Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 3220 - Minor Pathkeeper

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Chapter 3220 - Minor Pathkeeper

The award ceremony finally came to an end. Tianming would have to actually go to claim the springwater in person for any amount he required. Normally, people would immediately claim all of it, lest they die and waste it.

Everyone enviously watched Tianming and Suishen Zhao for a long time. As they talked, they soon realized something important.

"That's right! Shouldn't Suishen Zhao and Li Tianming be eligible to challenge the eighth divine idol?"

"Of course."

"The eighth divine idol hasn't descended in a long time."

"It's a combat trial, so those two children basically stand no chance. They're already in first place, anyway, so proceeding is rather pointless. Combat idols don't really help the growth of orders after all."

"Even so, the descent of the idol after such a long time is sure to be a grand sight!"

Tianming and Suishen Zhao had prepared themselves to challenge the eighth idol as most expected.

I got a key from the ancestral idol. Even though it doesn't seem likely that I'll be able to clear the next one, can I possibly find some answers about this key and that mysterious hand from it? Tianming calmed down and looked down the Prehistoric Path.

"Alright, I'll be going first and waiting for you to finis.h.!.+" Suishen Yao said after she lightly slapped Suishen Zhao on the head. It was the first time she was so gentle.

n.o.body had any expectations for them where the eighth idol was concerned, so there was no pressure. They had already obtained their rewards, and everyone just wanted to see how the rest would play out.

"Phew!" Tianming took a deep breath and looked ahead. Just as everyone was waiting for the next idol to descend, the two cloudy Prehistoric Paths scattered and the clouds beneath Tianming and Suishen Zhao completely vanished.

"What's going on?"

"Where's the Prehistoric Path?"

Even Tianming was taken aback by this sudden development.

"Is it my dad? He's the only one who can prematurely close the Prehistoric Path!" Suishen Zhao doubtfully turned back. Tianming looked in the same direction.

They watched as Eminent Ranxing addressed the crowd. "According to the Myriadpath Sacred Code, black ring disciples aren't allowed to touch the eighth and ninth divine idols. That’s an explicit rule that our ancestors have decreed. As such, the trial of the Prehistoric Path comes to an end here!"

The crowd went wild after the announcement.

"The Myriadpath Sacred Code? Those rules are really ancient!"

"They're ancient, but practical. However, is there even such a clause within it?"

"There should be. There's no way Eminent Ranxing would dare to mess around like that. It’d be a big deal if he just made up that rule."

"There might be one, but we just don't know about it. Historically, no black ring disciples have cleared the sixth idol before, much less the seventh. That's why the rule was never brought up."

People flipped through their own copies of the code.

"Found it! The rule does exist!"

"It's real...."

"Eminent Ranxing’s meticulous indeed."

Since those were the established rules, they had to be followed. Even though people wanted to see the eighth divine idol, they had no choice but to swallow their displeasure. Suishen Zhao could definitely challenge the eighth divine idol alone, but he knew that he wouldn't last even an instant, so it was pointless. That was probably why Eminent Ranxing hadn’t even let him make that decision.

"At the end of the day, I believe that the rule is only one small factor in Eminent Ranxing's decision. House Suishen’s already benefited a lot from Li Tianming, so he probably didn't want to let him go too far, lest the other two houses have their feathers ruffled."

"After this, Eminent Ranxing might nurture Li Tianming himself and make him a secret weapon of House Suishen!"

"True. Li Tianming’s been in the limelight for so long that it's time that he calmed down and adopted a low profile. Eminent Ranxing’s doing this for his own good."

"They need to strengthen Li Tianming's totems, right? Isn't that what House Suishen is good at?"

"That's it! He seems like quite a good match for Suishen Yao, in terms of both looks and talent. Even though she's a member of House Suishen's core bloodline, perhaps they'll make an exception and let an outer mundi monster like Li Tianming marry her!"

"But what about the Maniverse Path...?"

"Everyone, let's not talk about it further. No doubt, Eminent Ranxing will be making an announcement concerning his daughter's marriage soon. Suishen Yue proved himself more capable than Suishen Yuan, so he's definitely going to be Suishen Yao's husband."

Some people couldn't help but argue the point. "Didn’t Li Tianming have the best performance among them all? Not a single maniverse disciple cleared the seventh idol, but he did! Shouldn't he be the top candidate for Suishen Yao's husband?"

"Perhaps House Suishen simply can't overlook the bloodline criterion after all. Not to mention, Li Tianming’s a tainted beastmaster. His lifebound beasts are stuck to his body, so it might draw unwanted attention. He could be considered a natural-born cripple. Even if House Suishen values his talent and capabilities, there's no way that they'll let him marry a scion of the core bloodline."

"That makes sense."

Eminent Ranxing's abrupt closure of the Prehistoric Path caused the crowd to start discussing his daughter's marriage.

Tianming had wanted to find out more about the key, only for that chance to slip from him. d.a.m.n.... So we're back to saying that black ring disciples aren't truly disciples again? Even though that rule did exist, Tianming believed that Eminent Ranxing had pulled it out solely out of prejudice against him.

Oh well, I already got my decuple reward. I regret not being able to challenge the next idol, but there's nothing I can do about it. I hope there's a chance for me to challenge the last two idols in the future. He made the best out of the situation and wouldn’t let it affect him too much.

"The Myriadpath Sacred Code? I'm speechless!" Suishen Zhao seemed rather annoyed.

"Is that really that authoritative?" Tianming asked.

"Of course. Every single stipulation within it must be followed. The code’s been around since the very founding of Myriadpath Valley."

"I see...." There truly was no way.

Now that that's over, I have to focus on two things: getting my springwater and seeing if I can get my lifebound beasts to separate from me by evolving them! Tianming also had to do what he’d promised Suishen Yao.

Eminent Ranxing declared the trial over for good. After two long months of spectating, those in the audience finally started leaving to go about their usual business. However, people didn't expect that the pink-haired Eminent Jiguang would step out from the group of eminents and address the crowd. "Everyone, don't leave yet. I have one final thing to announce!"

Everyone turned and wondered why the G.o.ddess had suddenly decided to speak out. Eminent Ranxing coldly glared at her, but she didn't seem to care about it at all. She went to Tianming's side, while Suishen Yao stood on his other side. He was sandwiched between two sister-like beauties, each with their own unique flavor.

"Everyone!" Eminent Jiguang pointed at Tianming and smiled. "Since my elder brother cited the Myriadpath Sacred Code, it reminded me of yet another rule that our ancestors have set. From today onward, Li Tianming should be given the t.i.tle of minor pathkeeper!"

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 3220 - Minor Pathkeeper summary

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