My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires Chapter 881: Two Powerful Beings.

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Chapter 881: Two Powerful Beings.

"What's your name?" s.h.i.+va asked.

"G.o.d of destruction…" The Elder with a grotesque appearance that seemed to come straight out of a horror movie, spoke with an emotionless tone of voice that intimidated all those with weak hearts.

Unfortunately, the man in front of this Elder G.o.d was not a weak-hearted being, and his appearance did not provoke anything in s.h.i.+va.

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"So when I destroy you, at least one person will remember you."

The Elder G.o.d's eyes shone, and in the next moment, a gigantic blast of fire shot out of his mouth towards s.h.i.+va.

s.h.i.+va raised his eyebrow: "Well, that was rude." He flexed his power a little, and the energy of destruction expanded around him, destroying the fire and reducing it to nothingness.

"My name is Nur, the G.o.d of the elements."

"Mm, your name will be remembered by me." s.h.i.+va nodded in a bored manner.

"...Die!" Nur started attacking him with his elements. He knew he couldn't touch him because if he did that, he would just be destroyed.

The reason for s.h.i.+va's mood? It's simple: he didn't see how this G.o.d could be a challenge to him. Is that arrogance? No, it's just an undeniable fact.

s.h.i.+va does not consider himself an arrogant person. If he had fought with Victor or The Heavenly Father, his stance would be completely different. After all, both beings had the capacity to resist their destruction.

The heavenly father had the concept of creation within him, and Victor... Well, he didn't know whether or not Victor had anything to counter his destruction, but he wouldn't underestimate him. Everyone knew very well what happened to those who underestimated Victor.

But it wasn't just that. When s.h.i.+va looked at Victor, he couldn't see a 'clear' way to his victory. As was shown in the gathering of supernatural beings, he not only had a lot of energy, but he also had an entire hidden civilization under him.

How many more secrets did Victor hide from himself? As long as s.h.i.+va doesn't know everyone, he won't be 100% sure he could beat Victor.

While s.h.i.+va was absentmindedly thinking, Nur, Nightingale's G.o.d of the elements, threw several attacks at him.

Water, fire, air, earth, steam, lava, ice, light, darkness, all known elements and their combinations, he threw at s.h.i.+va. The damage around s.h.i.+va was quite visible, but within s.h.i.+va's sphere of influence, nothing pa.s.sed, as everything was simply evaporated from existence.

The concept of destruction is second only to the concept of END. While the destruction of s.h.i.+va destroyed everything to be used later by a G.o.d of creation…n.--.)(-)(--.I/-n

The END Concept deletes everything to never exist again.

Does this mean that s.h.i.+va was invincible? Far from that, he had weaknesses. The concept of creation could contradict him, as well as superior divine energies, such as primordial energy used by primordial beings, as well as beings that have within them the concept of BEGIN and END.

Not only that, beings that have an absurdly large amount of negative and positive energy can also counter the effects of their destruction. After all, positive and negative energies cover all existing concepts, including BEGIN and END.

But it is impossible to find someone like this other than the world trees. These energies are exclusive to those unique beings...

'The universal rule of energies is clear: first comes the energy produced by the primordial chaos known as primordial energy that only primordial beings can use, then comes the negativity and positivity that only the world trees can use, then come the concepts of the G.o.ds whose BEGIN and END are at the top as the most important...' s.h.i.+va touched his chin as he thought about it.


"What?" A giant fist headed towards s.h.i.+va with a speed that didn't match the creature's size.

When the fist entered the area of effect of the power of destruction... The being's entire arm was destroyed.

"Don't you realize this is useless?" s.h.i.+va asked, genuinely confused. "You have no qualifications to fight me. I'm not being arrogant. That's just an undeniable fact."

"It doesn't matter-." When Nur went to say something, he and s.h.i.+va looked toward Victor's presence, who suddenly disappeared.

"...It seems like it has started, huh."

"What did you do?" s.h.i.+va raised his eyebrow.

"Our plans went off the rails when you and that foreign woman joined the war, but the plan still continued. From the beginning, the target will always be Victor Alucard... This abomination needs to be eliminated."

'If it were that easy... Many others would have done it already.' s.h.i.+va thought. Victor was built with a monstrous talent that became even more refined each time he went through difficulty. If these beings were not able to eliminate him with this trap, one thing was certain:

'He will come back stronger than ever.'


Several roars of furious dragons were heard in the distance, and s.h.i.+va looked toward WarFall and saw the damage the women were doing.

His spine chilled slightly when he saw Jeanne use small traces of primordial energy in her attack. 'What scary women...'

Little did he know that Jeanne wasn't even trying to use this primordial energy and was simply leaking out naturally because of her anger.

Seeing the destruction caused by women, he a.s.sessed that if these women were berserkers in their pantheon, nothing would be left. Their G.o.ds were not as strong as them.

'And he even has more true dragons in his faction.'

"...I think it's time to do my job." s.h.i.+va looked at Nur.

The Elder G.o.d felt that his existence was being judged by that G.o.d.

"As a favor, I will make sure you don't feel anything." The pressure in s.h.i.+va's body began to increase drastically.

"Any last words?"

"You are a hypocritical G.o.d of destruction; you act like a G.o.d of justice, but in the end, just like all the other G.o.ds, you are just a hypocrite."

