The Return Of The God Level Assassin Chapter 1123 JI YUN BEING RESOURCEFUL

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LUO YAN gulped nervously when he saw his father's serious expression as he looked at Shen Ji Yun. He couldn't interrupt and make up an excuse to defend Shen Ji Yun, because doing so would only arouse more suspicion.

With his father's tone of voice and how he scrutinized Shen Ji Yun, Luo Yan was sure that the other's instinct, that seemed to have been turned off when it came to the two of them, had now finally awakened. He was now finally getting suspicious of their relations.h.i.+p. If they made a wrong step here, Luo Yan might not be able to attend the final tournament of Arcadia Cup next week.

That's probably not the best reason to prevent his father from discovering their relations.h.i.+p. But at this moment, that's his imminent concern. Because he knew that if he talked to his father and try to make him understand that he and Shen Ji Yun truly loved each other, he would eventually come around. But that's something that wouldn't happen in just a few days.

For his father to approve of their relations.h.i.+p, it would probably take months. So, if the other discovered the truth now, the chances of him not allowing Luo Yan to meet Shen Ji Yun, even in the game, would be very high. And if that happened, it meant that he wouldn't be able to partic.i.p.ate in the final tournament. Something that he must prevent from happening at all cost. He didn't want the effort their team had put in for this tournament to go to waste.

Luo Yan struggled to hold back a deep sigh. This was his fault. He shouldn't have asked Shen Ji Yun to visit him at this hour. It wasn't that he didn't mean it—he truly did, at least at the time. He just didn't expect that his father would see Shen Ji Yun standing, or as he put it - lurking, in front of his room.

He felt confident inviting Shen Ji Yun because he knew that at this hour, his father and brothers would already be asleep. That's why he dared to arrange a 'midnight rendezvous.' He even ensured that the guest room Shen Ji Yun would stay in was directly above his own room.

Who would have thought that his father would be walking in the back garden at this hour? That's the only explanation for how he saw Shen Ji Yun "lurking," as his father put it, in front of his room.

Luo Yan glanced at Shen Ji Yun. The other was completely silent. Even though there wasn't enough expression on his face to judge what he was thinking, Luo Yan could still tell he was very nervous. Knowing how bad Shen Ji Yun was at lying, Luo Yan also started to sweat.

Should he intervene now? But how could he do it in a way that wouldn't be suspicious?

As he was racking his brain for answers, Shen Ji Yun suddenly spoke.

Luo Yan would have praised him for how he calmly said that, but what's with that answer? His father would definitely like that. Because it sounded like he was being a smart-a.s.s.

"I was not lurking, Uncle Tian. I just happened to be standing in front of Yan Yan's room when you saw me."

Luo Yan would have praised him for how he calmly said that, but what's with that answer? His father would definitely like that. Because it sounded like he was being a smart-a.s.s.

"Oh? Are you being sarcastic with me right now, kid?" his father said with a hint of a sneer in his voice.

See? Shen Ji Yun was now demoted from a 'young man' to a 'kid'. Should Luo Yan interrupt now?

"No, Uncle Tian. That's not my intention. I was simply saying that I wasn't lurking in front of Yan Yan's room on purpose," Shen Ji Yun quickly explained.

"Then why are you there?"

Shen Ji Yun gazed down, then looked from side to side. Looking like someone who was having trouble answering the question. As if the answer would be too embarra.s.sing for him to say.

"I... I was craving some crispy seaweed snacks that aren't available in the house. I thought I'd sneak out to the convenience store nearby to get some. I didn't want to disturb anyone, so I went down from my room through the vines on the balcony of my room," Shen Ji Yun finally admitted, his voice filled with a mix of embarra.s.sment and sincerity.

Both father and son were embarra.s.sed when they heard that.

Luo Yan because he knew Shen Ji Yun was lying. But the way he said that, and even how his whole face blushed from embarra.s.sment, made it very believable. Wow. When did Shen Ji Yun learn how to do that? Had he finally become better at lying? No, wait- was this because of his influence? If so, then Luo Yan wasn't sure if he should be proud or guilty.

[Good going, Brother Ji Yun. I know you can do it!] - the little devil inside his heart wanted to shout.

But the little angel there was also weeping. [Sorry for tainting you, Brother Ji Yun.]

On the other hand, Luo Wei Tian wasn't sure if he should believe what this kid was saying. Crispy seaweed? Did they not have that in their house? More importantly, why would he sneak out just because of that?

But then again, looking at how embarra.s.sed Shen Ji Yun was right now, he certainly didn't seem like lying. And there was indeed a nearby convenience store here. A place dedicated solely to the people in this community. And if he was planning to quietly sneak out and jumped from the balcony of his room, he would indeed end up in front of Luo Yan's room.

At the end, he could only let out a tired sigh. "Xiao Yun, you know that there are stairs here, right? Why are you going down the second floor using the vines? Do you think you're some ninja or something? What if you fell and hit your head?"

Shen Ji Yun lowered his head, looking very guilty. "I'm sorry, Uncle Tian."

"Ha... it's fine. Just go back to your room." Luo Wei Tian tried to stand up but almost fell over again. "I think we need to call the family doctor," he added, wincing at the shooting pain in his lower back.

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The Return Of The God Level Assassin Chapter 1123 JI YUN BEING RESOURCEFUL summary

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