I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 300 - Oyamada Shougo

I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything -

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Chapter 300 - Oyamada Shougo

Back in Junior High, I had joined a certain group.

It was one of those so-called Anti-Social groups.

At that time, a friend invited me to hang out with the leader of the group, and he took a liking to me.

“You’ve got potential, Shougo.”

My family was reasonably well-off.

Dad owned a company that bought and sold used cars, one that was famous for not questioning the origin of the cars brought in.

Mom was an insurance solicitor, mainly targeted for old people on the edge of dementia.

I was their only child, so their affection had been focused entirely on me.

With how easy to coax my parents are, I don’t dislike them.

However, the me of that time always said:

“I want to go higher in this world!”

I had such a thought in mind.

Because I wasn’t dissatisfied with my daily life, I was looking for some sort of stimulation.

I was tired of living in a boring world.

Naturally, I started hanging out with people I thought would have such stimulation.

The leader of the group I had joined was named Minagi.

When we were introduced to each other, he said his favorite phrase was “Give up in frustration”.

Minagi was amazing.

He could do whatever he wanted.

Minagi had a lot of friends in med and law schools in famous universities.

He would constantly set up mixers with wealthy and good-looking male students.

“You could make them smashed by drowning them in alcohol, but pills really are the most effective way. Yeah, sleeping pills. Ahh…… Don’t worry, it’s the type that doesn’t change the color of the liquid or make spots on the bottom of the cup. Ahh? Yeah, I did say pills are effective, but that doesn’t mean we use those kinds of pills. I mean, they aren’t the type that we can just “distribute” after we get tired of them. No matter which country it is, women can make a lot of money…… Ahh? Of course, it’s “consensual”.”

“However, won’t some of them file lawsuits?”, or so I had curiously asked him back then.

“Ahh, I knew Shougo would notice the good part. It’s alright…… There would sometimes be hotblooded idiots who would start flas.h.i.+ng lawsuits, but you see, here comes the parents of the students we invited…… They got the money and the status. It’s almost always settled out of court. It would always be better for the woman to settle it out of court with a substantial amount of money in their purse…… After all, they themselves realize it’s better to just receive the payment, shut their trap and back off. They would realize halfway through how solid our side is, and all they can do is give up in frustration…… Well, if they still persist, they will have to deal with mysterious noises and damages occurring in their home, their parents’ home or their workplace…… In the end, they could only freak out and give up in frustration. Times like those are so funny.”

“Amazing”, or so I said, my heart filled with respect.

I myself had attended some of the “consensual” parties.

As Minagi had said, even if there was some sort of dispute, it would almost always be settled out of the court.

It was seriously amazing.

In this country, if you got the money and the status, even a crime isn’t considered as one.

And so——— I wanted to be as high up in the world as Minagi.

I became Minagi’s p.a.w.n and began to engage in criminal acts.

From the bottom of my heart, I thought of those days as exciting and fun.

Each of my days were filled with colors.

Minagi had no mercy on the leaders of opposing groups.

He wasn’t afraid to reach out to other groups’ family members and loved ones, using them for blackmail.

When push came to shove, Minagi would unleash his surefire technique, “the minors”.

I’m talking about the kids who are threatened by Minagi and are mainly forced to do bloodshed.

“I’m going to give you this money. Doing that might get you in trouble, so just do whatever you want with the money. Ahh…… but remember, if you run away with it, all your relatives will regret it for the rest of their lives.”

They were told something almost threatening and ended up committing a serious criminal act.

In this country, the punishment for a crime committed by a minor is surprisingly light.

Until they reach adulthood, they can do whatever they want.

When trouble occurred in the aforementioned “consensual party”, he would use his gunner children to cover up the crime.

“Shougo is a good guy, so I won’t use you as a gunner child. You can rest a.s.sured. You’re a guy who can get higher in life.”

Minagi was also involved in various other businesses.

Pyramid schemes.

Dispatching receivers for bank transfer fraud.

Drug trafficking.

Badger schemes using minors, targeted towards moderately wealthy people……

It was the greatest.

Being a minor myself, I actually did feel somewhat worried.

However, Minagi-san liked me, so it should be alright.

No, even if I was caught, the charges would be minor.

I could start over as many times as I wanted.

