Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1294 Recycle

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Chapter 1294  Recycle

w.a.n.g Wei was puzzled how someone like the Puppet Demon was capable of such an idea. It's apparent from his performance that he suddenly thought of this, meaning such a level of ability was beyond his norms.

'It's perfectly possible for him to suddenly have an excellent idea,' w.a.n.g Wei thought. 'My suspicion is mainly because his idea involves puppets. I've been planning for so long to train Cai Song into the ultimate war machine, and this Puppet Demon suddenly had an idea that could eventually help in that cause?'

It was too suspicious. So suspicious that w.a.n.g Wei suddenly believes that his future self might have implanted this idea into the Puppet Demon's head to lay down a foundation for Cai Song's eventual rise. w.a.n.g Wei sighed. Ultimately, it did not matter. The Puppet Demon's value had drastically increased, and one day, he might become Cai Song's right-hand man.

"You did a great job," w.a.n.g Wei praised.

"Thank you, Lord, and I couldn't have done it without Blacksmith."

"I just helped a little." The blacksmith had his pride, so he would not take or share credit for something like that.

"You'll be in charge of this operation," w.a.n.g Wei said, cutting them off. "You'll have all the necessary resources, but you shouldn't neglect your training. I'll reward you with a few Tier 12 ores for you to make your Puppet Core."

The Puppet Demon's eyes lit up. Building a Tier 12 core? Well, his skills were not enough for something like this. However, he could build the best Tier 11 core, and as long as he enters the next rank, his core will also evolve.

"Thank you for the reward, lord."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded. "All of you have contributed greatly to this operation, so I'll also reward you." He gave them the longevity resources, along with the Heavenly Flame. Everyone thanked him. After all, who wouldn't want an extra life? However, the Flame Blacksmith had a hesitant look.

"Is something wrong?" w.a.n.g Wei asked.

"I don't think I deserve such a high reward," Flame Blacksmith. Those were his genuine thoughts. He did not help much with the defensive arrays outside or the other arrays after they entered. It was Mongke who killed everyone in their path and subdued all the resistances in the professional halls. As such, Flame Blacksmith felt he did not do anything to deserve such a reward.

"Just your help with Puppet Demon's idea is worth the reward," w.a.n.g Wei said. "Plus, I have a mission for you. If you feel you haven't earned this reward, use this opportunity to compensate for it."


"You'll be in charge of these professionals," w.a.n.g Wei ordered. "I need you to monitor their state while also creating an environment for them to feel a sense of belonging to our cause. Can you do it?"

"I'll do my best," Flame Blacksmith nodded.

"That's all I ask for," w.a.n.g Wei nodded before summoning the sealed Shadow Clan, showing it to everyone.

"What an absolute waste of resources," Mongke said. He figured out the same thing as w.a.n.g Wei, knowing the circ.u.mstances of giving birth to a Heaven Will Paragon.

"This should be a crime," Dulgun added. Jia Ping had a pained look on his face. Even at their prime, his dynasty might not have the resources to do something so atrocious. The Puppet Demon was confused but kept calm as if he knew what was happening. Meanwhile, the Flame Blacksmith shook his head and said: "I thought Heaven Will Pills were already the most wasteful things in the world, but this is another level."

The alchemists of the Eternal Ascension World have explored using Heaven Wills to make pills. The most famous was the Pure Source Pill, which can allow a Great Emperor to instantly increase their cultivation by 20% without any side effects. Although this pill is only helpful for people with cultivation below 50%, it is indeed precious.

However, this pill requires a minimum of 10,000 Heaven Wills and an Empyrean Alchemist. No sect or faction is willing to waste the potential birth of 10,000 Great Emperors to help one Great Emperor drastically increase their cultivation, so this pill rarely happens. As for its counterparts for Empyreans and Paragons, the former exists, but the latter is only a rumor.

"I had the same reaction," w.a.n.g Wei sighed before focusing on Dulgun. "Is there a way you could recycle some of Heaven Wills from the truth?" w.a.n.g Wei had a few methods he could try, but based on his calculations, the final result would be abysmal. He could probably only recuperate less than a hundred Heaven Wills; he was unsatisfied with this number.

