Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex Chapter 471

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Chapter 471. Telling her father, she’s a slave

「 Help me, Papa, save me!!!! 」

Mana acts as Maika while bound, and she shouts to her father.

「 Hey! Stop this! Stop this at once! Maika’s just 14 years old!!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke screams to Minaho-neesan with bloodshot eyes.

「 Oh, wasn’t I 12 when you first raped me? 」

Minaho-neesan laughs pleased.

「 Fourteen is an age where you can have s.e.x plenty, didn’t you rape a lot of girls at that age? 」

「 Don’t lump her with you! Maika’s my daughter!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s elitism doesn’t crumble at all.

「 That’s right. She’s your daughter; therefore, we’ll have her raped in front of your eyes thoroughly! 」

Minaho-neesan looks at Katsuko-nee.

「 Katsuko, do as you want 」

「 Yes, Ojou-sama 」

Katsuko-nee turns her gaze to Nagisa.

「 Nagisa, let’s do it together 」

「 Yes 」

Katsuko-nee and Nagisa, the two voluptuous bodies wrapped in different colored bondage suit go to Mana’s binds on both sides.

「 Hey, what are you doing?! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke said. Katsuko-nee;

「 Oh, do you not remember s.h.i.+rasaka-san? 」

She looks at s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke with a cold smile.

「 We were taken to you for the first time like this 」

Nagisa said.

「 That’s right. We were kidnapped on our way home from school. We’re tied up like this, wearing our uniforms, and brought to you 」

「 s.h.i.+rasaka-san, you raped us like this, didn’t you? 」

「 Yes, even though we were just in first-year high school, virgins 」



「 That’s why we’ll have it reenacted 」

「 We’ll use the situation how you raped us to your daughter!! 」

The two reach for Mana’s uniform.

「 Papa, help me, I’m scared, I’m afraid!!! 」

Mana cries.

「 Hey, stop that! Katsuko, Nagisa!!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke is staring at the hands of evil attacking his daughter.

「 Oh, we also asked you to stop so many times 」

「 But, you didn’t stop 」

「 It was really scary, genuinely frightening 」

「 Yet, you continued to rape us while smiling 」

Katsuko-nee shouts.


「 Onee-sama, take this 」

Nei who’s wearing a pro-wrestler mask gives out a box carrying large iron scissors to the two graciously.

「 Thank you 」

「 I’ll put this in good use 」

Katsuko-nee and Nagisa take one scissors each.

「 W-What are you doing?! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke said. Katsuko-nee;

「 We said that we’ll recreate what you did to us 」

「 s.h.i.+rasaka-san? Didn’t you tear our uniforms with a knife? 」

Nagisa said.

「 You tore our clothes and exposed our skins, didn’t you have fun listening to our cries of fear and shame? 」

「 We’ll do the same, but knives are unromantic 」

「 Yes, Katsuko and I will use scissors 」

Then, she turns the big scissors to Mana.

「 Hii! 」

Mana’s frightened.

「 Don’t move, it would be painful if it cuts something that’s not meant to be, don’t you think? 」

「 If you get cut, it’ll scar forever 」


Katsuko-nee inserts the scissors to Mana’s uniform.

Katsuko-nee begins to cut from the back side.



Mana’s uniform is cut to pieces.

「 I’m scared, I’m afraid!!! 」

Mana spills tears.

「 That’s right, it was scary for us back then too 」

「 Forcibly striping us down, we were so hopeless 」

The two girls are stripping Mana naked while showing a painful look.

「 Hey, stop, hey! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke screams as he looks at Mana.

「 I told you to stop!!! Listen to my orders!!! You’re just a prost.i.tute, do really want to go against me?!!! 」



But still, the sound of the scissors doesn’t stop.

「 I won’t forgive you all. I’ll definitely make you regret it!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke shouts in hate.

「 How? 」

Minaho-neesan asks.

「 What will you do to make us regret this? 」

「 T-That’s 」

s.h.i.+raska Sousuke falters

「 I have a way. I definitely have a way to reverse the tide and make a home run 」

「 Oh, is that so? 」

Minaho-neesan mocks him.

「 I’m different from you people, I’m luckier than anyone, there’s will definitely be someone who’s coming to crush vile women like you. I’m sure of that. A chance to turn this around will come 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke mutters to himself.

「 I see, then do your best with that 」

Kyouko-san speaks in amazement.

Meanwhile, Mana;

Her middle school uniform is torn to pieces.

Her cute b.r.e.a.s.t.s and sides are visible already.

「 My uniform was also torn out like this 」

Katsuko-nee said.

「 Mine too. That was the last time I wore my uniform. After that, I wore sailor uniforms for s.e.x a lot of times, but 」

「 Yeah, I never wore a school uniform for going to school again 」

「 We never met our cla.s.smates again 」

Their expressions were dark.

