His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1470 Not the True Mastermind

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Chapter 1470 Not the True Mastermind

Iris and Jin Liwei spoke with Lu Zihao on the phone while their bodyguards made sure that n.o.body loitered nearby to eavesdrop on them.

"These two Mao c.o.c.kroaches are just accomplices," Lu Zihao told the couple. "They're not the true mastermind behind Little Jun's kidnapping."

The husband and wife looked at each other while frowning.

"I already suspected that this is the case," Iris said, sighing. "But now that Big Brother has confirmed it, I now understand why I kept feeling anxious lately. So this was the feeling of dread that I kept on having. We're dealing with someone dangerous whose ident.i.ty we don't even know yet."

Jin Liwei's frown deepened. He pulled his wife closer to him. "Let's not worry about that unknown danger for now. Let's focus on our G.o.dson being safe and sound now. We'll have time to deal with that unknown danger later."

"Yes, Little Jun is safe now." She addressed her big brother on the phone, "Did Mao Qiuyue's parents confess about the person who instructed them?"

They heard Lu Zihao sneer. "These two pieces of sh*t are not only despicable, but they're also stupid. At first, they wouldn't open their mouths, but once my people did their work, they spilled everything. The man says that it was a younger woman who made an offer to save Mao Qiuyue from imprisonment and help their family escape abroad as long as they do whatever the woman told them to do."

"Woman?" Iris asked, her frown deepening.

"Yeah. They say it was a woman who always wears a floral dress. Apparently, she looks like you."

"Looks like me?" Iris was bewildered, and to be honest, creeped out. "Are you sure?"

"That's what these two pieces of sh*t say," Lu Zihao said in a tone filled with danger. "My people made them undergo a polygraph test, and it should be the truth. But of course, the results might not be 100% accurate. We should also consider the possibility that these two c.o.c.kroaches underwent some psychological modifications like hypnosis to confuse us."

Iris and Jin Liwei glanced at each other, worry reflected in their eyes.

"Evelinka, don't worry too much," Lu Zihao said in a softer tone. "I haven't personally interrogated Mao Qiuyue's parents yet. I'll extract the real truth from them no matter what, even if I have to crack their skulls open and pull their brains out."

"Big Brother!"

Lu Zihao chuckled in a devilish voice. "Just kidding, my little sister."

His words didn't a.s.sure her at all. If it were in their past lives, her big brother would have already done it with no second thoughts.

"Jin Liwei, take care of my sister and your G.o.dson," Lu Zihao changed his tone into a more serious one.

"En, you don't have to tell me," Jin Liwei replied with an equally serious tone.

"I'll try to find out more information about the ident.i.ties of the true mastermind and the unidentified armed men we encountered in the mountain."

"Okay," Jin Liwei and Iris both said.

"Also keep an eye on my wife. I know she's worried about her nephew, but we still have our own brats waiting for their mother at home."

After saying these words, Lu Zihao ended the phone call. Iris couldn't even retort. She wanted to say that the Lu twins weren't only waiting for their mother but also their father.

However, she couldn't even criticize her big brother because the reason he became so busy today was to rescue her G.o.dson and find out about the true mastermind behind Little Jun's kidnapping.

Also, she and Jin Liwei had their own twins waiting for them at home.

Iris asked her husband, "What do you think about transferring Little Jun to our home? This is a public place and people come and go as they please. Even if the security here is good compared to other hospitals, I still can't rest a.s.sured. Our home is much safer."

"En, I thought the same way, too." Jin Liwei nodded. "I've already spoken with Eldest Brother Yehan earlier when Little Jun was still in surgery. He also agrees that our home's security is the best. He has decided to let the mother and son stay at Dragon Palace while Little Jun recuperates from his injuries. In the meantime, he'll work on tightening the security at his farm villa."

She sighed in relief. Initially, she was prepared to persuade Jiang Ying Yue and Lin Yehan to allow Little Jun to stay at Dragon Palace Home #10 for a while. She missed the little guy so much!

In addition, this kidnapping incident frightened her so much more than when Little Jun had been hospitalized for dengue fever the last time. She wanted to keep the child close to her.

With Dragon Palace Homes' inherent tight security plus Jin Liwei's additional strong home security team, and most importantly, her modifications of their home's security and surveillance systems in tandem with their cat AI children Ketchup and Bacon, even the world's most secure bank wasn't as safe as their home.

Thankfully, Lin Yehan recognized this fact and agreed to let go of his newly married wife and bonus son while he worked on his own farm villa's security.

Now Iris could rest a.s.sured about his G.o.dson's safety.

She wished that she could erase this traumatic memory from Little Jun's head, but that was impossible. They all just had to work hard and carefully help the child deal with the trauma. And hopefully, he would survive stronger and more resilient than before.

Nevertheless, just the fact that something like this happened to the child broke their hearts.

"Darling," she murmured.

"What's wrong?" Jin Liwei asked.

"Is it evil of me to want to murder Mao Qiuyue and her parents? I want to strangle them with my own hands for what they did to our G.o.dson."

He hugged her tightly in his arms and kissed the top of her hair, inhaling her fragrance.

"If you think that it's evil for you to think like that, then I guess that I'm evil, too. Because I also want to do the same thing to them. I'm sure that Jiang Ying Yue and Eldest Brother Yehan also feel the same way. It's only natural that we want to protect our children and punish those who hurt them. Don't feel too bad about it, love."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1470 Not the True Mastermind summary

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