Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person Chapter 171

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Chapter 171

Editor: Sahloknir

Gu Qiushu knew that he was already too far gone into the whirlpool called ‘s.h.i.+ Qing’ to extricate himself.

At first, s.h.i.+ Qing was only scolding him, complaining about him and saying things he didn’t understand.

But as time went on, the alcohol seemed to get to the young man, who started taking off his clothes.

Not only that, he reached for Gu Qiushu’s as well.

If Gu Qiushu didn’t let him touch, the person who couldn’t stop talking after drinking would stand in place and glare heatedly at him. He would mutter things like, ‘you giant pig trotter’, ‘if you’re not taking them off then scram’, ‘Laozi isn’t going to serve you’ etc.

Gu Qiushu was a disciple of an immortal sect. He had been taught since he was a child to mind his manners outside.

How could he possibly do this?

But he as looked at the mortal pus.h.i.+ng him and trying to make him get lost…

He slowly untied his belt.

Things got a little out of control after that.

At first, s.h.i.+ Qing took the initiative to come up and kiss him.

This kiss was very brief, like a dragonfly skimming across the surface of a pond.

s.h.i.+ Qing still seemed quite dazed. He didn’t even seem to realize what he had done.

But a single kiss was more than enough for Gu Qiushu to lose control.

He embraced the other person and stumbled with him over to the Sect Master’s seat. There, they did the thing.

Gu Qiushu was still somewhat clear-headed at the beginning.

He knew that he should not do this, not only because s.h.i.+ Qing was a mortal, but because he was currently inebriated. How could he take advantage of him like this? It was utterly shameless.

Then the Steel Bones Sect Master’s long, slender and pale arms circled around his neck.

Gu Qiushu: “…”

He mentally berated himself the entire time he did it.

Although still drunk, s.h.i.+ Qing was very cooperative. He only pushed Gu Qiushu a couple of times at the beginning and cursed ‘is that all you know how to do’ before sinking into indulgence.

As the sun rose the next day, Gu Qiushu forcibly restrained himself despite still wanting to continue. He carefully carried the person whose face was still marred by tears inside. Ever so gently, he wiped down s.h.i.+ Qing, who was still sobbing from time to time, put him in new clothes, and tucked him in.

Once he too was dressed again, the white-robed Xianzhang straightened his back and knelt by the bed.

He was willing to accept any punishment for the crime of taking advantage of s.h.i.+ Qing. He was willing to pay any price, even his life.

s.h.i.+ Qing slept like the dead.

Usually, he would have a nice sleep after getting drunk. Make no mistake, he was drunk last night, but he still had his wits about him.

He had a clear plan in mind when he swung an arm around Gu Qiushu’s neck.

Doing some exercises before bed could help you sleep better, you know?

But for whatever reason his past self forgot to take the fact that Gu Qiushu was a f.u.c.king cultivator into consideration. As a result, he didn’t get to sleep a wink last night after being tossed around for half of it.

He actually cried in front of Gu Qiushu yesterday. Just the thought of it made him unhappy.

During tasks, s.h.i.+ Qing could basically cry on command. Pretending to be weak was easier than breathing to him. But really crying made him uncomfortable all over.

He would scrub the memory from Gu Qiushu’s brain if he could.

But who would’ve thought? This b.a.s.t.a.r.d forced him to cry again with his formidable physique.

s.h.i.+ Qing rubbed his forehead as he slowly sat up. He thought that with Gu Qiushu’s frigid temperament, the man had probably hightailed it back to the Heavenly Derivation Sect out of fright since they did it while the animosity value was still above 50.

Whatever. He didn’t want to play anymore anyway.

If he fails this task then so be it.

However, he was immediately greeted with the sight of Gu Qiushu kneeling at his bedside after sitting up.

…What are you kneeling for??

Gu Qiushu pursed his lips slightly. “I’m sorry about last night.”

“It’s okay. I enjoyed it too.”

s.h.i.+ Qing threw off the blanket. The slightest motion made him aware of how uncomfortable every part of his body was. He stiffened, but the smile on his face didn’t betray his discomfort.

“Xianzhang, yesterday was a one-off thing. Why don’t you return to the Heavenly Derivation Sect for now?”

Gu Qiushu keenly noticed s.h.i.+ Qing’s rejection of him.

The young man even seemed to want to avoid him.

He didn’t understand, yet in some ways he did as well.

Grasping his sword tightly, Gu Qiushu wanted to say that he wouldn’t leave, but he didn’t know how to. He could only continue to kneel in place.

s.h.i.+ Qing was quite angry at the moment.

