Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2903 - I Volunteer To Initiate Hostilities

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Chapter 2903 - I Volunteer To Initiate Hostilities

"The wonderians are audacious. They have their own territory, yet they came to our Infinitum Mundus to flaunt their power."

"I've never liked them!"

"Shenxi Xingtian’s definitely out of his mind. He can't defeat us, so he'll sell out the Infinitum Mundus in exchange for the support of aliens."

"Those beasts may claim to be offering support, but in reality, they're here to plunder and pillage our mundus for profit! Regardless of our stance, as long as we still belong to the Infinitum Mundus, we should mercilessly slaughter them and make them not dare to set foot in our land for the next hundred thousand years!"

"Eight million astral G.o.ds coming together is really too arrogant! They dare to act without astrals.h.i.+ps—they’re simply seeking death!"

"The Lin Clan's two infinitum-cla.s.s astrals.h.i.+ps have helped us twice in a row. Now, the wonderians are thinking of them as soft persimmons to pinch. This is a perfect opportunity to show the deep brotherhood among the regal clans. Let's not hesitate and lose face for our own clans!"

"For our brothers of the Lin Clan, let's fight to the death and take a gamble!"

With over four million astral G.o.ds, their blood was boiling and their fighting spirit was high. Their opponents were only the astral G.o.ds of the wonderians! Although the locals didn’t have as many in their army as the wonderians did, that disadvantage would be offset as soon as they entered the Flameyellow Guard Formation, where they wouldn’t be affected by the formation's attacks.

It was simple for the Flameyellow Guard Formation to only target wondermancers.

"Kill!" The countless Infinitum Bodhimanda astrals.h.i.+ps, which had long been ready, pointed toward the sky and flew out of the Ebonia Guard Formation, heading toward the burning pink Sun not far away.

The astrals.h.i.+ps, in order to avoid being broken by powerful enemies, didn’t gather very closely together and were suitable for movement and maneuvering in the starry sky.

However, once inside the Flameyellow Guard Formation, in order to deal with the seven million wonderians inside, they would need to enter individually, and, according to Yin Chen’s orders, find their targets one by one.

"Supposedly, the guardian formation of that Sun is quite formidable! It possesses almost the same killing power as an infinitum-cla.s.s formation, and Shenxi Xingtian has suffered losses from it before!"

"Although there’s only four and a half million of us, most of us are beastmasters, with a large number of combat units. Plus, within the Flameyellow Guard Formation, it'll be like fighting on our home turf. Even if we can't swallow all seven million wonderians, it won’t be a problem to lock them down there, unable to advance into the interior of the Sun."

"We can kill at least two million of them! We’ll scare those wonderian sc.u.m out of their wits."

Astral G.o.ds against astral G.o.ds! Two mundi! It was a clash of peak lifeforms, the first such showdown between millions of high-level G.o.ds in the universe, and definitely the first time for the two mundi! ????????????.???

On the side of the Infinitum Bodhimanda, because they trusted Tianming, most of them were filled with enthusiasm and confidence.

"The only problem is that because we mobilized four and a half million astral G.o.ds, there’s less than two million left on Ebonia and they’re very scattered. I'm worried that the ebons will do everything in their power to launch a desperate attack, causing devastating damage to our homelands and loved ones...."

"The rex mundi must have considered that. Let's see how the two sides play the game."

"The ebons still have the Ebonfiend and the bloodline wisteria, which is indeed worrying."

"No problem! I trust the rex mundi. The reason she risked mobilizing four and a half million astral G.o.ds is to quickly take control of the situation on the Sun and annihilate the enemy. Once we win, we can return and attack from both sides, completely wiping out the ebons!"


Many astral G.o.ds, in response to the problem that has been discussed for some time, had also come to that same most reasonable conclusion.

"I still find it a bit reckless. If we mobilized three million and left three million behind, both battlefields would be more balanced, wouldn't they?"

"The problem is, three million on the Sun definitely won’t be enough. We need at least four million astral G.o.ds there!"

"Since we've already mobilized four million, we might as well push it to the limit. It shows that the rex mundi has great courage."

"We have a heavy responsibility!"

With four and a half million astrals.h.i.+ps flying through the stars, it looked quite spectacular.

From s.p.a.ce, the seven million wonderians entering the Sun resembled seven million flies throwing themselves into a fire. However, the vitality of astral G.o.ds was much stronger than that of flies.

The grand battle of the Sun had begun, and Ebonia’s astral G.o.ds had set off! The two pieces of news were transmitted back to Ebonpolis and into the ears of Shenxi Xingtian. After several defeats and falling into h.e.l.l, his eyes were as dark as ink. He had been waiting for this moment for too long, and madness had consumed his mind.

"Father!" Shenxi Tianxi couldn't help but hoa.r.s.ely speak, staring wide-eyed at his surroundings. Many top-notch ebon experts were around him.

"Wait a little longer." After several setbacks, Shenxi Xingtian had become as cautious as someone that had a phobia of ropes after being bitten by a snake.

All the surviving ebons waited with gnas.h.i.+ng teeth, full of deep hatred and resentment.

The intelligence kept coming! Finally, a scout reported that the four and a half million astral G.o.ds had already surrounded the Sun, and begun exiting their astrals.h.i.+ps! The significant support from Ebonia to the Sun had materialized.

At that moment, Shenxi Xingtian, whose heart was filled with raging fury, turned back to his remaining subordinates. With a most sinister tone in his hoa.r.s.e voice, he declared, "Summon all the beast waves! Send out six hundred thousand astral G.o.ds and six hundred thousand astrals.h.i.+ps to follow my Ebonfiend! starting from Greenhill, we shall sweep through all the regal clans, exterminating their old, weak, women, and children and trampling their legacies!"

"Yes!" the powerful members of the ebons shouted with all their strength. Every regal clan had long become objects of their hatred, and they were no longer willing to live in the same world as them.

Their strategy this time was not to defeat, but to exterminate. Exterminate their legacies! It was the most ruthless method of all.

"Even if our entire mundus will be weakened by ninety percent after this battle, and dozens of regal clans with legacies of tens of millions of years will all be exterminated, it doesn't matter. As long as our clan regains control of the mundus, we can cultivate more wildbeasts, give birth to more descendants, and one day, return to our former glory! At that time, we’ll be several times stronger than we are now!"

In their envisioned Infinitum Mundus, there was only one super overlord: them. They would have a position equivalent to the wonderians in the Skydome Mundus.

Under the command of a single person, Meng Ying, eight million astral G.o.ds descended on the Sun, making Shenxi Xingtian extremely envious.

"No time to waste, let's set off!" The fiery flames of insanity surged in his chest.

"Father, I volunteer to initiate hostilities!" Shenxi Tianxi stepped forward, his spirit burning. With the deaths of Xuan Xi and Ling’e, Shenxi Tianxi had become the second strongest member of the ebons.

Shenxi Xingtian glanced at him and said, "No! You stay in Ebonpolis. We need you to stay here! Leave the killing and revenge to your father!"

Shenxi Tianxi grit his teeth, but even though he had the desire for revenge, he still obeyed the order.

Shenxi Xingtian took a final look at his son. He didn't let Shenxi Tianxi go to battle for another reason; at least one person was needed for there to be an inheritance!

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2903 - I Volunteer To Initiate Hostilities summary

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