The Yun Family's Ninth Child Is An Imp! Chapter 5932 was this mask the Demon Emperor's?

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Chapter 5932: Chapter 5932 was this mask the Demon Emperor’s?


Translator: 549690339

The Little Yellow Dragon felt that the time of happiness was too short. It had not even had the chance to say a few words to sister peach blossom before it was sent back to Sha Xing’s side?

Could it refuse?

Di beiming said indifferently, “When the trial ends, I will leave directly. Let it stay to protect you.

“Although it’s a little useless, it’s still a little stronger than your few.”

The little dragon nodded its head vigorously. “Yes, yes, I’m very useful. Can You Keep Me?”

The pleading in the Little Dragon’s eyes was so real that it almost knelt down and kowtowed.

Yun chujiu could not help but find it funny. Seeing that di beiming insisted, she could only nod. “Alright, then I’ll keep it for a period of time. I’ll return it to you once I’ve established myself in the Academy of ten directions.”

Di beiming shot a warning glance at the little yellow dragon who could not help but be overjoyed. The little yellow dragon immediately became listless and did not dare to show off anymore.

Yun chujiu kept the little yellow dragon. She thought of the red mask and said excitedly,

“Prince Charming, quick, take out that mask. I will let that old fool Sha Mo recognize it and see if it is the mask of the Devil Emperor.”

Di beiming immediately took out the red mask and Hei Xinjiu also let Sha Mo out.

“Sha Mo, take a look at what this is.”Hei Xinjiu took the red mask from di beiming and shook it.

Sha Mo’s eyes were filled with disbelief, and he knelt down on the ground. “The Devil Emperor has unified the three thousand continents for thousands of generations!”

Yun Chujiu:”…”

Di beiming:”…”

Did Sha Mo turn stupid after being locked up?

Sha Mo was so excited that tears streamed down his face as he said with a trembling voice:

“Why do you have the Devil Emperor’s mask in your hands? Where is His Majesty the Devil Emperor? Quick, bring me to him, I want to escort him back to the Devil Continent.”

Yun Chujiu played with the red mask in her hands: “Is this mask really your devil emperor’s?”

Sha Mo said excitedly: “Of course it is! I can smell the sacred aura of the Devil Emperor, quickly tell me, where is the reincarnation of the Devil Emperor?”

Yun chujiu blinked her eyes and pointed at di beiming, “Here, the mask is his. He is your Devil Emperor.”

Sha Mo looked at di beiming suspiciously. Although this man had an extraordinary appearance, the Devil Emperor in his memory was not like this.

Not to mention his figure, his temperament was very different. Moreover, he did not have a red mole between his eyebrows!

Sha Mo was too agitated just now. Now that he regained his senses, he looked at the red mask in Yun Chujiu’s hand. His expression changed as he looked at it:

“You Stupid Girl, you tricked me again! No wonder you asked me for the Devil Emperor’s portrait. So you wanted to fake the Devil Emperor’s mask to trick me! This is outrageous!”

Yun chujiu was so angry that she was amused!

“Sha Mo, even if you want to deduct the charges against me, can you at least be more reliable? ! You said it yourself. You smelled the unique aura of the Devil Emperor. Why are you saying that I forged the mask now?”

Sha Mo said exasperatedly, “Humph! I don’t know what method you used to make this devil emperor mask to be tainted with the faint aura of the devil emperor, but the real can’t be fake, and the fake can’t be real.

The Devil Emperor Mask is a magic tool that is difficult to find even with thousands of gold coins. But the mask in your hand clearly has no magic power at all. It is clearly forged by you.”

Yun chujiu curled her lips. “If I wanted to lie to you, why would I need to go through so much trouble? You think too highly of yourself!

“To tell you the truth, this mask was found in the underground palace. I guess your demon Emperor was killed, that’s why the mask was put in the Jade Box.”

“Who is it? Whose Jade Box is that? I want to fight him to the death!”Sha Mo’s eyes were red as he said.

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The Yun Family's Ninth Child Is An Imp! Chapter 5932 was this mask the Demon Emperor's? summary

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