Soul Land IV (Douluo Dalu) : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 944 – Return

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944 – Return

TL: BluVerse

Among these people were combat units, research units, command units, and more. Each had a clear role and purpose.

Often, a mission for the s.p.a.ce fleet took several years, sometimes even over a decade. Some individuals spent half their lives away from home once they set out.

Therefore, romantic relations.h.i.+ps were not forbidden in the s.p.a.ce fleet. In fact, to maintain the soldiers’ morale and sense of balance, the fleet was always equipped with a significant number of female soldiers. Consequently, the number of female commanders was also quite high.

The Advanced Academy’s Interstellar Command Department even gave preferential treatment to female students during admissions. However, the selection process for female cadets included additional a.s.sessments of their appearance and temperament. As a result, the fleet was never short of beautiful women.

Within the mothers.h.i.+p, there were even schools of various levels. If a woman became pregnant and had a child, the child could receive the best education. A s.p.a.ce fleet was a self-sustaining world. Many children grew up on the mothers.h.i.+p, never leaving it until they were teenagers, and instinctively considered it their home.

Bai Xiuxiu occasionally glanced at Lan Xuanyu, sensing the eagerness in his eyes.

“Do you want to be a commander? To command a wars.h.i.+p?” Bai Xiuxiu asked softly.

Lan Xuanyu nodded, “It was my childhood dream. Seeing the s.p.a.ce fleet in person made this feeling even stronger. The feeling of roaming the universe is truly wonderful.”

Bai Xiuxiu smiled slightly, “Yes! Every time our Thirty-Three Sky Wings wars.h.i.+p flies through the cosmos, there’s a special sense of freedom. I really like it too.”

Lan Xuanyu laughed, “If I join the military, I will definitely bring you along. Previously, Admiral Yu Muchen suggested that I spend some time training with the fleet. To be honest, I’m quite tempted. I’ll see what the academy thinks when we get back.”

Bai Xiuxiu replied, “Wherever you go, I’ll go. I don’t have any other family.”

Lan Xuanyu couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he gently stroked her long hair. This experience had been full of ups and downs, but it also brought him and Bai Xiuxiu closer together.

To Lan Xuanyu’s surprise, their return trip was not on the original War G.o.d No. 17 wars.h.i.+p but on a wars.h.i.+p belonging to the Seventh Fleet, escorted by four Meteor-cla.s.s attack s.h.i.+ps.

In fact, with six G.o.d-level powerhouses present, such precautions were unnecessary. This was the military’s way of showing an att.i.tude of respect.

Undoubtedly, this respect was not for Shrek Academy or the Tang Sect, and certainly not for Lan Xuanyu. It was for the confirmed Dragon King Douluo, Golden Dragon Moon Song Tang Wulin.

Given his influence on Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect, his return had a significant impact on the Federation. Both the Federation and the military were unsure of his next moves, so it was necessary to show goodwill.

Tang Wulin’s prestige, even after ten thousand years, still held immense sway within the Federation. Not to mention, it was he who had resolved the conflict between humans and soul beasts, and his orders had provided soul beasts with their own habitats.

Both the soul beasts on Senluo Planet and those on Elven Planet were undoubtedly grateful to him.

Moreover, there was the return of Silver Dragon Dance Qilin Gu Yuena. Scientists had thawed Gu Yuena but had not been able to ascertain her ident.i.ty, causing considerable embarra.s.sment for the Federation Academy of Sciences. Her influence on soul beasts was undoubtedly greater.

In the past, she had even been humanity’s greatest enemy. However, the situation had changed. The conflict and tragic love story between Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin, rooted in their respective racial stances, no longer existed. Humans and soul beasts now coexisted peacefully, and soul beasts had even been granted two administrative stars to live on. The fundamental conflict had vanished.

Therefore, both in terms of influence and personal strength, these two individuals were highly valued by the Federation. The key issue was that the Federation was unclear about their future intentions.

According to known information, both Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin seemed to have lost their previous memories. For over a decade, they had shown no intention of doing anything significant and lived a peaceful life. If not for recent events bringing them to attention, they would have continued living quietly within the Federation.

As a result, another person came under the Federation’s scrutiny: Lan Xuanyu, a student from Shrek Academy.

Gu Yuena had appeared to rescue Lan Xuanyu, and according to information later gathered from the Thirty-Three Sky Wings, Gu Yuena had told Lan Xuanyu that she might be his mother. This information was crucial.

Since Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena had been lovers, Gu Yuena’s child would naturally be Tang Wulin’s child. This meant Lan Xuanyu was very likely their son. Information about Lan Xuanyu was immediately placed before the Federation’s top officials.

Lan Xuanyu did not know the extent of the impact the rescue event had on him. But even if he had known, he would still have done it. Nothing was more important than saving Teacher Nana. No matter what pressure he faced in the future, he felt it was worth it.

The comfort of traveling on the battles.h.i.+p was significantly greater. The ma.s.sive wars.h.i.+p, over two thousand meters long, had various facilities, including dedicated rest areas, entertainment zones, and living quarters. It was almost like a small town.

Lan Xuanyu and his group were naturally arranged in the best accommodations. Tang Wulin continued to meditate and rest with the Silver Dragon Egg, and Lan Xuanyu also meditated with Bai Xiuxiu during the journey back. His spiritual power had undergone a strange change, and he knew this was a rare opportunity. The reason he hadn’t manifested a domain was likely because he was on the verge of breaking through to the Spirit Domain Realm but hadn’t fully crossed that threshold.

The Spirit Domain Realm was a crucial milestone in the breakthrough of spiritual power. If one’s spiritual power could reach this level, it significantly increased the likelihood of a soul master advancing to the rank of Limit Douluo in the future. It was also a necessary step towards achieving G.o.dhood.

Although the rescue of Nana had been successful, it reignited Lan Xuanyu’s desire for greater strength. Among the many G.o.d-level powerhouses, he felt incredibly weak. Without reaching G.o.d-level, he couldn’t become an influential figure.

After the graduation exam, he should have relaxed and taken it easy, but the sense of urgency drove him to resolve to work even harder to improve himself and to begin his next breakthrough as soon as possible.

The flight of the wars.h.i.+p through s.p.a.ce was very smooth; it hardly felt like they were in s.p.a.ce at all. The internal simulation system even made it seem like they were living on land.

Four days later, escorted by five wars.h.i.+ps, they arrived outside the atmosphere of their home planet. The wars.h.i.+ps from the Seventh Fleet would not stay on the home planet and would return directly to the Seventh Fleet. Lan Xuanyu and his group transferred to the War G.o.d Seventeen wars.h.i.+p, returned to the home planet, and went directly back to Shrek City.

As the air system switched to external circulation, a rich breath of life instantly poured in. Lan Xuanyu opened his eyes and looked out the porthole at the familiar scenery. At that moment, he suddenly felt that he had grown up. He was no longer just a boy but a young man ready to take on responsibilities.

Sunlight poured through the porthole, falling on him. Sitting beside him, Bai Xiuxiu could clearly see his long eyelashes and the golden glow that seemed to s.h.i.+mmer on his body in the sunlight, making her momentarily dazed.

They had returned. After rescuing Teacher Nana, they had successfully come back.

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Soul Land IV (Douluo Dalu) : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 944 – Return summary

You're reading Soul Land IV (Douluo Dalu) : Ultimate Fighting. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 唐家三少, Tang Jia San Shao. Already has 88 views.

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