Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 784

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Chapter 784

The line of sight interweaves, the absolute collision of ice and fire.

For a moment, people in the hall almost felt the sound of Zizi.

The Empress Dowager Chen stood up unconsciously. She and Xuanyuan Yi, one left and one right, stood at Xuanyuan Che's hands, as if they were not supposed to sit in front of the three kings of Ming island.

There was silence in the palace.

There was no weakness, no timidity, only arrogant dictators.h.i.+p, only a powerful king. Xuanyuanche looked back coldly at the three kings of Ming island. He was surrounded by a murderous spirit and sat high on the Dragon chair.

With a pair of three, the breath is not weak at all.

After a brief look at each other, the unknown light in the eyes of the three kings of Hades flashed, and they all took back their eyes to look at xuanyuanche.

"Ming island hears about the birthday of Tianchen w.a.n.g, and specially orders me to wait for three people to send me the gift of Ming island. " The elegant man's sleeve robe in white flickers on the iron and wood box, making a sound slowly. "I dare not, I dare not... " Standing Xuanyuan Yi's forehead was sweating. Hearing this, the man in white put his hands on and on. There was a bit of imperial spirit there.

The three people standing in the center of the main hall ignored xuanyuanyi, and only looked coldly at sitting high and up. Under their momentum, xuanyuanche was lofty, not affected at all, but powerful.

Cold eyebrow slowly pick, xuanyuanche looked down at the three people below, very slow way: "that widowed is not to thank Ming island?" As soon as this word fell, Murong invincible, right phase, and others were sweating on the forehead. This was too t.i.t for tat.

"Yaow.a.n.g, you see my w.a.n.g received your kindness in his early years. Here... " There was a smile on his face. Murong Wudi bowed to the man in white and was about to make a round.

Unexpectedly, when he spoke, the white medicine King's sleeve robe waved and took the words lightly: "it's a long time ago. Besides, it's a day to repay your kindness. Tianchen and Mingdao don't owe you any kindness. "

Murong Wudi's face suddenly turned white when his voice fell. He didn't want to read his kindness. He was so fierce today. This

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 784 summary

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