I Am Loaded With Passive Skills Chapter 2401: Comprehending All Things With Precision (3)

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Chapter 2401: Comprehending All Things With Precision (3)


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

She hurriedly glanced around until she realized that no one had noticed her peculiar behavior, and her pounding heart finally settled somewhat.

Waiting idly for a hare was incredibly dull.

Yu Zhiwen’s gaze quickly lost focus once more, her thoughts drifting away again—some dreams, upon waking and sleeping again, could be seamlessly continued:

“A scent? What scent?”

“Just… a smell…”

“A smell? You can even detect Xu Xiaoshou’s scent?”

“Yes… I… we… in… the… White… Cavern…”


“Nothing! I actually perceived it wrong! I’m sorry!”

The young girl’s fluttering heart, like aimless wind, carried away into the void, unfurled myriad scenes, shaping countless beautiful stories impossible to articulate in words.

Until the voice in the Heavenly Group’s combat channel grew incredibly solemn, serious, and deep:

“Yu Zhiwen! Report!”

Yu Zhiwen’s delicate body trembled.

At that moment, her starry eyes shook, hastily responding to Hallmaster Dao’s words.

“I-I’m here!”

“Were you possessed? It took six calls to get a response. Are you now Xu Xiaoshou?”

“N-No… how could I have anything to do with Xu Xiaoshou?”

Yu Zhiwen waved her hands frantically, as if Hallmaster Dao were right there questioning her, stumbling through her explanation: “I have no… connection with Xu Xiaoshou… um…”

The entire Heavenly Group’s combat channel fell abruptly silent.

Even the reports being made halted at this moment.

Standing atop the Pearl Tower, Yu Zhiwen felt as if struck by lightning, her mind going blank.

Just as her hands dropped, her astrolabe fell, the clatter louder than any saint calamity, prompting her to quickly bend down and pick it up.

What was she saying?

Wasn’t this just making things worse?

No, there was nothing between them, why would there be any thoughts of covering up… Why was she so nervous?

Yu Zhiwen’s chest heaved rapidly, her thoughts in disarray. After taking a deep breath, she finally calmed down:

“Vermilion Bird Golden Tower, Yu Zhiwen in position.”

“Good. What were you doing just now?”

“Picking up… inspecting the astrolabe…”

“Don’t be too engrossed. The Four Symbols Secret Realm is not the Path Division, and now is not the time for you to indulge in Divine Secrets. Remember to keep a part of your mind alert, and focus on the Heavenly Group’s combat channel.”

“Oh, okay.”

On top of the Vermilion Bird Golden Tower, Yu Zhiwen gripped her astrolabe, listening to the resumption of reports from all around, letting out a long sigh of relief.

What was this feeling of narrowly escaping death…

Before she could even celebrate the fact that she hadn’t been caught slacking off, Hallmaster Dao paused for a moment, his soft and serene voice came through again:

“Now is the time for a private conversation. Don’t worry, others can’t hear the following.”


Yu Zhiwen’s heart skipped a beat.

A private conversation…

Why would he want to talk to her privately?

At that moment, the fear in her heart was like those early days in the Path Division.

In the cla.s.sroom of Divine Secrets, any mistake would be pointed out by Hallmaster Dao; any lapse in concentration would be met with his scrutinizing gaze.

Those who hadn’t studied Divine Secrets couldn’t understand the terror of Hallmaster Dao—he could see every detail, spot every mistake; he pursued “absolute perfection”!

So, what did Hallmaster Dao see?

“Hallmaster Dao…”

“Little Yu, this isn’t the cla.s.sroom, no need to be nervous.”


“Then, can you tell me now, did you notice anything unusual?”

“N-No… nothing unusual…”

“Nothing? Then why did you suddenly check the astrolabe?”

“I… Yu Zhiwen stumbled for words, “Just… routine check?”

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I Am Loaded With Passive Skills Chapter 2401: Comprehending All Things With Precision (3) summary

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