"...I agree with you..." s.h.i.+va spoke naturally. "I chose to sacrifice you so that I can have an alliance with a powerful faction that will help not only my pantheon, but everyone on the planet in the future."

"Powerful enemies are coming, enemies from different galaxies with strange resources and technologies, enemies that can even threaten me."

"Mortals and G.o.ds need to be united, and that won't happen until some plagues are removed."

"Choose the minority for the largest number… Huh?"

"Exactly... Now, have a trip, Nur. I hope that next time, you will make the correct decision." s.h.i.+va's entire body was covered by the power of destruction until he flexed his presence.

His power exploded in a controlled direction, reaching Nur's entire body... An attack made using just his own presence, and that was enough to evaporate the Elder G.o.d from existence.

From the beginning, the G.o.d never stood a chance, looking at the particles in the sky that will eventually join creation, s.h.i.+va thought. 'I wonder how Kali can do this. Her very existence is becoming destruction itself, and there will come a time when she will no longer be able to interact with anyone because her own power will not allow it.'

The reason s.h.i.+va didn't seek more strength was simple, a simple little thing that all beings had.


In his current state, if he stopped controlling his own power, everything around him would be destroyed, and the power of his divinity did not even compare to Kali. He could not imagine how he would be able to spend thousands of years isolated in one place training. He didn't have that ability. He loved his wife too much to do something like that.

"I think I should end my fight too."

s.h.i.+va looked at Velnorah, who was once again with armor made of machines in her hands. He looked at the Elder G.o.d she was fighting and saw that he was trapped in a type of translucent blue barrier, unable to get out.

'Can this be called a fight?' s.h.i.+va wondered although he couldn't judge much since his fight was similar to Velnorah's. He was simply far superior to his opponent.

The woman opened her arms wide and closed them in the middle as if she were squeezing something invisible.

Suddenly, the blue barrier around the Elder G.o.d began to shrink at a frightening rate.

s.h.i.+va watched blankly as the Elder G.o.d's entire existence shrank to the size of a ball of flesh, and this included the being's very soul.

'... Scary woman and her weird technologies.' He couldn't tell if this power was coming from her technology or if it was her own power. He also couldn't even see what kind of divinity she had; the woman was simply a walking enigma.

'Foreigner, huh...' s.h.i.+va narrowed his eyes slightly at the woman but decided not to do anything. After all, she was an ally for now.

"How long were you keeping him in that barrier?"

"From the start," Velnorah responded as she looked at the ball of meat and then placed that ball of meat into a device on her equipment, where it took out several other b.a.l.l.s of meat.

"Why didn't you finish the fight from the beginning?"

"I can ask you that same question, G.o.d of destruction. Why didn't you finish the fight from the beginning?" Velnorah looks at s.h.i.+va. She was standing completely straight in an alert stance like an experienced soldier who had been through thousands of wars.

"I was lost in thought." s.h.i.+va was honest.

"I understand. I was also lost in thought." Velnorah nodded.

s.h.i.+va frowned slightly. He didn't like the woman's tone a bit, but when he tried to use his power to further feel the things the woman was hiding, he was surprised when the woman appeared in front of him and placed her huge hand made of metal he doesn't recognize on his shoulder.

And the most unbelievable thing was that he was still using his divinity to protect himself, but the destruction wasn't doing anything to it.

"G.o.d of destruction…" The woman's giant metal hand squeezed his shoulder: "Don't make me lose my temper. Let's remain allies, okay?"

"...Just who are you?"

"My ident.i.ty is of no interest to you." She removed s.h.i.+va's hand and placed both her hands in an upright position like a soldier.

She looks at s.h.i.+va with her eyes without lowering her head. "Just understand that for now, we are allies."

She turned around, making her long blue hair toss back, and floated in the direction where Victor was fighting, and then she hovered a few CM away from the ground.

"a.n.a.lysis." She ordered in her mother tongue.

[a.n.a.lyzing...] Several holograms appeared in front of her.

[... Recognizing... Identifying... Found. Energy trail leads to sector 9.99999999....]

Seeing the infinite nine appearing in front of her, Velnorah dispersed the screen and narrowed her eyes. 'How is someone from this low sector able to access the edges of the expanding cosmos?' Unlike Earth, Nightingale's planet was a still developing sector.

Velnorah was increasingly surprised by the capabilities of the beings that are connected to planet Earth.

'The only being I remember capable of doing a similar feat was a s.p.a.ce G.o.d... Is the leader's divinity related to s.p.a.ce in some way?' As Velnorah thought, she remained in an upright position, staring blankly at a specific location.

She didn't care at all about the fight around her or s.h.i.+va's gaze... She didn't even care about Haruna and Vlad's fight, which was getting more and more dangerous. Unlike s.h.i.+va and her, Haruna and Vlad did not have a power that completely surpa.s.sed the Elder G.o.d.

She didn't even care about the fact that by killing the Elder G.o.d and turning him into a ball of meat, she completely stopped the Elder G.o.d's monster production.

For Velnorah, the most important thing now was to understand the phenomenon that only s.p.a.ce G.o.ds had managed to achieve in their galaxy.

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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires Chapter 881: Two Powerful Beings. summary

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