Dimensional Descent Chapter 2996 Crack.

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Chapter 2996  Crack.

The third issue that Leonel was facing here wasn't just the fact the world was about to be in chaos and that his convenient s.h.i.+elds wouldn't work anymore, but it was also a matter of something that his evolved Wise Star Order status was screaming at him. If this was really the plan of the G.o.ds… they were absolute fools. The laws of the G.o.d Realm were leaking into the lower Realms, and the Demi-G.o.d Realm seemed to be forcefully evolving beneath its might. It seemed like some time in the past, the G.o.d Realm had wanted to expand, but the process had been stopped by the powerhouses of the True G.o.ds. Now, the G.o.d Realm was currently expanding to the size that it wanted in the first place. Leonel's eyes flashed. 'Could it be that there was never meant to be a Demi-G.o.d Realm in the first place?' If that was true, then this situation was far worse than he thought. It wasn't just that the G.o.ds might start a ma.s.sacre, but it was also the case that the entire world might be in danger. If this barrier was broken, and now there was a new wave of G.o.d Realms… that would mean that the strain on the Northern Star would skyrocket by several fold. And if this happened, let alone weakening the strain and extending the time they had left, what could have been counted in millions of years might become just a few thousand or maybe even less than that. 'There's just no…' Leonel's head whipped to the side as he gazed toward a certain location and his heart lurched. At the same time, a wild spike of lightning surged through his Dreamscape and he felt his breathing become a little heavy. The Nomad Race, G.o.d Zoltene, G.o.ddess Evergreen, the Three Finger Cult, the fall of Minerva… The cracked Hourgla.s.s of the Pluto. It all came to his mind in a rus.h.i.+ng flood and he felt like his soul had just fled his body. The G.o.ds had been tricked. Leonel realized all of this in a single bound. His face drained of color, and his heartbeat became so fast that he felt like it might falter and stop beating entirely very soon despite the strength of his const.i.tution. This fear wasn't a normal fear. It was one that was branded onto Leonel's soul. That was because it wasn't just his fear alone, but that of Existence. He could sense its call more clearly than ever before, as though the Northern Star was whispering into his ears. Leonel had already long since walked out of the shadow of his former Respect and Persistence Dream Force Path. Now, he still followed the same path, but it was far more refined and special than it had once been. He would no longer feel fear like he did in the past when he thought of Respecting something. The fact that he did now could only mean that this matter was far more serious than even he had realized just yet. It might even be the case that the Sea G.o.ds only came to exist because it was Existence's last attempt to save itself. If Leonel was correct, then no matter what, Existence and the Northern Star were on the path toward Destruction. It was inevitable that a world would wane and wax just like the moon. Nothing could create into infinity, and by the same logic, nothing could exist forever. However, that didn't mean that the fall of Existence in this case was natural. Leonel's mind went back to the cracked Hourgla.s.s that El'Rion had held in his hands. It was the strongest G.o.d Armament in all of Existence… so how could it crack like that? Of course, there were some details of this that Leonel didn't know about. But he could still rely on his own expertise and his memory. The more he recalled The Hourgla.s.s, the more he realized that it simply wasn't the kind of treasure that could be broken, and even if it was, it should be able to self-repair. However, why was it that The Hourgla.s.s wasn't mentioned anywhere in the history of the Life Tablet? Leonel's mind was a jumbled mess and it was finding it difficult even to orient himself. There was such a confusing bundle of thoughts and experiences in his mind right now that it was hard to draw a roadmap between them all. What he was certain of was the fact that the history of the G.o.d Beasts of Creation being the ultimate winners in their battle against the Void Beasts… might not necessarily be true at all. In fact, it was possible that the Void Beasts were more intelligent than anyone had given them credit for…

And that was because the Void Beasts were nothing more than a facade. They were never the true G.o.d Beasts of Destruction at all, they were just a convenient p.a.w.n raised up by the Celestial Terras… No… Raised up by the Primordial Terrors. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The skies darkened and the skies swam. The line between worlds seemed to blur, and the of Bubbles seemed to pop and then fuse one after another. At the same time, dense Anarchic Force surged in all directions, seeping into the worlds and corrupting them. World Spirits screamed out in horror and pain, but there was nothing that they could do to change things. The worlds were moving on their own, as though someone was taking advantage of the laws of the world to force Existence to harm itself. There was simply no stopping it. Leonel continued to stare into the distance… he could only watch as the Northern Star became larger and larger in his eyes. It was then that calm steps could be heard, echoing through the void. One after another, figures draped in dark cloaks appeared high in the skies, three b.l.o.o.d.y claw marks forming a crescent on their chests. The Three Finger Cult. And in their midst, there was a woman with eyes that Leonel would recognize even if they were burnt to ash. The Demoness.

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Dimensional Descent Chapter 2996 Crack. summary

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