Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1328 Goodbye & Retreat

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Chapter 1328  Goodbye & Retreat

w.a.n.g Wei and Wu Hong stood opposite each other, with only a few inches separating them. "Why are you looking at me like a lost puppy who doesn't want to be separated from his owner?" she asked.

"I'm going to miss you. Is that so wrong?" w.a.n.g Wei asked.

"It's only a few yuan epochs."

"Can't you just say you'll miss me too?"

"I'm going to miss you too — happy?" she asked.

"Of course," w.a.n.g Wei smiled as he looked at that beautiful woman before him. The love in his eyes has deepened immensely. During this training, he made a ridiculous amount of improvement, but was it really due to his talent? He knew that was not it. Although it played a part, it was not the primary cause of his success.

The woman before him is why he's currently so strong and considered 'perfect' regarding Battle IQ. Wu Hong did not hesitate to feed her all her knowledge and experience, like a mother bird feeding a baby bird through their beaks. Only because of her selfless teaching did he become so intense, allowing him to fight on par with her.

Of course, w.a.n.g Wei was not enough to think he had caught up with. In terms of experience, he was mild away from her. He knew that if they were in a battle of life and death, even in the same realm, he would not survive more than a day. She would mercilessly slaughter him, and everything he learned in this training would only prolong the inevitable.

"Alright, there is no need to keep lingering," Wu Hong said, preparing to leave.

"Before you leave, I want to ask something. What exactly are we?" w.a.n.g Wei wanted to know the answer. If you say they are friends, he would disagree, given how close they've become during this training. However, they were not lovers either. Although he's seen her body during their training when their clothes were destroyed, the most intimate gesture they've made was holding hands and a kiss on the cheek after he won a bet.

Wu Hong did not immediately answer this question but instead started arranging his hair. "There is no need to define our relations.h.i.+p. We have plenty of time to figure it out." w.a.n.g Wei glanced at her strangely. Back on Earth, he often used a VPN to browse through other countries' internet, social media, and so on, and he once read an article about something called a "situations.h.i.+p." Unfortunately, that word might be the best way to describe their relations.h.i.+p.

"Alright, I'm leaving," she said before kissing him on the cheeks. "You can access this place as you wish. If you're in trouble, just come here and activate the formations. Even if all seven of them work together, they can't break my array.

"So, take care of yourself and don't die."

After saying those words, she did not wait for his response and flew away. w.a.n.g Wei suddenly yelled: "If I did, I mean, true death, will you do everything possible to revive me?"

"Don't die, and you won't have to find out."

"Yeah, she'll definitely revive me," w.a.n.g Wei muttered with a smirk. Then, he sighed: "I hope she's alright." Although he was 99% sure there were no problems with her entering the Dark Truth, the remaining 1% of uncertainty still nagged him.

He knew there was no point in worrying, so he focused on his own affairs. Although the world was peaceful, everyone could feel this was the calm before the storm. w.a.n.g Wei did not know how much time he had, but he knew it was not much, so he needed to hurry. He needed to accomplish a few things before the significant change in the world occurred. Otherwise, he'll be grossly unprepared for the upcoming chaos.

w.a.n.g Wei's first destination was the clone in charge of planning the downfall of the remaining moons.

"How are things going?" w.a.n.g Wei asked the clone.

"Good," the clone responded. "I've created character models for all the remaining moons, and based on their personality, history, and mindset, I've devised a few plans to eliminate them. However, I'm not satisfied with the probability of success yet."

"What numbers are you working with?"

"10% chance for Time Eater, 40% chance of success for the others, and for the one I've specifically targeted, it's a 60% chance."

"Those are low numbers," w.a.n.g Wei frowned. "Why are they so low? Do you need more time? More information?"

"Time is not much of an issue," the clone explained. "Information is a problem for Time Eater. Unlike the others, the information about him is superficial, almost fabricated. In fact, he's the outlier why the others' success rate was so low."


"Yes, even with that plan," the clone nodded. "That, and there is a high chance the Taoist Sun will no longer be hands-off. My calculations tell me he may want these people alive for a reason, and he won't let them die so easily."

"Let me see your plan." w.a.n.g Wei received the clone's memories and took a moment to digest everything. There was nothing wrong with it, and w.a.n.g Wei himself couldn't do it any better. So, he took a moment to ponder how he could increase his success.

"We need to change our mindset a little," he stated. "If we want to do things from the shadows, we don't have to be the vanguard, and the more chaotic the situation is, the better things will be for us."

The clone frowned: "You want to force these ancient lineages that were forced to close their mountains to enter the game?"

"That's right. They suffered tremendous humiliations at the hands of the seven moons, and without those two around, they'll have no fear or restrain to enact their vengeance."

"If you want to make such a move, it's not enough to use their hatred to get them to act," the clone added. "We must also share some of the benefits with them."

"That's fine." w.a.n.g Wei never planned to eat everything for himself. People hated the moon because they divided everything amongst themselves and left no crumbs for everybody else. If w.a.n.g Wei had taken all their resources, he would just be another version of the moons in a different font. So, his idea was always to get the biggest piece and leave enough for everybody else.

"That's fine then," the clone nodded.

"By the way, have you received any news from that little girl, Chen Zhilan?" w.a.n.g Wei asked. The clone had discovered Chen Zhilan's ident.i.ty and connection to Xun Junyao's chef, so he fulfilled his promise to her that he would help find her master.

"She's still with her master," the clone responded. "The latter said he owed us a great karmic debt."

"It's a shame to lose that little girl. She's a great talent with potential," w.a.n.g Wei sighed. w.a.n.g Wei planned to marry that little girl to Hui Mengwei so she could help him develop his Cooking Dao. Well, maybe it's not too late.

 "I'll accept his debt," w.a.n.g Wei said, and his eyes changed as he saw a web of karmic thread. As expected, his connection to Xun Junyao deepened slightly after returning Chen Zhilan to her master. He waved his hand, and a few more cracks manifested on their love fate line.

"Alright, I'm leaving," w.a.n.g Wei said as he stood up. "Start laying down the chess pieces for the plan." The clone nodded. Although there was plenty of time before they officially enacted things, it's best to start laying out things now.

Before leaving, w.a.n.g Wei created a second clone and handed him his Grandmist Wheel before tasking him to oversee the tribulations of his Creation Lives. He was no longer limited by the stringent rules of the lower dimension and knew more about the topic, so it was time to get started. However, w.a.n.g Wei was about to focus on his cultivation, so he tasked his clone with this task.

w.a.n.g Wei finally left his room as he teleported to an empty white s.p.a.ce with one cus.h.i.+on in the middle. This was the cultivation room his future wife prepared for him. As he sat on the cus.h.i.+on, w.a.n.g Wei felt a mysterious power rus.h.i.+ng into his mind that calmed him down and made his spirit in harmony with Heaven and Earth.

"Good stuff," w.a.n.g Wei commented before focusing. With his retreat, he could not do as he pleases. His intuition warned him that time was of the essence, so he had to choose.

'I cannot cultivate my body and comprehend the Dao, so I must choose one or the other,' w.a.n.g Wei. 'In the current situation, comprehending the Dao is meaningless for him.' After the 80% mark, the time needed to cultivate is even greater than before — even for a genius like himself.

'My priority should be entering the Taboo Realm so that I have the strength to fight against these parasites. And if I want to increase the chances of that happening, my True Power Dao Realm should improve.'

Now that he had made a choice, w.a.n.g Wei no longer wasted any time.

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Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 1328 Goodbye & Retreat summary

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