Tang Li Xue bellowed in a cold voice as the [Soul Slaying Sword] turned into a flash and flew toward the strange creature!

Second, it also improved the power and control of soul-related abilities.

Just when Tang Li Xue wanted to open her System's status window to check what kind of divine abilities she awakened after she evolved into Yin Yang Celestial Sky Fox...


A giant demonic claw suddenly stretched out from the pitch-black hole and grabbed the edge of the hole!

"Holy cow~! No way... You must be kidding me, right? There should be no way that monster can still remain alive after it fell into Void s.p.a.ce, right?!" Tang Li Xue exclaimed in shock and disbelief as her scalp went numb as she saw the familiar giant demonic claw.

To make it worse, the duration of her [Wings of Freedom] buff and [Mind's Eyes] was already over, so she had to wait for their cooldown to finish before she could use them again!

Without those two OP buffs, there was really no way for Tang Li Xue to fight against the strange creature anymore.

When Tang Li Xue was in panic and did not know what she had to do next...


An eye-catching pillar of golden light suddenly appeared, but the location was quite far away from Tang Li Xue's location!

"What the heck is that pillar of light? Don't tell me that there is a precious treasure appearing at the last moment before this secret realm completely collapses?!" Tang Li Xue murmured curiously.

Then there were actually some words that appeared on the top of the pillar of golden light!

Tang Li Xue's topaz blue eyes shone brightly when she read the words: "s.p.a.ce Tunnel has been completed... Gather here in ten minutes before the Secret Realm completely collapses... So, it means they have rebuilt the s.p.a.ce tunnel to get out from this secret realm?!"

Tang Li Xue glanced at the strange creature that was still trying to crawl out of the pitch-black hole for a few moments before she gritted her fangs and decided to ignore it, then dashed as fast as she could toward the pillar of golden light!

Ten minutes was not long after all.

If she kept wasting her time fighting against the strange creature, she would definitely be abandoned by those foxes from the exploration team alone in this collapsing secret realm!

As the future Fox Deity, how could she possibly be willing to die together with that strange creature in this place?!


The entire Secret Realm shook even more greatly as the speed of collapsing seemed to increase significantly!

Currently, the Secret Realm has already shrunk by more than half!

The final countdown for the Secret Realm's destruction kept ticking closer and closer as the cracks in the sky became even more severe and countless s.p.a.ce fragments began to fall from the sky like drizzling rain!

All right, we will speed up a little bit~! (>w<) Could Tang Li Xue get away safely from the secret realm? Would the strange creature really let Tang Li Xue that easily? We will see it in the next chapter, so don't miss it~!


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Reincarnated As a Fox With System Chapter 885: Final Countdown! summary

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