I was invincible.

I was quite elated back then.

But one day———— Minagi suddenly met his end.

From what I heard, it seems that Minagi and the others were crushed by a dangerous group.

When they were conducting one of the aforementioned “consensual parties”, he had messed with one of their women.

The other group was called “Mus.h.i.+bami”, a group that was slightly unlike Anti-Social Groups.

From what the leader-figure of their group described it as……

“A blockchain-like network with no clear central figure”.

——-is how their group apparently was.

Although I had no idea what he was talking about, I felt an inexplicable sense of eeriness from them.

Among the Mus.h.i.+bami, that guy named Iokibe was especially dangerous.

Minagi and the college guys who had partic.i.p.ated in the “consensual party” were all missing.

This was something I heard later on.

One day, a package was sent to the remaining members of Minagi’s group.

It contained many neatly removed teeth and what appeared to be several sets of smoked b.a.l.l.s.

It was later identified as belonging to Minagi and the other missing college guys. (I also heard rumors that after the teeth and other items were sent, images of Minagi and the college guys in a rather “bad shape” were sent to the group.)

I immediately left the group as soon as Minagi disappeared.

I had a bad feeling about all that’s happening after all.

Soon after, other members of Minagi’s group were arrested one after another.

I felt terrified when it happened, but fortunately, I was safe.

I was deeply relieved.

In this way, I quietly spent the rest of my junior high years and went on to senior high.

By the time I entered Ogito School, that horrible experience felt like something that happened a long time ago.

However…… The unstimulating days were back.

It was during this time that I met Takuto Kirihara.

Knowing that his family had tremendous wealth, I started getting close to Kirihara.

Surprisingly, Kirihara accepted me easily.

I had this impression that Kirihara was tolerant of those who showed willingness to work under him.


I still haven’t given up on “going higher in this world”.

I will definitely rise higher from where I am now.

However, I can’t do that in the underworld like Minagi did.

In that world, there is a world deeper than the underworld I know of, just like that time with Iokibe from the Mus.h.i.+bami.

There will come a time when such people will be dealt with by the police.

That’s why, if I want to move up, I would need to do that under the light.

That is the world in which Takuto Kirihara lives.

I felt this even more strongly when I showed up at Kirihara’s home party.

The partic.i.p.ants were socially successful people who were unlike Minagi.

High-Dividend Stocks……

Margin Transactions……

Making decisions based on the international state of things……

About how great a country is for tax evading……

About the future of NFTs and Web 3.0……

About how a guy is apparently going to have dinner with a congressman later……

About how this guy had a lot of contacts in that organization……

About how some guy is going to make a fortune from ad revenues, donations and members.h.i.+p subscriptions……

There were some talking about corporate projects……

There was someone who was pumping himself up for a seminar he was going to do for a lecture request……

There was even someone calling their office to call for girls……

Anyhow———- it was amazing, it was too amazing, there was nothing but amazingness in that home party.

Kirihara, who was standing there with his head held, was also amazing.

He was calmly mingling in the conversation of successful adults.

Of course, being the son of the host of the party, he must have been given special treatment.

However, I was honestly impressed by Kirihara nonchalantly talking with them.

“If I stay by Kirihara’s side…… Wouldn’t it be possible for me to take advantage of that and gradually rise higher?”

I began to think that way at that time.

Sure, it was annoying to have to be under Kirihara’s thumb all the time.

However, as time went by, I didn’t mind about this so much.

My position in cla.s.s at school isn’t bad.

My parents are still very generous with their money, and they were pampering me quite a bit.

However, my parents’ connections are useless.

If I wanted to get a step forward, I would need to have connections “with those up high”, those in the world Kirihara is located.

The only way for me to get higher in this country is to make progress in this world under the light.

If I follow Minagi’s approach, there’s no way forward for me in this country.

I would definitely end up reaching the limits of that path somewhere.

 ……D*mn it.

Even if that were the case, those days were fun……

I think about my time at Minagi’s……

———-“I feel more alive”.

I know that the only way for me to “go higher” is to walk in the world under the light.

However————- that isn’t stimulating enough.

At that moment, something welled up inside me.

I made contact with an underage girl who had been used for badger schemes back when I was hanging out with Minagi.

