Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss Chapter 131: Do You Have A Problem With Me?

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Chapter 131: Do You Have A Problem With Me?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Huo Jinyan swallowed the food in his mouth and pondered over it before asking her. “I do know about such a market, but it sells wholesale Chinese medicine. Is that what you need?”

Huo Yao nodded in affirmation.

“Why are you suddenly inquiring about this?” asked Huo Jinyan curiously.

Huo Yao lowered her head and ate a bite of the porridge. After a moment, she replied unhurriedly. “I need to get some medicine.”

Huo Jinyan was silent for a few seconds when he received his daughter’s brief reply. But he did not probe her further and merely said, “There’s money in the card I gave you. Don’t be shy about spending it.”

Huo Yao’s lips twitched and she answered him vaguely. “Okay.”

A sad look crept up on Huo Jinyan’s face when he noticed that Huo Yao did not take his words to heart.

Lu Xia always tried to squeeze money out of them when she lived with the Huo family. Although they were well-to-do, Song Ning and Huo Jinyan did not want Lu Xia to grow up in a spendthrift and arrogant manner, so they did not give her a huge allowance and never disclosed their family’s real wealth.

But the Lu family unexpectedly accused them of ill-treating Lu Xia because of these actions. Also, it became Lu Xia’s excuse for leaving them without hesitation for her rich biological parents. In hindsight, it was absolutely ironic.

Although their biological daughter led a hard life, Huo Yao did not buy anything for herself even after they gave her money. She did not use a dime from the bank card and did not spend money frivolously because she thought that they were poor.

It made her parents feel both proud and sad. Their smart and adorable baby girl must have suffered a lot to develop such a personality. Hence her parents decided to do their best in order to satisfy her desires. They wanted to make up for not being there for her all these years.

But... Huo Jinyan could not help letting out a grimace at the thought of his unused black card.


When Huo Yao heard her father exhale deeply, she could not help taking a second look at him. She asked him with a frown. “What’s wrong?”

Huo Jinyan sighed deeply again and gazed at her begrudgingly in silence with a pitiful look on his face.

Huo Yao, “???”


Shortly after Huo Yao reached school, she was asked to go to the teacher’s office yet again. The student, who pa.s.sed her the message, told her secretly that the cla.s.s advisor looked upset. He even warned Huo Yao about the consequences of triggering Chen Yu.

Huo Yao smiled and thanked him before quickly going to the office.

Huo Yao was stunned by the glum look on Chen Yu’s face when she entered the staff room. She touched the tip of her nose and wondered. Was it because she did abysmally during the monthly test?

Huo Yao walked over and said obediently, “Miss Chen, you wanted to see me?”

Chen Yu looked at Huo Yao for a long time with a complicated expression. She said glumly, “Huo Yao, do you have a problem with me?”

Huo Yao’s lips twitched. She did not know what to say.

“The test results for the monthly test are almost ready. You performed brilliantly in all subjects, except for your language paper...”

Chen Yu paused. She recalled the moment when she first laid eyes on Huo Yao’s language paper and could not help wanting to hammer her chest.

Even though she completed the paper and her beautiful handwriting was pleasing to the eye, her grades... left Chen Yu so heartbroken.

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Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss Chapter 131: Do You Have A Problem With Me? summary

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