Not because Gu Qiushu did the you-know-what with him.

But because of the man’s att.i.tude.

In his eyes, was the two of them sharing one bed some heinous crime? How dare he kneel on the floor like he was waiting to be sentenced.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

[System! System!! Get over here!]

This was the first time that s.h.i.+ Qing spoke to the System in such a harsh tone.

The System almost immediately popped up, albeit cautiously.

[Host, ah. Um, what’s the matter?]

Upon hearing its voice, s.h.i.+ Qing first breathed a sigh of relief that it was still alive. Then he questioned where it had been last night.

The System: [Last night’s inspection revealed irregularities in the main code, like something invaded the data system. I went to take a look…Host? Don’t be angry, Host, I know I was wrong. Why don’t I give you that Spring Palace Secret Manual you’ve always wanted as an apology?]

[I don’t want it anymore. What use would I have for something like that, when this guy avoids me like the plague?]

Rather than saying he was angry, it would be more accurate to say that s.h.i.+ Qing was frustrated that he ended up actually crying after getting drunk.

Just thinking about how he blabbed on and on to Gu Qiushu, practically pointing at the man and demanding that he not hate him, made s.h.i.+ Qing feel faint.

This was way, way too humiliating.

If this guy came to his senses, who knew how hard he would laugh at s.h.i.+ Qing.

[I’m giving up on this world. Let’s leave. Right now.]

This was the first time the System saw s.h.i.+ Qing taking things so seriously. It immediately panicked. [Host, I thought things were going pretty smoothly! Isn’t it too early to give up yet?]

[Smoothly my a.s.s.]

Just the sight of Gu Qiushu kneeling on the floor awaiting punishment because they shared a bed made s.h.i.+ Qing want to beat him up.

[I’m done. We’re leaving. Look at how high his animosity value still is. He’s just acting like he’s deeply in love right now, that’s all.]

The System was deeply shocked. It rushed to explain: [That’s not true, Host. I just didn’t get a chance to report his animosity value yet. Here it is.]

[Ding! Gu Qiushu’s animosity value: 0/100]

The System pitifully spoke on Gu Qiushu’s behalf. [Look Host, he’s not pretending to like you, he really, really does!]

s.h.i.+ Qing’s expression eased up a bit after hearing that the animosity value returned to zero.]

[Have you saved enough points yet?]

[Yes, yes. Last night was more than enough.]

s.h.i.+ Qing pondered his situation for a bit. Then he looked at the kneeling Gu Qiushu. Even though the man’s expression was still cold, his eyes staring at s.h.i.+ Qing had hints of worry and shame hiding within. The sight made s.h.i.+ Qing feel a bit better.

[Fine. You can go.]

So the System left.

s.h.i.+ Qing forced his sore body to a sitting position as he said to Gu Qiushu, “Get up.”

Gu Qiushu noticed how bad a mood he was in and obediently rose to his feet slowly.

s.h.i.+ Qing asked, “Tell me. Do you like me?”

The white-robed Xianzhang’s eyelashes trembled slightly after immediately being hit with such a bombsh.e.l.l question. While he hesitated, s.h.i.+ Qing spoke again, “Be truthful.”

Gu Qiushu’s lips twitched slightly. In the end, he came clean.

“I like you.”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. If it wasn’t for all the spiritual medicines s.h.i.+ Qing regularly takes, it was unlikely that his mortal ears would’ve caught those words.

Even s.h.i.+ Qing himself was unaware of it, but his body relaxed slightly after hearing those three words.

He even leaned back on the wall instead of forcing himself to sit straight.

“I knew it.”

Gu Qiushu watched as the heartbreaking expression on the other’s face gradually morphed into an oh-so-familiar smugness.

“How could anyone in the world not like me—s.h.i.+ Qing.”

His boast was beyond arrogant, and the smug look on his face made people want to beat him up.

Someone like s.h.i.+ Qing would definitely be an outcast in any of the immortal sects.

However, his demeanour made a light smile appear on Gu Qiushu’s face.

Although s.h.i.+ Qing was a bit full of himself, he much preferred this side of him to the lonely person last night, who looked at him with rejection this morning.

“Tell me Xianzhang. What do you like about me?”

Since he was pacified, s.h.i.+ Qing didn’t bother pretending anymore. He got straight up from the bed and started to dress in front of Gu Qiushu.

Gu Qiushu didn’t know what he liked about s.h.i.+ Qing.

He silently watched s.h.i.+ Qing put on his clothes and fix his hair, eventually transforming back into that unrestrained and reckless Steel Bones Sect Master. “The way you looked last night made my heart rejoice.”

s.h.i.+ Qing’s hands paused from arranging his hair. He turned to look at the man.

