Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1245 Paragon Will

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Chapter 1245  Paragon Will

[Rain Domain]

Old Man Dai's reaction was slightly faster than w.a.n.g Wei and took the initiative. The void was suddenly filled with raindrops that Old Man Dai controlled, and he unleashed them on his opponent. w.a.n.g Wei squinted his eyes as he realized each of those drops contained enough force/power to do severe damage to any peak Indestructible Paragon with any immunity to Power Dao.

However, w.a.n.g Wei himself was not safe because he detected a very subtle infusion of Dao Will in each of the drops. w.a.n.g Wei waved his hand to create a universe that swallowed these raindrops. However, they were so powerful that his universe did not last a second, and that's despite the fact he boosted their defense with his True Will.

w.a.n.g Wei reacted by replicating his opponent's technique. However, the rain he condensed was from his Death Dao, meaning they were death drops. His plan was simple — use numbers to combat numbers. Unfortunately, although he had the right mindset, he underestimated his opponent's ability.

'His Dao Will application might be even better than mine,' w.a.n.g Wei theorized. It made sense, given how long Old Man Dai has been living and that he might have received formal training from a master. w.a.n.g Wei teleported to avoid the rain, but even that was pointless.

The rain contained the ubiquitous characteristic; in other words, this technique functioned under the same principle, just like people could not avoid it unless they built shelter. A few drops of rain touched w.a.n.g Wei's body, leaving minor shallow cuts that healed instantly.

w.a.n.g Wei summoned a time s.h.i.+eld around his body, and it could speed up time, forcing the raindrops to age billions of years before reaching him. This move took him some time to breathe, so he went on the offensive. He condensed a thunder spear that he threw with unG.o.dly strength.

Old Man Dai was wise, knowing that using water to block this attack was unwise. So, he gathered his rain to make water, which he then changed into ice. With an ice spear in his hand, he casually pushed the thunder spear to the side.

Their speed was great, but he also reacted in time, blocking 90% of them. His Time s.h.i.+eld should have dealt with the remaining ten percent, but these raindrops contained the power of time and bypa.s.sed his defense. He suddenly remembered that Paragons had a much easier time traveling through the River of Time; thus, it was common for their techniques or skills to touch on Time Dao.

w.a.n.g Wei suddenly exchanged position with the spear, placing himself directly next to Old Man Dai. He did not hesitate and went for a punch full of the power of death. The old man exploded, but not into a pool of blood, but into countless raindrops, which rushed toward w.a.n.g Wei.

Their speed was great, but he also reacted in time, blocking 90% of them. His Time s.h.i.+eld should have dealt with the remaining ten percent, but these raindrops contained the power of time and bypa.s.sed his defense. He suddenly remembered that Paragons had a much easier time traveling through the River of Time; thus, it was common for their techniques or skills to touch on Time Dao.

After bypa.s.sing his defense, the raindrops also broke through his True Will. The enemy's Dao Will was sharp, like a great swordsman capable of cutting through defenses. Tiny holes appeared on w.a.n.g Wei's body, but he reacted swiftly. He used a True Will application that copied a magnet to remove Old Man Dai's Dao Will from his body.

'He really is much better than me,' w.a.n.g Wei thought. Such news was good and bad. The good news is he had someone to learn from. The bad news is he probably will suffer in this battle, which was against his goal of venting his frustration on this old man.

'I can't allow this,' w.a.n.g Wei thought, so he decided to take a page from Mongke's book. Since he lost skill-wise, he would make up with numbers or quant.i.ties. w.a.n.g Wei no longer hesitated and used the technique he created after his fight with Mongke. Although it was a prototype, it would have to do for now.

[Fate Will]

A projection of the River of Fate condensed above his head. Then, w.a.n.g Wei gathered the willpower of the trillions upon trillions of mortals that fate had absolute control over, from ancient to modern times, alive and dead — and condensed them into a will, which he fused with his True Will.

'There are indeed a few kinks,' w.a.n.g Wei thought, as he controlled himself not to hear the murmur, complain, and memories of all the beings he took Willpower from.

"Want to use quant.i.ty to beat quality?" Old Man Dai asked with a smirk. "Well, two can play that game." His body released a mighty, n.o.ble, and beautiful will that can be described as infinite — as boundless.

