Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2987 - You Are Just a Sacrifice

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Chapter 2987 - You Are Just a Sacrifice

Yi Daiyan's eyes could see Tianming's sword. All the unwillingness she felt turned into killing intent. "I've kept this skin for so long just so that I could wait for you to return... yet you even want me to destroy it. Are you telling me that everything was just a misunderstanding? Fine! I’ll make you regret this for life!"

She had completely changed at that moment. Tianming felt a chilling dark energy descending from her and sensed the terror of death! He widened his eyes and saw that something odd was happening to Yi Daiyan’s body. Near her head was a cut, out of which poured black light. Two black arms actually started stretching out of her face, tearing her face and body into two halves! The skin sack immediately disintegrated into nothing.

"What?!" Tianming was utterly terrified. A black figure had torn apart Yi Daiyan's body and suddenly appeared before him. Tianming got a good look, but he couldn't be sure what it was. It seemed like a spirit of some sort. Perhaps she was some kind of artifact soul, or her will itself, yet she was far more terrifying than normal tripart.i.te souls of this world. Tianming felt like he was a blade of gra.s.s standing before a tree!

Yi Daiyan couldn't possibly have a soul that powerful. Otherwise, there was no way Tianming could have defeated her! This dark spirit inspired fatal terror in him since the moment it had appeared.

What was even more shocking was how the spirit still looked like Yi Daiyan and Wei Jing even in its current form, with the only difference being the lack of her colorful eyes, sharp ears, and totems. All that, however, made her resemble Wei Jing even more, save for the negative and foreign energy that he had never felt from her.

Tianming felt short of breath. He wanted to open his mouth, only to find that the dark energy had begun spreading to his body. When the dark spirit locked eyes with him, he nervously sweated!

"From this moment on, Yi Daiyan is dead. He should be satisfied with that, but he definitely underestimated the hate I feel toward him!" After saying that, the dark spirit suddenly grabbed Tianming by the throat.

"Ugh!" Tianming couldn't move in the slightest and began suffocating. Not far away, Yin Chen blankly stared at Yi Daiyan's skin as it melted away. By the time it managed to react, Tianming was already in danger. But the dark spirit was able to cave in Yin Chen's torso with a simple wave, sending it zipping away into outer s.p.a.ce far beyond the Flameyellow Guard Formation, all the way to the astralguard formation of Ebonia!

Yin Chen was utterly stupefied. What kind of power was that?! If Yi Daiyan had had that kind of power to begin with, what was the point of fighting at all? She could have easily killed Tianming and Mister Taihe with a slap. Yin Chen didn't know why she’d waited this long to show her true power, but it bet that it had something to do with that skin that Yi Daiyan had so unwillingly removed.

Yin Chen could still feel the threat of death looming over Tianming, even from so far away. It tried its best to get back as quickly as it could! But it seemed almost fated that there would be no chance of fighting against an ent.i.ty that was so far out of what people thought was possible.

The denizens of the Sun were flabbergasted like never before. They felt their hands and feet cooling as the blood left their extremities. Try as they might, they couldn't see where Yin Chen was at all. All they saw was Tianming being held by the neck like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered. Even though they tried channeling more power to him through the omnisentient threads, the dark spirit's energy suppressed even them through those threads! Trillions of people were forced to the ground, sharing in the terror that Tianming felt.

Infinite darkness seeped out of the ent.i.ty’s body, slowly covering the entire Sun and staining it black. The entire world had entered h.e.l.l. Facing at least ten thousand times the pressure he had from the Bloodweaver, Tianming glared at the devil and asked, "Who... who are you?"

"This is a good question. Who am I? Who can tell me who I am? There used to be a person that could tell me the answer to that question, but he lied to me and abandoned me!" the dark spirit cried with her familiar face incredibly close to Tianming's. Her rage and darkness seemed to pervade his soul and started to drive him berserk.

"Can you tell me who I am?" the dark spirit asked, twisted face glaring at him.

"I...." Tianming struggled as much as he could, but he couldn't say a word.

"I knew you wouldn't have an answer. No matter! You are just a sacrifice! A price he has to pay for toying with me!" The dark spirit pressed both hands against Tianming's head as she maniacally laughed. Her dark energy permeated Tianming's astral brain, where the Skysoul Tower was located. Even it was unable to defend against that energy and began shuddering!

"Sorry. You’ll never see the girl you love ever again." As she spoke, she teared up as if she remembered something. The tears were black and no longer colorful like before. "He said that he liked my colorful tears that looked like rainbow pearls.... But he understood that they were black all along. The color was only an illusion created by that skin sack. The one he loved wasn't me at the end of the day, so he exchanged his entire life to go looking for her!"

Tianming could feel the immense sorrow and pain that the dark spirit felt. It was a torturous, lonely existence, but worst of all was the pain of being betrayed after waiting for so long. While the spirit wouldn't have admitted it back then, it did so now.

"Maybe he’ll regret it if I kill you. I want to see him regret it," the dark spirit said with a hoa.r.s.e voice, tears endlessly flowing despite the smile on her face.

Tianming's entire body shuddered.

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2987 - You Are Just a Sacrifice summary

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