Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2392: Mission 72

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Chapter 2392: Mission 72


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

“If they wish to meet me, it might imply they harbor no hostile intentions and are not seeking conflict,” Gu Chaoyan mused.

Giles was torn and didn’t know how to interpret the situation. Ultimately, he nodded, acknowledging that, indeed, the Thunder Fire Clan had displayed no signs of ill intent thus far.

Gu Chaoyan more or less grasped the unfolding situation.

“In that case, let’s meet them. I want to understand what they’re after.”

Internally, Gu Chaoyan contemplated the circ.u.mstances.

She turned to Garcia and instructed, “Garcia, keep trying to improve your skills. If you succeed, continue refining your craft in this manner moving forward. If you encounter any difficulties, I’ll be there to teach you.”

After delivering her orders, Gu Chaoyan addressed Giles with calm a.s.surance. “Let’s go.”

Giles, though somewhat perplexed, nodded in response.

For a brief moment, he was uncertain about the exact nature of the situation.

Initially, he had believed that upon hearing about the Thunder Fire Clan’s arrival, the Tribe Chief would revert to her previous behavior, showing little concern for the welfare of her clansmen and seeking to curry favor with the Thunder Fire Clan.

However, it was evident that her response was far from what he had expected. Not only did she not act in the same manner as before, but she also displayed a heightened sense of concern for the clan’s well-being.

Had the Tribe Chief truly undergone a transformation? Giles found himself somewhat pleased.

The pallor that had previously marred his complexion had vanished, yet he couldn’t fully relax. While the Tribe Chief appeared rational at the moment, he remained unsure of her reaction after meeting with the Thunder Fire Tribe.

Giles remained troubled as they continued their journey.

After some time, he nervously inquired, “Tribe Chief, you won’t abandon us again, will you?”

As Gu Chaoyan walked calmly, the words from Giles struck her, causing her to fix him with a stern gaze.

Suddenly, it all clicked in her mind. She recalled why the name Thunder Fire Clan sounded so familiar. Aina had once shared that the Tribe Chief’s self-destructive tendencies, as well as the dissatisfaction and neglect from the clan members, were somehow tied to this Tribe Chief. This Tribe Chief had taken actions that disappointed her clansmen due to her affection for the Thunder Fire Tribe’s Leader.

This realization explained Giles’ recent expressions and his anxiety and concern. He had been apprehensive that the Tribe Chief might repeat the past and lead the clan into a path of eternal suffering.

Understanding his concerns, she gave Giles a rea.s.suring pat on the shoulder and spoke earnestly, “Giles, you needn’t worry about me making the same mistakes as before. I’ve learned from my past actions and know how reckless and irresponsible I was in the past. Now, I’m fully aware that my primary duty is to the clan. Everything within the clan holds the utmost importance to me.”

“Whether it’s the bamboo houses in the clan or the bows and arrows, they all belong to our clan. Everything else is out of bounds. I won’t let anyone succeed in taking them.”

“If they’ve come to befriend us, we’ll offer them hospitality and share our food and drinks. Anything else, they can forget about.”

“You don’t need to worry, and tell the clan members not to worry either. I won’t abandon any of you.”

Gu Chaoyan spoke resolutely.

Her words weren’t limited to Giles; they were heard loud and clear by any concerned clan members who crossed their path.

She had established her principles and knew precisely how to act.

She was determined not to let the clan members descend into panic.

For some inexplicable reason, Giles felt a sense of rea.s.surance upon hearing her words.

It might have been because the Tribe Chief had never expressed such sentiments before, or perhaps it was the unwavering confidence in her voice that instilled trust in him.

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Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2392: Mission 72 summary

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