Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2904 - A Command

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Chapter 2904 - A Command

Now, among the ebons, there were only three people with the innate talent of the taxi divine eyes: Shenxi Xingtian, Shenxi Tianxi, and another, Shenxi Yao. There used to be a Shenxi Shang, but Tianming had killed him.

After experiencing this battle, as the ebons sought to rebuild over the next ten thousand years, Shenxi Tianxi and Shenxi Yao, the brother-sister pair, would have to take on the mission of pa.s.sing on their taixi divine eyes.

Shenxi Xingtian was already old, and although he wouldn’t mind breeding descendants with his daughter (a common practice in the Shenxi family), at his age it would be practically impossible. It had to rely on Shenxi Tianxi.

He patted Shenxi Tianxi's shoulder, then walked past him and boarded the Ebonfiend. "Depart!"

Ebonpolis only had a million astrals.h.i.+ps and a million astral G.o.ds, but it dispatched six hundred thousand astrals.h.i.+ps and six hundred thousand astral G.o.ds. As soon as they set out, the savage beast wave surrounding the Ebonpolis finally collapsed!

Countless wildbeasts followed the astrals.h.i.+ps through the underground pa.s.sage developed by the ebons, once again roaring toward Greenhill. Greenhill, sheltering the luxdaemons, would face the fatal threat of the ebons for a third, and most deadly time.

To be honest, not even Yushan Taifeng himself could understand why Yi Daiyan had mobilized so many people. Greenhill was in great peril. However, with all the luxdaemons gathered there, what would Yushan Taifeng have to worry about?

After experiencing several wars, the tens of billions of living beings on Greenhill had a surging fighting spirit. They had the ability to restrain wildbeasts, so they still had confidence for the time being.

But when the intelligence came, they became somewhat panicked.

"The Ebonfiend is rapidly traversing the underground world with six hundred thousand astrals.h.i.+ps and a trillion-strong wave of wildbeasts. They’re coming right for us!"

"Although the large-scale wildbeast wave isn’t that fast, those astrals.h.i.+ps will probably arrive soon!"

"Just the Ebonfiend alone is enough to destroy our Greenhill Guard Formation.... What should we do when they’re with the bloodline wisteria!"

Greenhill was in a state of anxiety.

Before the arrival of the wonderians, Yi Daiyan, Tianming, and the others had done their best to weaken the ebons. Several infinitum-cla.s.s wildbeasts and more than three million astral G.o.ds had been killed, and even the beast wall had been more than half destroyed.

Even so, the ebons, at this critical moment, were still desperately fighting. Even a starving camel was still larger than a horse. Despair once again shrouded Greenhill! The ebons valued efficiency, and they would be the first, and definitely the most fiercely attacked.

"No matter what, we have to trust the rex mundi!" Yushan Taifeng said. He believed that she had left him there because she trusted him. "Leave it to her to defeat the ebons and wonderians! Our task this time is to defend Greenhill, defend the Yushan Clan and the luxdaemons! The rex mundi's relatives are all here, how could she mistreat everyone?"

With that reason, the people on Greenhill didn't lose their faith. Moreover, Ebonia was too big, and due to the influence of gravity and obstacles, the movement of astrals.h.i.+ps there wasn’t as fast as flying to the Sun. Greenhill still had time.

"Trust the rex mundi!" All the pract.i.tioners on Greenhill prepared for the battle with that fervent belief.

"The longer we persist, the greater the chance of victory on the Sun. When our brothers finish off the wonderians, they’ll come back and flank the ebons. At that time, these ebon scoundrels who dared to leave their lair will be like fish in a barrel," Yushan Taifeng said. freew?bn????.???

"Yes!" The return of the four and a half million astral G.o.ds was also their hope.

Coincidentally, at that moment, Yushan Taifeng received a transmission from Yi Daiyan.

"Rex Mundi!" Yushan Taifeng showed a respectful expression.

"Relax. The snake is out of its hole, prepare to catch it," she said.

"What?" Yushan Taifeng was puzzled for a moment. But before he could ask, Yi Daiyan turned off the transmission stone, leaving him completely confused, not knowing what she had been talking about.

"The snake is out of its hole? Who’s the snake? The wonderians? It can't be Shenxi Xingtian, right?"

Time pa.s.sed as, on the Sun, seven million wonderians, in order to pa.s.s through the Flameyellow Guard Formation and reach the surface, fiercely fought and suffered numerous casualties.

Outside the Sun, four and a half million astral G.o.ds from the Infinitum Bodhimanda, along with their astrals.h.i.+ps, had already spread everywhere around the star, ready to support the astral G.o.ds on the surface.

On Ebonia, all the wildbeasts were running toward Greenhill with ebon astrals.h.i.+ps leading the way. At their head, the Ebonfiend was already approaching its destination!

The situation was extremely unfavorable for Greenhill. Once the more than four million astral G.o.ds entered the Flameyellow Guard Formation, they would certainly not be able to return in a short time.

Shenxi Xingtian obviously wanted to shatter the Greenhill Guard Formation by attacking it along with the bloodline wisteria, then finally, let the six hundred thousand ebon astral G.o.ds come in for the kill. Their beast wave would then turn this place into a h.e.l.l on earth!

The rhythm of his final struggle seemed to be starting. At this rate, it would cause unimaginable consequences for the inheritance of the Infinitum Bodhimanda for tens of millions of years!

The various regal clans no longer wanted to get involved with the Sun.

"He's really gone mad!"

"What should we do?!"

Yi Daiyan didn't give them any solutions, and their four and a half million astral G.o.ds were in agony. The anxiety over those left behind had affected their combat power to a certain extent.

"If only we had fewer people coming out this time!" There were still many people who thought that sending so many astral G.o.ds was too dangerous.

Anxiety! The battlefield was in front of them, but behind was their homeland! It wasn’t that they didn’t dare to go down, but their families were behind them.

Just at that most critical and tense moment, Yi Daiyan suddenly issued a command that reached the four and a half million astrals.h.i.+ps.

"All troops, follow my command. Immediately withdraw! Return at full speed and attack Ebonopolis!"

A total of thirteen words! They were very short and concise, but the information revealed in them made people's blood run cold.

Most of the four and a half million astral G.o.ds hadn't thought about the significance of the order yet, but they sighed in relief. Because at that moment, as long as they return to their astrals.h.i.+ps before completely entering the Sun, Ebonia could be salvaged.

All the regal clans had hope!

It was just that whether the SwordG.o.d Lin Clan still had hope or not was unknown.

"All troops, follow the command: immediately withdraw and attack Ebonpolis!"

"Straight to the ebons' last base!"

"Completely annihilate the ebons!"

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2904 - A Command summary

You're reading Beastmaster of the Ages. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 风青阳. Already has 31 views.

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