"Our clan has a ceremony that can reverse cause and effect," Dulgun replied after mulling it over briefly. "The ceremony should be able to recycle 10% of the Heaven Will used."

w.a.n.g Wei pondered. This number looked small but exponentially higher than his measle hundred. But, of course, w.a.n.g Wei wanted more. "Could it be higher?"

"If I can study more about Heaven Wills and Dao Trees, and with the help of your Dao, we might be able to raise the percentage by another 15 to 20 percent," Dulgun a.n.a.lyzed. "However…" She glanced at her husband but did not finish her line of thought.

w.a.n.g Wei understood her meaning. She would need a significant amount of knowledge on these topics if this plan were to succeed. However, this couple was in a similar situation to his. They were in exile to protect themselves from the parasites, and now that they've joined w.a.n.g Wei, they also wanted to distance themselves from their clan to give them plausible deniability in case everything went sideways.

The couple would need to contact their clan to acquire the knowledge required for this plan, and doing so is dangerous since they might leave clues. Not to mention that the world was now in a sensitive situation after Blood Dragon's death. They must be careful before deciding whether to contact their clans.

"I understand your worry, but don't worry. I have a way to get the knowledge you need," w.a.n.g Wei rea.s.sured. However, his words only made Dulgun frown.

"Lord, you should understand that Blood Dragon is new rich. Even if he had studied Heaven's Wills, his acc.u.mulation is nothing compared to our lineages. Unless you're thinking of contacting your sect."

Mongke frowned. This task might become complicated if the boss had to risk contacting his sect while he and his wife evaded the responsibility and did not do the same.

"I'm not talking about the Dao Opening Sect," w.a.n.g Wei replied. However, his words were not rea.s.suring.

"Then, from where?" Dulgun asked. "I'm not trying to pry, but if the knowledge is subpar, it will be useless."

"Don't worry," w.a.n.g Wei rea.s.sured with a smile. "This person should have the greatest library in the world."

'Those are bold words,' Dulgun thought. However, she did not believe w.a.n.g Wei was the kind of person to brag without any substance to back it up. However, she could not think of someone who can confidently say they have the world's most fantastic library. The Myriad Temple of Records — before it was shut down by these parasites — held copies of all the cultivation systems in the Eternal Ascension World. However, such a library still could not be considered the greatest in the world since it only contains cultivation techniques. Most top lineages will have a much grander library than the temple.

Dulgun shook her head. Since she could not think of it, there was no point in overthinking. She had to believe in w.a.n.g Wei's words.

"Then, it's settled," w.a.n.g Wei said as he handed her the seal. He did not mind their skepticism. However, he was not bragging. His future wife's Dao involved knowledge, so he does not doubt she has the most fabulous library in the world. Just thinking about it made him excited.

"Well, that's it for now," w.a.n.g Wei said to the team. There was nothing else for them, so he dismissed everybody. However, he also warned them not to let this victory get into their heads since they had a long way to go — especially since this victory resulted from someone else's work. He also warned them to use the resources available to increase their strength as much as possible.

w.a.n.g Wei already predicted that Supreme Unity is about to move, and a significant storm is about to envelop the world. Their team was powerful but far from enough to ensure everyone's safety in the upcoming chaos. Everybody left, but Mongke stayed.

"Is everything alright?" w.a.n.g Wei asked.

"Yes," Mongke nodded. "I have a technique that I want your opinion on." Mongke condensed a talisman that flew into w.a.n.g Wei's hands. With a cursory glance, w.a.n.g Wei could tell this was a technique to enter the Battle Taboo Realm. He expected this since he noticed Mongke was slightly obsessed with Jia Ping's talent cla.s.sification.

w.a.n.g Wei read the entire thing. The technique was a prototype and needed to be perfected, but the overall outline and purpose were already created. However, once he finished, his first words were: "Were you trying to kill yourself?"

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Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1294 Recycle summary

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