Those rich people who came to Kirihara family’s home parties……

If they had such a position, they would probably want to protect it.

It must mean that their appearance in the public should be important for them.

At the current moment, they had already remembered my face.

—-as “Takuto-kun’s best friend, Shougo-kun”

With this ident.i.ty I have now, that should work…… I will have one of them suddenly be involved in compensated dating.

I will set them up.

When I get back from this school trip, that is.


[You sure seem to be enjoying yourself here huh.]


I felt a s.h.i.+ver run through my core.

I had once offended Minagi back then.

I was so scared that I wet my pants at that time.

But now, from whoever was behind me———

I’m feeling fear even worse than that. 

For example, yes……

It was like that fear I felt when I saw Iokibe, the man I think had killed Minagi.

However, even when I feel the urge to run away right now……

[What…… is this? I can’t move———- Ghgyaaaak!?]

When I tried to force my body to move, incredible pain shot through my entire body.

I’m bleeding.

 Severe pain swelled up inside me.

And then, I vomited blood.

[Ghef.u.kk!? Ghaak…… What is this…… ! ? Ghaaak……]

Thinking back, I think I heard something.

Earlier, when I was in the middle of rambling.

I think——— I heard something like a voice from behind me too.

With the heavy rain, my voice and my excitement, I may have unconsciously dismissed it as just my imagination huh.

There’s also one more thing……

I’m feeling as if something is out of place.

Whoever was behind me had called out my name.

That voice……

Yes, that voice……

I feel like that voice sounds familiar.

However, I couldn’t connect whose voice that is with the many people in my memory.

Who is that?

[Well, ain’t that quite sh*tty…… Oyamada.]

The other party should be someone I know.

He knows who I am.

From the way he speaks, among the people I met in this world———–No.

Could he be someone from beyond that?

Is the owner of this voice…… someone who knows me from way beyond that?

Who is he then?

Whose voice is———

[You stink just as much as those guys…… Just like the stink those guys I’ve met a few times since I’ve been in this world.]


[This…… voice? Ahh? Don’t tell me…… No…… That can’t be. Who…… the heck are you……]

I’m shaken……

My brain and my emotions were violently shaken.

Confusion unceasingly swelled within me.

A terrible, unpleasant sensation is running through my entire body.

[I’m sorry, Seras.]

Ignoring my question, the person behind me continued talking.

[No…… That’s not it! I’m the one…… who made the mistake in judgment……]

[Being in this situation…… I’m sure you have your own reasons. I’ll talk to you about this later. ……Also, Slei. You didn’t have to go to such lengths to do what I asked…… I’m sorry for saying it in that way. I’m sorry.]


Who is he?

It feels like he’s someone I know……

But at the same time, someone I don’t know.

The guy behind me walked towards the front.

As if to stand between me and Seras Ashrain.

A man with the face of a fly.

The leader of the Fly King Squadron, the Fly King——— Belzegia?

And yet……

He’s someone who knows me.

This was the first time we met.

No matter how I think about it……

This should be the first time we met.

I’m starting to feel weaker.

Feeling this, I involuntarily spoke.

[Who the…… heck are you……!? Why the heck…… do your voice…… sound familiar!?]

[You don’t recognize me huh———— Oyamada Shougo.]

[……? ……, ———-!]

He referred to me not as Shougo Oyamada.

But as Oyamada Shougo.

The way Fly King called me……

In other words———

That way people in the previous world call me……


[This voice……?]

If he’s someone from the former world……

There’s only one who matches that voice.


But that isn’t possible.

There’s no way that could happen.

After all……

After all, that guy——- He should have been dead already.

And this……

This bottomless malicious feeling, I wouldn’t have felt such a thing from him.


[Ahh? Do…… Don’t tell me…… You survived…… You b*stard…… seriously……!?]

I want to deny it. There’s no way that could have been possible. However, even when I’m denying the possibility of that happening, I spoke his name.

[Mimori Touka—————–!?]

[Even though I went out of my way to not change my voice…… You realized it way too late.]

[You were disposed of…… You should have been dead……!? Rather…… The f.u.c.k…… is that att.i.tude of yours!? Oiiii……]

[……We can’t do it around here. To kill you right away…… I thought of that a bit, but you———- went too far.]

