Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1241 Settle

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Chapter 1241  Settle

w.a.n.g Wei did not want to spend much time in this battle, so he went all out from the very beginning. His body released a dark and eerie aura that enveloped the surroundings. The Ruthless King was immediately on guard, which was a wise move.

A ghost-like figure dressed in all black, with a bony face and a scythe, suddenly manifested behind him and swung its weapon. The Ruthless King felt that death itself had come knocking on his door, so his intuition warned him to get as far away as possible from this embodiment of death.

His feet turned golden, with small dragons rotating around his ankle. With one step, the Ruthless King was a few hundred lightyears away from the creature. However, w.a.n.g Wei had predicted his movement as he moved exactly next to a colossal black door that became visible due to his presence.

The door opened, releasing a suction force, trying to capture him. The Ruthless King heard the cries of millions of souls, many of which he felt were people he had once killed. He resisted the suction, trying to move away from this terrifying thing. However, w.a.n.g Wei suddenly appeared before him and punched him into the door.

The Ruthless King's [Dragon Protection Technique] manifested the head of a dragon in the exact spot where w.a.n.g Wei's fist landed, protecting him from a direct attack from the fist. However, the force behind the punch still sent him flying into that terrifying door that resembled a ferocious beast's maw.

As the Ruthless King approached the death door, he finally used his Dao. 'I reject death,' he screamed in his mind, and that's exactly what happened. His Rejection Dao allowed him to reject the very concept of death itself. The door dissipated, but the Ruthless King's suffering had only begun.

"What about the death of the mind?" w.a.n.g Wei's voice echoed. The Ruthless King found himself in his Sea of Consciousness, but with each pa.s.sing moment, everything around him turned slightly darker. He knew once everything turned black, this would mean the death of his mind, his memories — the death of his soul.

He tried to reject death a second time, but this attempt was futile. The Ruthless King reacted swiftly and changed tactics. He rejected all negative status affecting his mind, soul, and spirit. His swift reaction allowed him to block the enemy's technique, but his soul was slightly injured in the process.


A powerful force hit the Ruthless King on his chest, sending him flying away. His dragon protection cracked under the sheer power of that fist and the additional boost from the enemy's True Will. Luckily for him, his Dao Will was decent, and he protected himself. The Ruthless King rejected all force and momentum around him, allowing him to regain control of his body.

However, he saw a pair of terrifying eyes coldly glancing at him. A terrifying pain rushed to his body; the pain was so intense that his soul, no, his very existence, could feel it. As he was about to reject pain from his body, w.a.n.g Wei's fist exploded his head and annihilated his soul with one punch.

Such a swift and decisive move should have ended this battle. However, this was far from the truth. The Ruthless King's headless body suddenly exploded, forcing w.a.n.g Wei to take five steps back into the void.

"A longevity resource?" he muttered. w.a.n.g Wei could tell his opponent was not dead, "However, with his background, it makes sense." He looked in the distance, and as expected, the Ruthless King revived with a grim expression. The situation was less than ideal, and when it came to someone of this caliber, he could not even use his longevity technique to fake his death. 'What is taking him so long?' The Ruthless King was still hoping for the Hidden Master to come to rescue him.

'Father, please surrender,' the second prince suddenly transmitted through divine sense.

'Shut up, you unfilial son,' the Ruthless King reb.u.t.ted.

'Look around. We have no chance.'

The Ruthless King saw the situation. His legions first had the advantage, but with time, these mindless puppets that have no fear and are boosted by countless ghosts started to wear them out and slowly regain the lead. The Barbarian King instantly captured his first son, while the second barely held on with the help of the Martial Gang Lord, who was once his greatest general.

"You should have noticed the difference between our power," w.a.n.g Wei said. "Now, why don't you do the smart thing and surrender? It's fine if you don't want to serve under anyone else. You can retire and choose one of your sons to become my subordinate."

"Save your breath," the Ruthless King replied without hesitation, making w.a.n.g Wei exhale deeply.