「 Now then, I guess we should show her b.r.e.a.s.t.s now 」

Nagisa puts the scissors in Mana’s bra.

「 Well then, I’ll take the panty 」

Katsuko-nee puts the blade into her panty.



The bra falls off.

Her panty is also just clinging to her left thigh.

「 Noooo, don’t’ look, nooooooooooo 」

Right now, Mana’s wearing mere of her clothes, practically naked.

Her pink nipples are exposed too.

Even her slit that looks like it’s cut by a knife.

They’re all exposed.

「 Don’t look! Papa! Don’t look!!! 」

Mana shouts to s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke loudly.

「 Maikaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka stares at his 14-year-old daughter’s naked body with bloodshot eyes.

「 What do you think? You haven’t seen your daughter’s naked body recently, have you? 」

Katsuko-nee said.

「 Yes, it looks like it’s growing up healthily 」

Nagisa ma.s.sages Mana’s cute b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

「 No, no, noooo!!! 」

Mana shakes her head in fear.

「 That’s as far as you go. You don’t want to anger me further than this 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke glares at Katsuko-nee.

「 That far? What are you saying? We’re just getting started 」

「 Katsuko, what should we do again? 」

「 That’s not the question Nagisa, remember what he did to us back then? 」

「 Oh 」

Nagisa looks at me.

「 Come here 」


「 I’d like you to help, we don’t have a man’s p.e.n.i.s after all 」


「 After Shriasaka Sousuke tore my clothes, he forced me to f.e.l.l.a.t.e him 」


「 Right. This man told Nagisa “I’ll teach you how to f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o while virgin” 」

「 He threatened me with a knife 」

I see.

「 Then, let’s have this girl experience the same thing too 」

「 Yes, hurry 」

I go to Mana’s restraints.

「 Hey, you’re kidding me! Maika!!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke turns to Katsuko-nee savagely.

「 What? 」

「 Maika is s.h.i.+rasaka house’s daughter! 」

「 What about that? I’m a daughter of Takanas.h.i.+ house. Takanas.h.i.+ Katsuko, it’s a beautiful name given by my parents! 」

「 Don’t lump s.h.i.+raska house with commoners! 」

「 They’re the same! It’s about time you wake up from your otherworldly delusions! 」

Katsuko-nee spits out.

「 Your house isn’t unique, and even if it is unique, it doesn’t mean you can do anything 」

「 Katsuko, leave him alone 」

Nagisa said.

「 We should focus on educating Maika-chan for now, don’t you think? 」

「 Yes 」

「 s.h.i.+rasaka-san used a knife to threaten us but, we won’t use such inelegant things 」

Saying that, Nagisa shows a stun gun in front of Mana,.

「 Okay, Maika-chan, do you know what this is? This gave you a lot of pain when you were kidnapped, didn’t it?! 」

She sparks the stun gun in front of Mana.


「 Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!! 」

Mana’s act of fear is realistic.

「 Do you want more pain? 」

Nagisa asks. Mana;

「 No, I don’t want more pain! 」

「 I see. Wise girl 」

「 Then, would you lick this Onii-chan’s p.e.n.i.s? Maika-chan, you’ve heard about f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, did you not? 」

Katsuko-nee said.

「 Yes 」

Mana answers in pain, looking she’s about to cry.

「 Hey, stop, Maika!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke shouts, but;

「 Shut up. Maika-chan said she’s doing it so Papa can just watch over there! 」

Katsuko-nee shouts back.

「 Okay, then, Maika-chan. Say “allow me to f.e.l.l.a.t.e you Onii-chan” Look into his eyes okay? 」

Nagisa said. Mana looks up at me.

「 Onii-chan. Please let Maika f.e.l.l.a.t.e you. I want to lick Onii-chan’s p.e.n.i.s! 」


I stick out my erect p.e.n.i.s before Mana’s eyes.

Mana’s hot breaths tickle the glans.

「 Go on, lick it and show it to your Papa 」

「 Yes 」

Her 14-year-old pale pink tongue touches my glans.

「 M-Maika! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke is speechless.



Mana’s tongue entwines with my p.e.n.i.s.

「 How is it, Maika-chan, is it delicious? 」

「 Say that Onii-chan’s p.e.n.i.s is delicious! 」

Katsuko-nee and Nagisa orders. Mana;

「 Onii-chan’s p.e.n.i.s. Delicious 」

「 I see, how does it taste? 」

「 It’s a bit salty 」

Mana answers. The ladies in the room laughs.

They’re not ridiculing Mana.

They’re laughing at the dumbfounded s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke.