[Just because my body won’t move…… You sure———]

[ < Sleep > ]

[……somehow got———-]

At that moment, my consciousness was cut off.

When I awoke, I found myself in the corridor somewhere inside a house.

In front of me was the Fly King.

Standing diagonally behind him was Seras Ashrain.

Feeling that I had woken up, the Fly King had taken off his mask.


Seeing his face, I’m completely convinced.

Although his face has changed considerably……

That man who was supposed to have been dumped into the Disposal Ruins right after the summoning and died———–

He’s definitely Mimori Touka.

[Yeah, that’s right…… Mimori Touka had survived.]

[What the h.e.l.l…… have you…… up to now!?]

[How annoying.]

[ ! ]

[Are you seriously that carefree that you think you can ask questions, Oyamada?]

[The f.u.c.k are you……]

[The one asking questions here is us.]


I was about to snap back at him, but I felt the tip of Mimori Touka’s sword at my neck.

It seems like something he picked up somewhere.

Feeling my current situation, I felt my hands bound behind me and was made to kneel.

It must be while they did something to render me unconscious.

[As soon as I see even the slightest intention to attack from you, I will immediately thrust this sword into your neck…… Even if it’s as thin as a spider’s string, you’d at least like to see some way to survive here, right? In that case, stay still.]

[Kuhh…… Mimori……]

[Those choppy sounds are getting annoying, so I’ll allow you to properly speak.]

[———-You b*stard, Mimori…… The h*ck is with that, acting all ……Ahh? I can talk? Kuhh…… But I still can’t move my body! D*mn it! Is that old man or those Drunken Swords not even gonna help me!? Freaking idiots, get your a.s.s here and f*cking help me! ——–Ghkk!?]

A sharp pain suddenly ran across my cheek.

Pain from his sword slas.h.i.+ng me.

[And who gave you permission to blabber on and on……? You underestimating me or something……?]

[Guhh…… W- What the heck is that…… When you were just……]

At that moment, I could feel it.

The intimidation I felt from him is different.

Unlike Yasu who was mistaking his position and blabbering bluffs, what I felt from him is different.

This ominous feeling……

It’s the same kind as those deep, dark feelings that I felt from those on Minagi’s side……

Thereupon, two images suddenly came into my mind.

A large number of teeth neatly extracted.

Smoked b.a.l.l.s.

That’s right……

This feeling I get from Mimori Touka right now……

It was the same feeling I had when I heard what Iokibe did.


[Ahh? Fear……? Me, feeling fear? For someone like Mimori……? Gyaaaahh!]

Mimori suddenly stabbed his sword into my shoulder.

Thereupon, he quickly brought the sword to my neck again.

[And now, your blabbering is irritating me.]

[You b*stard……! What do you even wanna ask!? Ahhh!? Suddenly appearing all alive, suddenly showing up as Fly King and having Seras Ashrain for your own…… I seriously don’t get anything, Mimori! ——S- Stop! Alright! Alright already! Take that sword off! Don’t kill me!]

[First of all, out with it———- That sh*tty G.o.ddess’ instructions to you, what she’s doing, and what she’s planning.]

[Ahh? If I tell you, will you spare me……? It’s not like I had any obligation to help her…… So isn’t it alright if I talk? But first, how about you remove whatever was stopping my body? Ahh?]

[You’re one happy-go-lucky guy…… Did you seriously think you have a choice, Oyamada?]

[Ughhh…….! You sh*tty Mimori…… For a mere E-rank, the heck are you acting like you’re some bigshot……! I heard you mention something like sleep…… Ah? Don’t tell me…… That’s seriously that sh*tty skill that didn’t work on the G.o.ddess? For———- Like I said, wait! Stop!]

[……Answer the d.a.m.ned question. Whether or not I forgive you depends on your answer.]


Did Mimori just say “forgive”?



At that moment, Sogou Ayaka suddenly popped into my mind.

I see.

Even if what he’s doing now should be considered evil, in the end, “he’s someone from that side”.

Well, this should have been obvious.

Even though he says he’s going to kill me……

There’s no way he would kill me.

There’s no way he would kill someone from the same world——— his cla.s.smate.

[Tsk…… Fine. So, what ya wanna ask?]

Mimori asked several questions.

