Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 823

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Chapter 823

Half a million soldiers and horses, almost out of the nest.

The whole world focuses on the sky.

In the fierce moment of the Southern Song Dynasty, xuanyuanche, the king of heaven, made an order, which blew up in the sky of the five countries in the Central Plains.

"Tianchen's benevolence and righteousness were the first. He refused to kill the imperial families of the four countries in the Central Plains. He fought against the overseas forces of Mingdao alone. He didn't think that the Southern Song Dynasty was not grateful, but listened to the rumors and attacked Tianchen.

I'm not afraid of the Southern Song Dynasty. I'm ungrateful. If I fight alone, I'll be insulted. "

Under a decree, Tianchen mobilized 400000 troops to promote the Southern Song Dynasty.

Without waiting for the Southern Song Dynasty to attack Tianchen, Tianchen has already sent his troops directly to the Southern Song Dynasty.

The situation in the world suddenly changed.

The emperor xuanyuanche was the commander-in-chief, general Liuchuan, Zhoucheng, chensi and three deputy commanders, who attacked the Southern Song Dynasty directly.

Murong Wudi, the first military general of Tianchen, stayed in the capital of Tianchen and was in charge of the state affairs together with xuanyuanyi, the emperor.

In a moment, the world is on fire. At the beginning of April, the cold of spring was completely removed, and the scorching heat was spread everywhere.

Jincheng, Tianchen border, a thousand miles of mountains, rolling.

Among the green mountains and forests, the winding army is spread out, vast and mighty, with no head in front and no tail in the back.

It's green all the way. The red setting sun shed the bright light from the sky, s.h.i.+ning on the vast green, as if the general, gla.s.s spark, red leaves.

In a white suit, Ouyang Yufei rode on a high horse, waving a folding fan and looking at xuanyuanche, who was walking beside him, shaking his head and saying, "good you, xuanyuanche. It's bad luck for them to meet you in the Southern Song Dynasty. "

A suit of iron armor, xuanyuanche horse in the mountains, smell words swept Ouyang Yufei, a plain face, no voice.

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 823 summary

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