Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2336: Mission 16

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Chapter 2336: Mission 16


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Please, Your Majesty, hold me accountable for this. Whether it entails punishment or retribution, I am prepared to bear the consequences alone. I implore you to spare everyone else within the Xu family,” Xu Yuanlong entreated.

The Emperor of Jinwei Land regarded Xu Yuanlong thoughtfully.

Undoubtedly, Xu Yuanlong bore a share of responsibility.

He had failed in his duty, a fact he readily admitted.

How could he have neglected to discipline his own daughter adequately, permitting her to precipitate such a significant calamity?

Yet, it was imperative to distinguish between intent and negligence. The Emperor of Jinwei Land remained cognizant of this fact.

Even though the Xu family had not intentionally orchestrated this debacle, they were nonetheless accountable for allowing it to happen.


The Emperor of Jinwei Land harbored no intention to directly punish the Xu family at this juncture.

With an air of composure, he stated, “Given the magnitude of this calamity, it is indeed the Xu family’s failure to maintain proper discipline. You may now begin your redemption. Since your daughter leads the paG.o.da, I shall charge your Xu family with the task of personally capturing Xu Xunnan. If you successfully apprehend her and bring her before me, I shall consider granting leniency.”

Having articulated his decree…

He signaled for the eunuch by his side to summon those waiting outside.

These individuals comprised officials and n.o.bles of Jinwei Land who had entered the palace, aware of the unfolding crisis.

The Emperor of Jinwei Land addressed them sternly, saying, “Jinwei Land has been struck by a momentous event, and each of you shares a measure of responsibility.”

“I am certain that within your families, there are women who are implicated in this matter.”

“If you wish to rectify their behavior and ensure they do not stray from our customs even in their dreams, the onus is upon you.”

“Everyone, disperse and summon all the women within your households to return to the Intermediate. As for women from ordinary households, they fall under the jurisdiction of local authorities. Dispatch messengers to notify these families to retrieve their female members and return them to their respective Intermediate residences.”

“Once a.s.sembled, these women shall be subject to registration and, if deemed necessary, face appropriate penalties.”

“Women lack the innate ability to cultivate and, consequently, the qualifications to engage in cultivation. This age-old rule, upheld for millennia, is unbreakable. The audacity of these women is perplexing. Could they aspire to a.s.sume a prominent role within Jinwei Land?”

“Men devote themselves to cultivation and serve as leaders outside the home, while women preside over domestic affairs. If everyone partakes in cultivation, Jinwei Land will plunge into disarray. In that case, will there be room for me to govern? Will I allow women to overstep their bounds and dictate all decisions?”

“Such talk is absurd!”

The Emperor of Jinwei Land delivered his statement with unwavering gravity, emphasizing the larger stakes at hand. This matter pertained not only to his interests as the ruler but also to the well-being of all men.

The men present wore ashen expressions, their countenances grim and disheartened.

How could they fail to grasp the underlying rationale? No one favored a rule that had endured for thousands of years, especially when it concerned women of lower status.

What privileges did they possess?

Their sole purpose was to bear offspring.

How audacious these women were to entertain the notion of being on equal footing with men like them!

Jinwei Land currently faced upheaval. Many women within their families had displayed blatant defiance and flocked to the paG.o.da, to their intense exasperation.

What lay ahead?

Now that the Emperor had personally issued a mandate, upon departing from the palace, they would be heading to the paG.o.da to retrieve the women from their households, utilizing whatever means necessary—be it reprimanding, chastising, or employing any other methods.

“We acknowledge the decree!” The a.s.sembled group of aggrieved individuals responded in unison.

At this, the Emperor of Jinwei Land’s countenance lightened somewhat.

He motioned for them to depart, saying, “Go and execute the directive. I expect to witness results within three days..”

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Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2336: Mission 16 summary

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