I just gave him noncommittal answers, with a mixture of random answers and lies.

It’s not like I wanna hide those from him.

However, it was also somewhat annoying to answer him honestly.

Mimori moved on to the next question as soon as I answered.

He didn’t even question whether or not what I was saying was really true.

They didn’t even suspect my words.

Ahh, what an idiot.

In the end, sh*tty people would always be sh*tty people.

They’re suckers who expect the other person to have the illusion called conscience.

They seriously think people can understand each other if they just talk it out.

Ahh, it doesn’t matter who he is.

They’re just too stupid.

That’s why people like them are deceived and taken advantage of.

Eventually, the questions came to an end.

[Well, I guess that’s all. I see…… I guess most of Mira’s Knights and soldiers are probably packed over there to protect the Mad Emperor from that Exiled Emperor. I did hear some sounds of destruction and screams over there. The rest of the people probably evacuated the area….. That’s why there’s no presence of anyone else here. Even so…… Great Demon Emperor’s attack on Alion’s royal castle…… and Kirihara and the Takao sisters had done that huh.]

I don’t know what in the heck Mimori wants.

Well, from the questions he just asked, I guess he wants to take revenge on the G.o.ddess.

All of that doesn’t matter.

Do whatever you want.


Their att.i.tudes sure irritates me.

Seras is silent behind Mimori’s back.

At most, she would occasionally make slight movements behind him.

I don’t like that either.

She’s a super great woman who I could have violated if I were just given a few more minutes.

I can’t die here.

At least——— I must fire one shot against them.

What I don’t like most of all——– is Seras’ att.i.tude towards Mimori.

The heck is with that?

They already f.u.c.ked or what?

What’s more———– It doesn’t feel like Mimori was charmed with Seras.

It’s more like Seras was the one who had feelings for Mimori……

I don’t like this……

[What? You’re that interested in Seras? Sorry———– but I’m not going to let you lay another finger on her.]

[D*mn it……]

This is seriously freaking irritating.

However————- what should I do here?

The slightest sign of an attack from me will get me killed.

Earlier, prepared to cause a ruckus from the aftermath, I tried to use my inherent skill.

The moment I was about to mention the name of my skill though———— A slash suddenly swept diagonally across my lips.


Sounding pathetic as s.h.i.+t, that was all that came out of my mouth.

Until the end, I couldn’t say the name of my skill.

Speaking of which…… What the heck happened?

Is this really that Mimori Touka?

It’s as if he had become a different person.

Like, it’s like he literally became a different person.

I don’t know of a Mimori Touka————- that was like this.

Back when I heard that Minagi and those college students had gone missing……

I thought it was dangerous.

I had an incredibly bad feeling about the situation.

That’s why, I immediately distanced myself from the group.

In the end, my decision at that time was right.

I was able to escape.

Then, I managed to start over.

I had another chance to enjoy the stimulation of doing whatever I wanted.

No matter what impropriety……

No matter what you cheated……

No matter what crime you committed……

No matter what evil you had done……

In this world, if you get away with it, you win.

That’s right.

I can always start over.

After all, these are idiots who keep their promises.

No matter what kind of sc.u.m you are, they’re the kind who will give you a second chance.

As long as I act like I’m truly reflecting…….

As long as I cry excessively and say sorry……

They’re one of those idiots who would sometimes protect the human rights of selfish murderers.

Even though they weren’t able to protect the victims……

They’re protecting the perpetrators.

They’re idiots after all.

It’s those lurking around the deep darkness like the “Mus.h.i.+bami” that I have to watch out for.

If I’m just dealing with idiots like these, I would be able to survive by giving up my pride.

In this world————- Those who can get away wins.

Plip plop……

With blood dripping from my lips onto the ground———-

[……I see. You lived huh, Mimori.]

I lowered my head.

The tip of the sword that had been touching my neck moved overhead.

[……Sorry. I didn’t think Seras Ashrain was your comrade. I did such a terrible thing…… That goes for you too, Mimori…… When you are discarded, I didn’t do———- I don’t even know what I could do. Of course, I’m not asking for your forgiveness. However, I’ve been fighting under the G.o.ddess’ orders up to this point…… or so, that’s the only thing I was thinking. The most dangerous one is that G.o.ddess…… We are just used by her to do her bidding. No more…… I really hate doing this, Mimori!]