「 What now? Didn’t you always make us do this? 」

「 Even though you force other girls to speak dirty, are you saying that you don’t want to see your daughter do the same? 」

「 s.h.i.+rasaka-san, that’s unfair, don’t you think? 」

Nagisa laughs.

「 Hey, Nagisa 」

「 What, Katsuko? 」

「 You know, that one? 」

「 Oh my 」

Katsuko-nee and Nagisa look at the tied up s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke and giggled.

「 What’s wrong, s.h.i.+raska-san? Your p.e.n.i.s is still swelling? 」

「 No way, did you get erect from watching your daughter get an erection? 」

It is as the two said.

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s erect.

「 Maika-chan, it seems that your father is really a pervert. 」

「 We’ve known that long ago though 」

「 Look, say “Papa’s p.e.n.i.s got big from watching Maika f.e.l.l.a.t.e” 」

「 Look at your Papa 」


「 P-Papa’s p.e.n.i.s got, got big from watching Maika f.e.l.l.a.t.e 」

「 Seriously, what a disgrace 」

「 Even if that is your daughter fellating a man 」

Katsuko-nee and Nagisa said. s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke grinds his teeth.

「 Now, Maika-chan, let’s make your Papa’s p.e.n.i.s even bigger 」

「 This time, put Onii-chan’s p.e.n.i.s inside your mouth 」

「 Put it inside your mouth and suck it 」

Mana puts my erect p.e.n.i.s inside her mouth.

I also hold Mana’s head.

I move my waist.

「 Look, Maika-chan’s doing a mouth p.u.s.s.y 」

「 s.h.i.+raska-san, it seems that your daughter’s getting good at f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o 」

Nuchu, nuchu, nuchu

Mana sucks.

「 That’s enough, stop this already!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke said.

「 That’s enough to hurt me already, I get it already, I lost. I lost! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke looks at Minaho-neesan.

「 I’ll surrender Kuromori to Minaho. I’ll withdraw from you all and talk to s.h.i.+rasaka house to not do anything to you. That’s enough, isn’t it? 」


「 While at it, I’ll also give Megumi to you. You won’t have complains now, would you I’ve lost this far, that’s enough, isn’t it? 」

What are you talking about?

「 Let go of Maika right now! Listen, this chance won’t come twice! If you do it now, I’ll forgive you. Go on!!!! 」

Listening to him makes me sick of it already.

「 Now then 」

Katsuko-nee ignores s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke and looks at Mana.

「 Mana-chan, it’s time for s.e.x 」

Mana who’s holding my p.e.n.i.s in her mouth trembles.

「 Have this Onii-chan pour his baby seed inside you! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke.

「 Katsuko, you b.i.t.c.h!!!! 」

Katsuko-nee grabs the stick type stun gun and goes in front of s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke.

「 We’re not playing around!!! 」

She bashes s.h.i.+raskaa Sousuke’s body with all her strength.


「 Migyaaa!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s body twitches from the electric shock.

「 The suffering we received from you doesn’t amount to this. To h.e.l.l goes your forgiveness! 」

Then, she turns to me.

「 Rape that girl For me, and for the family, I’ve lost! 」


「 Yes, do it for me too. Not just me, do it for all the women who were kidnapped away from their parents and turned to prost.i.tutes, for those parents who lose their daughters because of s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke 」


「 Teach that man the suffering of his family raped!!! 」

I look at Mana.

Mana nods a small one, making sure s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke doesn’t notice.

She’s prepared to be the sacrifice for everyone’s sake.

「 I’ll rape you, s.h.i.+rasaka Maika 」

I said.

「 N-No, I’m scared, I’m scared, Papa, Papa, save me!!!! 」

Mana twists her bound body.

「 Hey, don’t joke around! if you make a move on Maika, I’ll kill you, you’re dead meat!!! 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke barks to me.

「 I will kill you and your whole family. Don’t underestimate me!! 」


「 What are you talking about, your hands and feet are all tied up 」

I tell s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke with scornful eyes


「 Maika, was it? Make a decision now 」

I decided to act a video of what s.h.i.+raska Sousuke did to a former prost.i.tute.

Most of the former prost.i.tutes don’t know my relations.h.i.+p with Mana.

That Mana’s already a member of our family.

And, I;

I know that the former prost.i.tutes strongly reject s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s family.

Tamayo-san at the love hotel was rugged towards Mana.

Her reaction was normal.

The women of the mansion hate s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke from the bottom of their heart.

That extends to s.h.i.+raaska Sousuke’s daughters as well.

They were kidnapped away from their parents, raped every day, and yet;

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke has a healthy home, the girls cannot forgive him for living like that.

That’s why they hate him.

Therefore, for Mana to live with us in the future.

The former prost.i.tutes must approve her to live.

