Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 848

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Chapter 848

What's more, the most hateful thing is the king of medicine. Right now, it's still in good condition. The poison is too mysterious and dangerous.

If he is coming to the island of Hades, all the Millennium treasures will be finished.

That's what worries her most at the moment.

Looking at Ryukyu frowning, she didn't speak, but her face, which was not covered, exposed her ideas.

Seeing this light smile, Ouyang Yu Fei played with the gra.s.s leaves in his hand and said: "you don't have to think about that situation, he won't dare to do it.

There are rules of Ming island.

It doesn't matter to kill 100 people, but if the target is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, it's forbidden to commit such practices and crimes.

There are so many soldiers and horses in this place. How dare they move around? If they want to come, they must use small-scale poisons. "

The voice is light, with the breeze rising, the moment makes Ryukyu settled.

As long as the king of medicine does not come to the destructive poison, she is not afraid of them. Seeing a flash of self-confidence on Ryukyu's face, Ouyang Yufei looked up at the glow of the sky.

The battle of Qianfeng barracks in front of us can't be heard here. It's still beautiful, gorgeous and bright.

Red clouds floating in the sky, breeze flying, rare calm good weather. "In the battle of arms and horses, tactical arms and horses are the second. The so-called three armies are not moving, and food and gra.s.s are the first. This is the key between the victory and defeat. "

With his head on the ground, Ouyang Yufei folded his hands behind his head and looked at the setting sun in the sky. Suddenly, he seemed to mutter to himself.

Liuyue listens to Ouyang Yufei's words. He can't help but stop and watch Ouyang Yufei. This person is not very bored when he says this.

"Five hundred thousand troops and horses of the Southern Song Dynasty were stationed outside the border pa.s.s, about 20 li away from the border town of the Southern Song Dynasty. "

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 848 summary

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