Saying this, I looked up, my face drenched with tears.

[Truth is, I was really scared…… I must’ve looked like sc.u.m back in our previous world, right!? But I…… I just had sh*tty environment back home! I’ve been through a lot…… that I needed to be rough just to get through things! Even when I’m acting tough, I still have insecurities! No matter which part of the world you’re in, the weak are the ones being taken advantaged! They’re the one getting exploited! I need to show I’m strong…… because if I’m not on the side of the strong, I’ll end up being one of the people getting exploited! Even after I came to this world…… I was really scared! Takuto suddenly feeling like he changed really scares me! That G.o.ddess and those Human-Faced too……! Sniff…… To be honest, it’s only Ayaka…… who didn’t abandon me and worried about me even when I’m like this…….! I just realized! I…… until the very end, I want to be useful to Ayaka! I want to help President! Alright, Mimori! If you want to kill me, kill me! Kill me! However…… Give me some time! I need to help Ayaka…… Together with Ayaka and the others…… Give me some time until we defeat the Great Demon Emperor! O- Of course, I will help you! I…… realized it. That ill-natured G.o.ddess has been brainwas.h.i.+ng me! However, I just broke her brainwas.h.i.+ng! O- Of course, I know that I myself have my own problems. I’m sc.u.m…… I’m a sc.u.m b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I couldn’t recognize my weakness…… so all I could do was to hurt the people around me! I want to blame it on the environment I was in back home…… sniff…… but that would just be another excuse, right!? I have to be strong…… That’s why, I’m begging you, Mimori! I’m really sorry, Seras! Please overlook this. Spare me……. Please, Mimori! From now on, I’ll change…… I will help others! It may not be possible right away…… but I will try my best to become a person who can help people! You may not believe me when I say this out of the blue…… but trust me! I will change! I won’t run away anymore! What I’m saying here doesn’t hold any lies…… It’s my true thoughts!]


The sound of rain.

In the distance, the faint sounds of commotion, screams and shouts……

It was at that moment……

Gloomily lowering her gaze, Seras Ashrain turned away.

Biting her pale lips……

As she hugged her own arms, Seras spoke.

[He’s lying……]


[I can’t really speak for others…… but it seems like you can fluently make such lies huh. Kuku…… Good grief, blabbering nonsense.]

[……Ahh? Why are you saying my words were lies……]

[Compared to Yasu’s honesty…… You really are irredeemable, Oyamada.]

[W- What!? Rather, Yasu!? You also met Yasu!?]

[Hey, Oyamada.]


[To tell you the truth, I can change my voice.]


[And yet, when I first approached you, I didn’t even change my voice.]


[Me wearing a mask means I want to hide my true ident.i.ty. Truth is that Mimorik Touka still needs to be hidden. And yet, here I am, having taken off my mask…… Do you know what that means?]

[What are you saying? You want to show…… that you were alive, right? And now that you’ve got that erotic beauty….. You wanted to show off……]

[Well, I did want to see you looking so disconcerted……]


[But from these actions, you can tell my other sentiments.]


[Of course, it’s because it’s already decided that I’ll kill you right here.]

[ ! What did you……!?]

[By the way, Seras can tell when you’re lying with the power of her Spirits. I had a hard time choosing the right questions to ask…… but thanks to her ability, I was able to obtain some information by detecting the “lies” in your answers. Well…… Good work, Oyamada. You’re no longer of any use to us.]

[Huh…… Haaaaahhhhh!? The heck is that!? You’re just swindling me!?]

[Hmm? What…… You still gonna continue pleading for your life?]

[Y- Y- Y- You’re going to kill me!? Mimori, kill me!? Stop fooling around, I’ll freaking crush you!]

[Oyamada…… You don’t seem to have a proper understanding of what you just did to Seras and Slei. You don’t seem…… to understand———–]

Mimori’s expression turned ruthless, looking like the devil———–

[——how p.i.s.sed I am all these time———–]


[And I’ve told you, didn’t I…… You stink. You stink just as much as those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who gave birth to me…… They’re parasites who only cause harm to others just by existing, just like you are.]


Thereupon, I realized it.

I was mistaken.

That’s right.

