His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1437 Like His Own Son

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Chapter 1437 Like His Own Son

Iris might appear like she was only doing the bare minimum, but the quality of her work was unquestionable. For her, it wasn't based on how long she spent working on the tasks but on the quality of the results. This had always been her principle whenever she worked on something.

After another day of hard work, Iris went home and headed straight to the nursery to hug her babies.

"Mama! Mama!!" Little Mochi and Little Matcha immediately abandoned their toys and crawled up to her.

She knelt on the floor and caught her twins. The cats and puppies also ran in circles around her, each trying to catch her attention.

Little Jun wasn't at home, unfortunately. It was Jiang Ying Yue's day off today. She took her son to Lin Yehan's farm villa for an overnight stay. Everyone could see Lin Yehan's painstaking efforts in trying to bond with his soon-to-be stepson so that Little Jun wouldn't feel neglected in any way. This was especially important since Lin Yehan and Jiang Ying Yue were already starting to plan their wedding.

Lin Yehan's farm villa was quite far from Dragon Palace, but he would still take the time and effort to drive the long distance almost every day just to spend more quality time with the mother and son. Even when Jiang Ying Yue was on duty at the mansion, Lin Yehan didn't mind and insisted on spending time with Little Jun instead. Everyone witnessed his sincerity. He really treated the mother and son as his own family now.

Although her G.o.dson was absent, Iris was still happy to see her babies welcoming her home. She kissed her children a few times and couldn't help but sigh in contentment. "Ah, Mommy is recharged now, thanks to my babies."

Little Mochi giggled and also gave her plenty of drooly smooches on the cheek. Little Matcha was a bit more reserved, only giving her one kiss on the cheek.

She played with her children for some time before Ketchup informed her that Jin Liwei had arrived home. She and Dom carried the twins to welcome her husband. The cats and puppies also followed by their feet.

Jin Liwei's stern expression immediately softened upon seeing his family welcoming him home.

He took Little Matcha who was reaching for him from Dom and went straight to his wife and other son, Little Mochi. The family of four embraced each other. The cats and puppies also rubbed themselves against their legs.

The family was about to head straight for a meal when Dom received a call.

"Boss, it's Big Sis Yue," Dom said.

Iris took the phone and listened to a frantic Jiang Ying Yue.

"Calm down, Ying Yue," Iris said, trying to calm down Jiang Ying Yue. "I can't understand what you're saying. Explain to me slowly and clearly."

The calmer Lin Yehan took over the call from his fiancée to explain the situation.

Iris put the call on loudspeaker so that her husband could also listen.

It turned out that Little Jun was having a fever. The child had been fine and energetic like usual in the morning, but by the afternoon, he began to feel lethargic.

Jiang Ying Yue allowed her son to take a longer nap than usual, but when she checked on Little Jun just now, she found her son burning up with a fever.

Iris was also worried about her G.o.dson. She glanced at Jin Liwei.

"Eldest Brother, drive Little Jun to the hospital," Jin Liwei said. "Xiulan and I will follow you shortly."

"We're almost at the hospital," Lin Yehan told them. "Ying Yue is beside herself with worry. Please have Xiulan come and help comfort her."

"Of course, we'll be right there," Jin Liwei replied.

After the phone call ended, Jin Liwei entrusted the kids to the nannies and instructed the butler to drive one of his cars to the front driveway while Iris rushed to get her bag. Dom, on the other hand, ran to the medical wing. They didn't even bother changing their clothes before hurrying to the driveway where Jin Liwei was already waiting.

Iris sat in the front pa.s.senger seat while Dom and the in-house doctor sat in the back.

As soon as the last door shut closed, Jin Liwei drove away with the engine roaring.

Iris was filled with worry. If only she could teleport to her G.o.dson's side, she would have already done it in a heartbeat.

Now that she was a mother herself, her worry for children increased several-fold.

Jin Liwei held her hand and squeezed it. "Our G.o.dson will be fine."

She nodded. Little Jun would be fine. He should be fine!

"Eldest Brother Yehan is with them," he a.s.sured her. "He won't let anything happen to Little Jun. He already cares about the little guy like his own son."

"I know," Iris said with a sigh. "We can all see Eldest Brother Yehan's efforts in caring for Little Jun. His interactions with Little Jun always feel natural. There's no awkwardness at all. So far, he's fulfilling his promise of treating Little Jun like his biological son. Ying Yue said that this is the biggest reason why she decided to accept Eldest Brother Yehan and even took the initiative to propose marriage to him. He's just too good to pa.s.s up."

"Very true," Dom echoed from the backseat. "Big Sis Yue did indeed say that."

After speaking, Dom returned to shutting his eyes and clasping his hands together to continue praying for Little Jun's safety and good health.

The in-house doctor beside him was quietly contacting her peers from the hospital where Lin Yehan planned to take Little Jun.

Iris did her best to calm down. Then she patted Jin Liwei's hand that was holding hers. "Drive safely. We're in a rush, but safety is still a priority."

Jin Liwei didn't argue. He gave her hand another gentle squeeze before focusing on driving.

Iris tried calling Jiang Ying Yue and Lin Yehan a few times, but unfortunately, the call was unable to go through.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1437 Like His Own Son summary

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