“Seems you take joy from the sorrow of others. You like me because I was sad.”

He quickly regained his composure. After casually tossing out a flippant comment or two, he sat on his bed to put on his shoes.

Gu Qiushu sincerely said, “I like you, but I don’t want to see you be sad.”

s.h.i.+ Qing suspected this guy was determined to not let him properly put on his clothes.

He quickly finished up and stood, patting the white-robed Xianzhang on the shoulder.

“I’m not sad most of the time. But whether I feel that way again depends on you, Xianzhang.” With that, he stepped out.

Gu Qiushu stood in place. He felt like s.h.i.+ Qing’s words contained a deeper meaning, but understanding eluded him, no matter how hard he thought about it. In the end, he silently followed behind s.h.i.+ Qing. They walked all the way out of the Sect grounds.

“Xianzhang, what are you following me for?”

“I like you, so naturally I’m following you.”

s.h.i.+ Qing suspected this guy was only being this sweet all of a sudden because he sensed his desire to leave. Why else would he be acting this way?

“Fine, fine. Follow me if you want. I’m going to travel the world to experience the beauty of nature. I’ll heal others to prolong my life until the point when I don’t want to live anymore.”

Gu Qiushu: “Then I will follow you.”



s.h.i.+ Qing only allowed himself to be pleased once he ascertained that the man was serious.

He beckoned for Gu Qiushu to come over and leaned on the other’s shoulder. “I’m not going to bother with you if you ever do that again.”

Gu Qiushu relaxed his shoulder so that s.h.i.+ Qing could be more comfortable. His monotonous voice was filled with sincerity. “Alright.”

Something strange recently happened to the Heavenly Derivation Sect. Their little s.h.i.+shu actually disappeared together with the Steel Bones Sect Master!

Well, ‘disappeared’ wasn’t exactly the word for it.

It’s more like both of them refused to return to their Sects anymore.

The Steel Bones Sect outright chose a new disciple to be the Sect Master, but all Gu Qiushu did was send a letter back saying that he wouldn’t be returning.

The duo actually spent the rest of their lives travelling the world together.

Some heard that they went to the Chilled Pond and picked the Chilled Lingzhi inside. Then they climbed the Ascending Immortal Peak to watch the tribulations of others. They even went to the mortal realm and struck down injustice wherever they went.

In short, they never went back.

There were rumours floating around that they had eloped.

The Heavenly Derivation Sect was rather old-fas.h.i.+oned, and Gu Qiushu was the model of his generation. So how could the Heavenly Derivation Sect Master accept the fact that he liked a man? So he beat up the lovebirds.

Alas, both Gu Qiushu and s.h.i.+ Qing had a stubborn streak a mile wide. They really were willing to risk everything just to be together.

Sigh. Love really is the most powerful of forces. It can even make people feel no fear in the face of death, ah.

The Heavenly Derivation Sect Master: “…”

Who the h.e.l.l’s stopping them from being together? Do you really think he has nothing better to do than to police the orientation of his little s.h.i.+di? So what if he liked men?? He could be together with whoever he wanted. But why elope???

I’m so angry!

How unfortunate my Sect is!

s.h.i.+ Qing spent close to a millennium with Gu Qiushu. At the end, when his lifespan could no longer be extended, the two of them chose a scenic place and went to sleep in each other’s embrace.

[Ding! Enough points have been acc.u.mulated. Please proceed to the last world.]

Author’s Corner

Little Theatre

When s.h.i.+ Qing and Gu Qiushu were walking together in the mortal realm, they suddenly came across a group of mountain bandits.

Gu Qiushu broke their legs.

And s.h.i.+ Qing stepped forward to heal them.

The mountain bandits gradually woke up to see a young gentleman excitedly saying to the person behind him, “Look, my red line is deeper now! Healing them gave me so much more time! Oh, if only I could do it again…”

So then their legs were broken again.

There’s another world to come. One little angel asked what the Gong’s name is. Actually, I’ve written that down in the subcolumn a long time ago. His name is Gong, oh.

This world is actually set to easy mode. There’s no need for high difficulty since it’s meant to wrap things up.

Time for some self promotion! Formally informing all little angels that I have a het romance alt-account. My pen name is Tang Zhong Mao!

The works can share similar settings, but the main pairing orientation is different~

One is for ** and the other is for het romance

Both update daily! Sigh. I’m so, so hardworking.

Muamuamuamua! Good night everyone!

Randomly sending out red pockets~

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Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person Chapter 171 summary

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