Why in the world am I misunderstanding that situation, wholeheartedly trying to be spared by him?

I didn’t want to admit that I was afraid of this guy, so I excluded such a thought in my mind until now.

That’s right.

What I felt from him……

What I felt from Mimori Touka was the same one I felt from Iokibe———–

He is also someone from the deep darkness.

[S- Stop, Mimori! I won’t tell anyone your true ident.i.ty! I don’t feel as much bad thoughts for you as you think I do! Just give me a chance! I’m serious!]


[……There was a lie.]

[Quit…… messing around, you d.a.m.ned swine! Stop slandering me, you f.u.c.king s.l.u.t! Listen here, Mimori! Don’t let her appearance deceive you! Yeah, I understand that men are more lenient with beauties! However, you seriously shouldn’t let her deceive you! What’s inside of her is poison that can seriously end a man’s life! You’re being misguided by a brainwas.h.i.+ng elf who only had her face as her a.s.set! Wake up!]

In response to my words, Mimori sneered a bit.

[Ah…… Ahh?]

[No, sorry…… I was just thinking how amazing it is that you’re going that far.]

[Ahh? Are you…… f*cking mocking me, you b*stard! Kuhh…… Oi, do you really think this is alright, Mimori!? Did you really think it would be alright to kill me!? Think about what Ayaka would say!]


[She said she doesn’t want any more of her cla.s.smates to die…… That includes even someone like me! Killing me…… means betraying Ayaka’s feelings! She was the only person who defended you when you were being disposed of! Are you gonna betray Ayaka’s feelings!?]

[I don’t know.]

[ ! ……Kuhh.]

[There are evil beings in this world that do harm just by existing. I know that that is a wrong way of thinking in the world we used to live in…… However, I could sometimes feel that that was indeed the case. They’re beings that wield evil just by being alive, harming the people they get involved with…… Just like those people who gave birth to me.]

[That…… That way of thinking is wrong…… Yes…… People can always start over again…… Humans are such beings…… That is a right all humans are born with…… Everyone should be given an equal chance to start over……]

[It’s not like I’m denying you from thinking that way. It was just that “I don’t think so”. And, more than that…… You, Oyamada, laid your hand on my precious comrades———- This topic, in the first place, had been settled after that. Listen here…… I will not spare you. There certainly may be people who would spare you. But in this place…… There is no one who would do that.]

G- Gununununu……!


Irritating, irritating, irritating!

My patience and reason have reached its limits.

[Stop——— Stop with your bulls.h.i.+t, Mimoriiii! You better remember this, you f*cking b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Kill me here and I’ll curse you after my death! You’ve gotta be kidding me! You’re originally just a s.h.i.+tty mob with no presence! You were a real pain in the a.s.s on the bus when you suddenly started talking to me! I was like, who the f.u.c.k is this guy!? Ahh, if I knew this is what you’re gonna be like, I would have gotten rid of you before they disposed of you! Ahh, d*mn it! I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you! I’ll f.u.c.king start with that stupid horse! I’m gonna turn that to mince meat and shove it down your f.u.c.king mouth! Next is that ugly elf who has nothing to offer but her body and face! I’m gonna f.u.c.k her inside out, morning noon and night! f.u.c.k her ’till I get tired of her! f.u.c.k her ’till Mimori goes crazy! After that, I’ll drag her ugly mug all over the country! I’ll have her f.u.c.ked by every man on this continent until she can’t think straight! No one will ever veto anything I do! No one, no one, no one! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! In the first place, why the heck did Mimori survive like thiiiiiis!? How the heck did this guy reach that “high position” before I knew it!? Irritating, irritating,  irritating,  irritating,  irritatiiiiiiinnggggg————]


The expression on Mimori’s face as he looked straight at me————- was so cold that it was frightening.

[You’re irredeemable.]

“Berserk”, Mimori said.

At that moment, I felt as if my whole body was seething.


Bright red blood blooming———— It tore its way out of my body, spreading around in a disarray.

Beyond the fireworks of exploding spray of blood……

There I saw Seras Ashrain, pity visible on her face, and Mimori Touka with the same ruthless expression he had before.

That was the last thing reflected in Oyamada Shougo’s eyes in this world.

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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 300 - Oyamada Shougo summary

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