"I truly hate people like you," w.a.n.g Wei stated. His offers have been more than generous, considering he was trying to conquer this place and not play around. However, this man refused any and all concessions. His stubbornness reminded him of that guy from the Martial Hegemony World.

"Fine. Have it your way," w.a.n.g Wei sneered. "I'll ensure you stay dead this time." As w.a.n.g Wei went on the offensive, the Ruthless King responded in kind. His body released a strange yellow mist-like energy, which was, in fact, Final Grandmist.

The Ruthless King used one of Empyrean's desperate measures. He sacrificed his Grandmist World, destroying it and killing all the lives inside to revert them into Cosmos Grandmist Qi; he then sacrificed his Grandmist Wheel to reverse Yang into Yin, turning the Cosmos Grandmist into Final Grandmist.

The Ruthless King transformed the intense yellow energy in his palms into dragons to magnify their effects as he rushed toward w.a.n.g Wei with a brutal attack.

'No matter how good his defense or his control of True Will, the potent effect of the Final Grandmist should be enough to severely injure him. Once that happens, it will be easier for me to prolong this battle,' the Ruthless King thought, his actions decisive and ruthless.

Sadly, the Ruthless King made two mistakes. Firstly, he severely underestimated the effect of [Limit Indestructibility], especially in the Empyrean Realm. As such, even if he were facing Mongke, this attack would only lightly injure him.

The second mistake was he did not know his opponent well enough. Grandmist is considered the first Qi/force/power of the Chaos Universe, but that's not entirely true. Nothingness was the first. Although it only existed briefly before becoming Grandmist, it is still the predecessor. As such, w.a.n.g Wei, whose body was nourished by nothingness, had an extremely high immunity to Final Grandmist.

However, he did not use this immunity for this clash. Instead, he used an absorbing spell to swallow all of the Ruthless King's Grandmist Qi and convert it into the [Power of Nothingness]. As such, the final result of this clash was w.a.n.g Wei holding a shocked Ruthless King by his neck as he looked at him calmly.

"You're lucky. You did not annoy me enough or be such a threat that I need to go the extra length to grant you true death," w.a.n.g Wei calmly stated. "And by the time you revive yourself, it should be time for your dynasty to judge your incompetence."

The Ruthless King's body dissipated. His eyes showed calmness, even a sense of relief.

'The battle over there is finished?' Mongke thought. 'I guess I should put an end to this.'

[Giant Pressure]

He summoned the weight of all the giants fused in his body and converted them into a gravitational pressure that he released on this entire battlefield. Everyone who was not his ally was forced to kneel, unable to move a muscle.

w.a.n.g Wei returned to the group, secretly nodding in satisfaction. He glanced at the second prince. "I will not provide true death to your father. So, you should understand what I want."

"Don't worry, sir, we will surrender and serve you loyally," the second prince immediately replied.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who gave you the right to speak for me? For us?" yelled the first prince.

'This idiot,' the second prince thought. He did not hesitate to use a Soul Attack to instantly annihilate his brother's soul. "I apologize about my brother. He won't be an eyesore anymore."

"Decisive — I like that," w.a.n.g Wei praised. "But can you control your people?"

"Half of the legion are my people," the second prince calmly announced this shocking truth. "As long as I convince General Long, the other half will follow me."

"Good. I'll give you half an hour."

The prince immediately started to converse with the Martial Gang Lord, or as most people knew him — General Long. A little over 10 minutes later, the general boldly declared: "We will serve the second prince."

"Excellent," w.a.n.g Wei smiled. "Let's return to the Azure Sky Pavilion. I'm interested in your story."

Dulgun waved her staff to open a large portal for large-scale use. One by one, everyone left the battlefield until only w.a.n.g Wei remained. He looked in the distance, lost in thought.

'Was it someone else's sight I detected? Or was it the Hidden Master, but he's planning something else?' w.a.n.g Wei grunted softly. He did not like the uncertainty of it all.

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Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1241 Settle summary

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