"Paragon's Will?" w.a.n.g Wei asked incredulously. "How is that possible? You failed to become a Boundless Paragon, so how did you acquire a Paragon Will? Fortunate Encounter? Or someone gave it to you?"

w.a.n.g Wei suddenly paused as he figured something out. "Your master — is he a Boundless Paragon?"

"As expected, you immediately figured it out," Old Man Dai did not deny it. The essence of their Gou Dao is survival, so walking the Eternal Path was a requirement. Their master succeeded until the end, but Old Man Dai and his junior brother failed at the [Boundless] mark.

w.a.n.g Wei sighed. Empyreans can train their True Avatars to be in the same cultivation realm as them so they don't have to worry about experiencing the long, tedious process of returning to their peak. Meanwhile, Boundless Paragons can cultivate Paragon True Avatar.

However, they also have another ability — they can stack the Dao Will of their True Avatars, making their Dao Will leagues more potent than the Empyrean Realm. Due to incredible change, the Dao Will was called Paragon Will; it's another way to distinguish from False Boundless like Old Man Dai, who still has a Dao Will.

"So?" Old Man Dai asked, not hiding his smirk. "Do you still want to continue?" He had never used his Paragon Will out of fear the parasites would increase his level of threat, whcih would then lead to them puting more emphasis on eliminating him. However, this battle was an excellent opportunity.

w.a.n.g Wei's lips twitched. As soon as Old Man Dai used a Paragon Will, he knew he could not win. It didn't matter if it was not his power and from an artifact. The sheer difference between those two power would mean w.a.n.g Wei had no chance, and that's not even taking into account his lack of skill compared to Old Man Dai.

"Why not?" w.a.n.g Wei replied as he exhaled to calm down. "As I said. This is a learning experience. Your new strengths only mean a great opportunity for growth."

w.a.n.g Wei's fighting intent did not reduce in the slightest; on the contrary, it intensified. Without hesitation, he rushed toward his opponent to confront him. A raindrop rushed into his head, and his Danger Sense went haywire. He dodged, but the drop penetrated his shoulder.

w.a.n.g Wei was injured, and it was a genuine injury. For the first time since becoming an Empyrean, his defense failed him. w.a.n.g Wei reacted decisively by isolating the Paragon Will before blowing his shoulder off. However, the thing did not regenerate due to the residual power remaining. Luckily, such a minor injury was not enough to stop w.a.n.g Wei.

He fought ruthlessly with Old Man Dai for a hundred years before stopping. w.a.n.g Wei looked terrible. He had a ma.s.sive hole in his abdomen, showing his ribs — which were missing a few bones. His left arm only had the forearm, while his right hand was missing his skin and muscle. His legs had dozens of holes, and the right side of his face was also gone.

Meanwhile, Old Man Dai looked the same, without even a scratch. This did not mean w.a.n.g Wei did not hit him even once. On the contrary, w.a.n.g Wei landed many decent hits during this long battle. Sadly, Old Man Dai's Paragon Will was too overwhelming, meaning he could regenerate since w.a.n.g Wei's True Will was basically useless.

"Had enough?"

"Yes," w.a.n.g Wei nodded.

Old Man Dai secretly sighed in relief. It was terrifying how much this man stole his technique in this short period. He reckoned that if they kept fighting, it would only take him ten thousand years to learn all his Dao Will Skills – skills he spent billions of Yuan Epochs honing and mastering.

"Are you sure?" Old Man Dai asked, trying to pretend.

"It's fine," w.a.n.g Wei replied casually. He had a.n.a.lyzed Old Man Dai enough to recreate all his abilities with his Dream Combat Technique.

"As you wish," Old Man Dai nodded, showing his high demeanor as an old and powerful cultivator. w.a.n.g Wei ignored the latter's petty behavior and asked, "Can you remove your Paragon Will's influence?"

"Oh, no problem."

w.a.n.g Wei's body instantly regenerated to its normal state. He condensed a brand new white and purple robe, thus returning to his peak handsome state.

"I must thank you," w.a.n.g Wei said. Although he lost the battle paved the way for his future while saving him a lot of time.

"That's no problem," Old Man Dai said proudly.

"Well, I'm leaving," w.a.n.g Wei continued. "Even though you junior brother will reject me, I wish you would still tell him of my offer."

"No problem. But as I said, don't hold your breath."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded before teleporting away.

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Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1245 Paragon Will summary

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