Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2419 Planning! Insertion! Enchantment! (2)

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Chapter 2419  Planning! Insertion! Enchantment! (2)

And they also knew w.a.n.g Teng's true ident.i.ty. He was not only a member of the Academy Arbitration a.s.sociation but also had deep ties with the Virtual Universe Corporation.

All of this indicated that following the young genius in front of them was much stronger than being universe pirates in the Phantom Drift Territorial Domain.

So at this moment, the hearts of these universe pirates were filled with fervor. They felt they had found a true leader, and the future seemed bright.

Tracy even witnessed the politeness of the elders of the five major families towards w.a.n.g Teng. It filled her with incredulity.

Those were eternal-stage powerhouses!

She had lived for so long and had never seen such strength. But w.a.n.g Teng, as a cosmos-stage martial warrior, could make several eternal-stage beings wary. It was simply beyond her imagination.

To her, w.a.n.g Teng was like a ray of dawn suddenly appearing in the darkness, adding a different possibility to her previously visible path of cultivation.

She had to seize this possibility. Otherwise, she might regret it for the rest of her life.


At a time when everyone's thoughts were varied, a calm voice came from above them.

"We dare not, My Lord!" The heaven-stage martial warriors not only didn't stand up but spoke with extreme trepidation.

Only Tracy's gaze flickered as she stood up calmly, showing respect to w.a.n.g Teng while maintaining her dignity, slightly bowing her body.

w.a.n.g Teng, seeing this scene, remained unchanged in expression and spoke again, "You may all rise. In the future, do as I say, without the need to speculate about my intentions."

"I am a straightforward person. I don't need any flattery. As long as you carry out the tasks I a.s.sign, even if you don't know how to b.u.t.ter me up, I will still value you. But if you give me lip service and deceive me behind my back, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Yes!" Everyone's heart skipped a beat. They didn't dare to slack off and stood up.

w.a.n.g Teng glanced around, causing the several heaven-stage martial warriors to feel a bit uneasy, unsure of what he was about to do. Then they heard him continue, "Your performance during my time on Five Burial Stars was quite satisfactory. I am pleased."

A sense of joy rose in the hearts of the group. It seemed their choice was correct. Previously, under the influence of w.a.n.g Teng's Enchantment skill, they couldn't resist his commands internally. Yet, in moments when w.a.n.g Teng didn't issue orders, they often harbored rebellious thoughts. Fortunately, out of respect for w.a.n.g Teng's power, they refrained from acting on those impulses. Otherwise, today's outcome might have been very different.

In reality, they didn't know that even if they occasionally harbored rebellious thoughts, they could never act on them.

That was the terrifying aspect of the Enchantment skill.

It could subtly influence the psyche of its targets, even without their awareness

"I'm leaving the Phantom Domain," w.a.n.g Teng spoke again.

The universe pirates, including Tracy, were surprised. Here it comes!

They thought w.a.n.g Teng was about to take them with him. However…

"But I don't intend to take you with me," w.a.n.g Teng's gaze swept over them as he spoke slowly.

This statement instantly made the universe pirates' hearts sink. Their expressions changed, and their boundless hope turned into uncontrollable disappointment.

"Is he going back on his words?" Tracy even clenched her fists, a hint of unwillingness in her eyes.

w.a.n.g Teng noticed the reactions of the group, and a faintly meaningful smile played at the corners of his mouth. "You should know that I am currently the supervisory councilor of Five Burial Stars, with an inseparable connection to the Phantom Drift Territorial Domain. So during my absence, I need you to be my eyes in the Phantom Drift Territorial Domain."

At his words, they all turned to w.a.n.g Teng, hope reigniting in their eyes.

He wanted them to be his eyes?!

Although they didn't fully understand what he meant, it seemed that Councilor w.a.n.g Teng didn't intend to abandon them.

"You are natives of the Phantom Drift Territorial Domain, and no one knows that you are a.s.sociated with me. So during my absence from the Phantom Drift Territorial Domain, I need you to remain there, recruit manpower, infiltrate various factions, and provide me with useful intelligence. If anything happens, I need to know immediately," w.a.n.g Teng explained.

The group suddenly realized the purpose behind w.a.n.g Teng's instructions.

Wasn't he asking them to act as "undercover agents"?

Now that they understood, they weren't afraid anymore.

Despite not having experience as undercover agents, as universe pirates, they were adept at infiltrating various factions and gathering intelligence.

"Lord, when you refer to various factions, does it include the three major universe pirate groups?" Payne asked cautiously.

The others were startled by his question, looking at Payne as if to say…

How dare you even think about that?

The three major universe pirate gangs held an extraordinary position among the universe pirates. Sending them to infiltrate the three major groups would be akin to courting death.

Therefore, as soon as Payne asked the question, the others a.s.sumed he must be out of his mind.

He was seeking recognition at the risk of his own life.

Many silently scoffed.

"If you have the ability to do so, I would be pleased, and if successful, I won't forget your contributions," w.a.n.g Teng glanced at him. Payne was one of the first s.p.a.ce pirates he had recruited, quite astute and smooth-tongued. w.a.n.g Teng wondered if Payne could surprise him.

"Since it's what you need, I'll do everything in my power to a.s.sist you, and share your burdens," Payne replied immediately.


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Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2419 Planning! Insertion! Enchantment! (2) summary

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