Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2894 - Fortuna Class

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Chapter 2894 - Fortuna Cla.s.s

Infinitum Mundus, the Sun.

Tianming flew over to the gathering point of five hundred thousand divine wonderians on the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb. There was no one in sight on the vast ground below.

"f.u.c.k, they’re using guerrilla warfare!" Although the wonderians were now spread out like dust, they could quickly rea.s.semble to unleash a lethal attack. Given the size of an ether-cla.s.s world, there was nothing much he could do but use Fiendvore Dragonbreath.


Chunks of land and seas were quickly destroyed. After half a day, locations with larger groups had been completely swallowed up by Fiendvore Dragonbreath. Fighting “mosquitoes” with such a powerful attack was inefficient and consumed a lot of nova source. Even so, Tianming had managed to wipe out about thirty thousand divine wonderian pairs.

"The main goal of the attack is to break up their formation and spread them even further apart."

Lin Xiao and Lin Changkong spent half the day leading the Lin Clan against the wonderians. Five hundred thousand versus two hundred thousand! With Yin Chen overseeing the battle, they managed to gain an advantage over their opponents within a short time and began intensifying their attacks.

At that point, the wonderians couldn't figure out how each of them had been located despite hiding so well, nor how they’d been matched with opponents that were strong enough to deal with them. They couldn't possibly understand Yin Chen's heaven-defying abilities, not even at their last breath. It processed information like a cosmic superbrain. Astral G.o.ds couldn’t even imagine an existence like the Myriadworld Immortabeast,

The Lin Clan had won another great victory! As time went by, all two hundred thousand wonderians were either dead or severely injured. In the end, they were all slaughtered.

"Nearly half of the wonderians who entered through their markers have been slaughtered! Half a million dead before the war! Compared to us, their casualty rate is almost fifty to one!"

Despite their victory, Tianming couldn't muster up any joy after losing tens of thousands of astral G.o.ds in battle. The peace within the Sky Palace Formation had once again been purchased by courage and sacrifice. If the formation were to fall, the living beings of the Sun would cease to exist, resulting in a tragedy far worse than Skywolf Blaze and Skywolf Frost. Tianming’s imperial order would collapse and he would never be able to make a comeback; his fate was tied to their lives.

"Ten thousand brothers, sisters, elders...." Tianming's eyes were cold. He was aware there would have been more casualties if it weren’t for Yin Chen, but the losses were a reminder of the impending bloodshed. The burden on his heart grew heavier and he watched from the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb as the flames of war spread throughout the Sun, fury and hatred surging in his heart.

"The experts from Myriadpath Valley and Intrepidus will arrive at any time. Dealing with the rest of the wonderians won’t be easy, so I plan on sending our brothers and sisters back to the Sky Palace Formation," Lin Xiao said to his grandson.

"Thanks for all your hard work! Let’s take some time to recover," Tianming replied.

Their astrals.h.i.+ps were depleted of nova source, so they had to go resupply anyway. The Sky Palace Formation was almost filled to capacity, so the living conditions weren’t the best. The people of the Sun were waiting for the war to end, when they could finally roam the world as they pleased. Although they hated war, they still had to fight the invaders for the sake of their future.

"My good disciple!" Xiaodao contacted Tianming just as Lin Xiao left for the Sky Palace Formation with the spoils and hundreds of thousands of astralG.o.ds.

"What is it?" Tianming said.

"Relax, it's good news. Your master always has good news for you," Xiaodao said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just spit it out!" Tianming controlled the distribution of Yin Chens on the Sun from the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb. He had a premonition that a crisis was approaching.

"Listen up...."

On the other side of the transmission stone, Xiaodao held a majestic sword surging with black ki as he said, "The Primordial Demonshade bowed under my heroic bearing, so I have two great infinitum-cla.s.s cosmic artifacts in my hands! It’s perfect for Death Imperatoris, so I’ll be much stronger than before! I’m confident I can defeat Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian with it and the Xiao Nu Gourd!” Xiaodao was proud of himself. Not too long ago, he had just been a descendant of a branch of the SwordG.o.d Lin Clan and the etherean of a small star, but now he could almost rival two reges mundi. It was something he had never dared imagine.

"So confident? Can you defeat Yi Daiyan?" Tianming asked.

"Um... well, maybe.... Probably?" Xiaodao said, embarra.s.sed.

"Forget it! You don’t sound confident at all." Tianming rolled his eyes.

"You defiant b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How can a disciple criticize his master!" Xiaodao retorted..

Tianming couldn’t be bothered to answer him. A moment later, he asked, "Old Lin, you got the artifact soul to yield to you?"

The Xiao Nu Gourd was somewhat similar to the Grand-Orient Sword. Its artifact soul was a bit strange, so communication was definitely impossible. But the Primordial Demonshade was fully intact.

"Yes." Xiaodao nodded.

"So what level’s the Primordial Demonshade?" Li Tianming asked.

"It’s one level higher than infinitum cla.s.s," said Xaodao.

"What’s that?"

"I think it’s called ‘fortuna cla.s.s’!" Xiaodao replied.


So seventh level is fortuna cla.s.s and eighth level is maniverse cla.s.s. Does that mean ninth-level is imperial cla.s.s? Is imperial cla.s.s the apex? Tianming thought to himself. The flameyellow divinities and grand lexicon wonder were beyond awesome! How could the ebons compare to them?

That would make the sky plunderers, who had sent warriors to guard the flameyellow divinities, even more powerful! Tianming was too excited to calm down.

But I can’t even defend an ether-cla.s.s world! Me, a sky plunderer! I’m useless! He couldn’t help feeling upset.

"What’re you mumbling about?" Xiaodao mocked.

"Master, if there’s fortuna-cla.s.s artifacts, then there must be fortuna-cla.s.s nova source worlds and astrals.h.i.+ps, right?" Tianming asked.

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2894 - Fortuna Class summary

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