Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2994 - Recovering the Face and Dignity of the Ebons

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Chapter 2994 - Recovering the Face and Dignity of the Ebons

Yin Chen had locked on to Shenxi Xingtian's position. Tianming and Xiaodao immediately turned and headed there. After the Sky Palace Formation had opened up, Shenxi Xingtian had appeared where the people were most packed, which was quite a problem. If a foundationeer like him no longer cared about living, they would definitely be able to cause quite a lot of casualties among the denizens of the Sun.

"He is... in really... bad shape!" Yin Chen reported. It rapidly descended with its combined body of nine hundred billion.

"Kill him straight away!" Tianming didn't want even a single person to die by Shenxi Xingtian's hand.

Tianming, Yin Chen, and Xiaodao rushed over to Shenxi Xingtian. The people around the fiend had finally noticed his presence and were scattering in a panic. Tianming saw that he was no longer moving; instead, he merely floated in the air. His neck was burning red and letting out b.l.o.o.d.y mist nonstop.

"Hehehehe...." He raised both hands as if he was surrendering, but he was actually using the eyes on his palm to watch Tianming and the others approaching. By that point, his surroundings were filled with red smoke.

"He's the one that's making all this red mist!" Tianming had a bad feeling about it all of a sudden. He didn't know what the mist was, but it went without saying that Shenxi Xingtian would stoop to do anything in his desperate state. The Sky Palace Formation opening had been his chance, but it still eventually had to open.

"Lin Feng..." Shenxi Xingtian's voice rang out across the whole place.

"Don't be ras.h.!.+ Let's talk it out. We can negotiate!" Tianming said.

"Maybe in our next lives. But in this life, forget it." Shenxi Xingtian gave Tianming one last look. Then, with the angriest voice he could muster, he roared, "I’ll recover the face and dignity of the ebons!"

Face and dignity were important enough to drive people to do crazy things. Shenxi Xingtian glared at Tianming, but he was going to have the last laugh. His heptastar cosmic physique exploded, turning his entire person into boundless b.l.o.o.d.y mist! One could hardly imagine how much mist a single human body could turn into—it was easily enough to fill the entire Sky Palace Formation. In an instant, the mist turned into blood-colored raindrops that fell on everyone’s heads. Half the Sun was stained red by that blood.

Even Tianming was bathed in the shower of blood. All he could see was the world around him turning red. Shenxi Xingtian was truly dead. He had probably used his body to cultivate the red mist to the point that he was filled to the brim with it, causing his body to break down entirely. The powdery red substance covered the faces of everyone on the Sun.

"Why’d Shenxi Xingtian kill himself?"

"Don't touch that mist! There must be something wrong with it!"

"Quick! Spread out!" "There's too much of it! Where can we even run to?"

There was nothing anyone could do about it! Very quickly, the mist spread out far beyond the Sky Palace Formation. Anywhere there were people was covered in the mist.

"What in the world is this s.h.i.+t?!" Xiaodao, Wudi, Lin Xiao, and the rest gathered near Tianming. Tianmign's primordial lungs had already breathed in some red mist, but the power in him easily reduced it to nothing and no trace of it remained in his body.

"That didn't feel threatening at all. It doesn't seem to be toxic." Xiaodao and the rest soon reached the same conclusion.

"It really isn’t much of a threat. I think it's just some kind of normal red dust," Wudi said.

Furrowing his brows, Tianming looked at the mist and still felt that something was amiss. There was no way that Shenxi Xingtian's desperate last gambit would be so harmless. The red mist had spread so quickly that there was no way to stop it at all.

"Look!" Tianming and the seniors landed together before a group of people, a mix of astral and normal G.o.ds with a smattering of samsaran mortals from the Flameyellow Continent. There was red mist all around them.

Astral G.o.ds were able to use their cosm.o.f.orce to reduce the red dust to nothing before they could enter their astrons. However, when the mist entered the albi of normal G.o.ds and the bodies of mortals, it quickly began duplicating itself until their whole bodies were visibly red. Even the whites of their eyes were stained entirely red.

"This mist is effective against normal G.o.ds and mortals, but not astral G.o.ds!" Tianming said.

"What?!" That was a shocking revelation.

"Quick, get rid of it!"

"We can't! It's everywhere!"

"What in the world is this?!" Tianming blankly looked around him. Where could they even drive the mist to? A foundationeer had used his own body to cultivate this mist and used his order to spread it all over the place when he exploded. The Sky Palace Formation hadn't been sealed, so the mist was both within and without! Perhaps the only silver lining to all this was that both normal G.o.ds and mortals didn't appear to show any negative symptoms after the infection. They seemed as energetic as ever, so panic didn't spread.

"What about Ebonia?" Tianming hurriedly asked.

Yin Chen had arranged its bodies into sentences post haste: Like the Sun, the blood mist has been spreading for quite a while. People seemed fine and really euphoric, but they were really red. Yin Chen had ignored it as it didn't seem serious, not to mention Yi Daiyan had come knocking on their door back then.

'However, some wildbeasts had exploded into more b.l.o.o.d.y mist after coming into contact with it. Lifebound beasts don't seem to be affected the same way. Astral G.o.ds are completely fine.' Shenxi Xingtian was a top-tier astral G.o.d, so it was really no wonder how he managed to let his body be affected by the mist to produce more of it.

'Additionally, the whole of Ebonia is covered in the vines of the bloodline wisteria. However, they aren't moving at all. They appear to have wilted. The bloodline wisteria appeared dead, but it was the one that had spread the deadly mist across all of Ebonia.'

This took place after the five million astral G.o.ds of the Infinitum Bodhimanda had left Ebonia, so Yushan Zonglei and the others had only just received news of that. They all nervously came to Tianming's side. He had the final say, now that the Tianming Dynasty had been formed, yet he was already facing a crisis.

Yin Chen spelled out more words. 'The rate that the b.l.o.o.d.y mist is spreading is unfathomable. It's spreading faster in the Sun because of the density of people in one place. Everyone apart from astral G.o.ds had mist particulates in their body!'

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2994 - Recovering the Face and Dignity of the Ebons summary

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