「 s.h.i.+rasaka Maika, do you want to die today, or not? 」

Mana looks up at me and shakes her head.

「 Unlike your idiotic father, you know that we’re serious, don’t you? You know from the time you entered the room that you’re supposed to be killed 」

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke shouts to me.

「 H-Hey, wait! Hey! 」

「 Shut up! You’re interfering with our talk!! 」

I speak in a low voice.

In this situation, it’s stronger if I talked in a low voice but filled with negativity instead of shouting.

「 I’ve heard of it from Minaho-neesan, Katsuko-nee, and Nagisa. The story of all the women who suffered in this mansion, even the death of Megu’s mother and Minaho-neesan’s sister! 」

I speak to the former prost.i.tutes in the form of talking to Mana.

「 There’s nothing as cruel as that in this world. s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke is a man beyond saving. He has to die to clear up everyone’s hatred 」

「 Hey, you!? 」

「 Didn’t I tell you to shut up?! 」

If it’s Kyouko-san, she’ll surely intimidate s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke like this.

Thinking that way, I carry it out.

I dampen s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s will with a domineering gaze.

「 Everyone’s desire for revenge is strong. To tell you the truth, s.h.i.+raaka Maika-san. You’ll be raped in front of your father and get killed. We’ll show s.h.i.+raka Sousuke how you die. If not, their negative feelings won’t go away 」

Mana trembles;

Then p.i.s.sed herself.

The smell of ammonia steams up from her binds.

Nice acting. Mana.

「 What, is it so scary that you p.i.s.sed yourself?! 」

I grab Mana’s right tightly.

「 Hii!! 」

Mana looks up at me with a pained expression.

「 But, I’m Minaho-neesan’s brother, and I’m not someone harmed by s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke. To be honest, the daughter isn’t guilty of his sins. I feel that you dying is a bit too cruel 」

Right now, I speak extremes on purpose.

The former prost.i.tutes must have various opinions.

Of course, there will undoubtedly be women who will say “Kill the daughter along with s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke, don’t spare them.”

Simultaneously, there should be people who want to spare the daughter and kill s.h.i.+rasaka.

No, there are women among the prost.i.tutes who are eager to join s.h.i.+rasaka’s new prost.i.tution organization.

Those women are still hesitant to take away s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s life.

The opinions shouldn’t be definite yet.

Therefore, I have to use my cards well to allow Mana to survive.

「 But, I thought that in this world, there must be a harsher punishment than being raped and killed in front of your father’s eyes 」

Here I go.

「 Be my s.e.x slave 」

I said.

「 If you become my s.e.x slave, you’ll be spared. But in exchange, you won’t have freedom anymore. You’ll devote your whole life to me 」

Mana looks straight at me.

「 If you don’t want that, then die together with your father! I think that it’s much more painful to a parent to see his daughter become a s.e.x slave than anything 」

I look at Minaho-neesan.

「 Minaho-neesan, that’s what I want to do, is that okay? 」


「 Let’s see her apt.i.tude 」

She answered

「 If she can adequately serve her master as a s.e.x slave, then she’s allowed to live. If she can’t abandon her pride as a s.h.i.+rasaka house’s lady, I won’t hesitate to kill her 」

Then, Minaho-neesan turns to the camera.

「 It’s not fun to draw a crying daughter raped in front of her foolish father, don’t you think? I think that it’s a much ruthless punishment for this arrogant s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke-san to watch his daughter become a s.e.x slave 」

Yeah, Minaho-neesan got on my speech.

「 Katsuko, Nagisa, what do you two think? 」

The two;

「 Yes, it’s too savage to just rape and kill her 」

「 Un, I think that it’s better if he alone dies 」

They smile at me.

「 That really helps. Even I would have problems dealing with a dead body. It really eases me up if it’s just Sousuke alone 」

Kyouko-san follows up.

「 What’s left is for you to decide 」

I tell Mana.

「 What will you do? Will you die? Or will you live as my s.e.x slave 」

Mana’s trembling

「 Hurry up and answer 」

Mana looks at her father.

s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke averted his eyes away from his daughter.

As if he’s throwing his responsibility as a father.


「 I will! 」

「 What will? 」

I look at Mana with a domineering gaze.

「 No, please let me. I beg you 」

「 I don’t understand it with just fragments 」


「 Onii-chan, please make me your s.e.x slave! 」

「 You’ll have s.e.x with me anytime, anywhere 」

「 Yes, please have s.e.x with me anytime, anywhere 」

「 What are you? 」

「 A slave, a s.e.x slave! 」

Minaho-neesan smiles.

「 Now, s.h.i.+rasaka-san. What will you do? Your daughter became a s.e.x slave! 」

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Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex Chapter 471 summary

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