My Werewolf System Chapter 902 Blake's Power

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Chapter 902 Blake's Power

Both Blake and Innu had been selected as part of a special program within the Altered Hunters. The leader of the organization, Edvard, felt like a big change would soon come, and the Altered Hunters were lacking in those who were greatly skilled.

He had taken a select group of new students under his wing to drastically improve their strength, and one of them was Blake. During this time, they didn’t just train in skills, powers, and ways of fighting, but they also still had to commit to being Altered Hunters.

This meant that they were still required to go out and hunt Altereds, doing their best to gain experience and raise their strength. In the end, Blake had reached four stars, just one star under being considered one of the best Altered Hunters in history.

The stars weren’t just significant because of how many one had managed to kill, but because it also allowed the Altered Hunters to access even better equipment.

The boots that Blake was wearing, due to his four stars, were the same as the armor that was on his chest.

There was a reason why the Hunters didn’t want to just hand out this equipment to all its members. For one, the equipment was rare, and if used, if they were to perish, then the equipment would fall into the hands of others, making their enemies stronger while also losing out on pa.s.sing that equipment on to the future. The second reason was because they didn’t want the hunters to be overly reliant on the equipment.

They needed to grow their strength in skill, in power, and then when utilized with the equipment, they would be even stronger. The two reasons helped each other hand in hand since the stronger an Altered Hunter was the less likely to lose their equipment and it solved the distribution issue within.

Blake had managed to pa.s.s every hurdle that was thrown at him and was the quickest out of the group to rise, so naturally, he got the first pick of new equipment.

Garbo, frustrated, decided to pounce forward again, but as if Blake already knew what he was going to do, he had already swung both swords down. When they touched the floor, two strikes in the air had hit Garbo, drawing blood and causing him to fall onto the floor.

“If the same thing isn’t working… then I need to try something different,” Garbo said to himself.

His full transformation was coming to an end. A flaming ring was around his neck, but his body was now mostly human with a few Altered features, one in particular was the claws that came out from his hands, they were burning a bright red.

“Let’s take on your little swords then!” Garbo swung his fist, and just like with his paws from before, flames would expand out from behind, giving him more propulsion, allowing him to move faster.

Blake jumped back, and the swipe had scratched right against his chest. The swings from Garbo were consistent and fierce, while also having a wild nature.

There was almost no pattern, which was making it hard for Blake to stop. He continued to swing his swords, blocking the attacks but getting hit on his armor once in a while.

“If you didn’t have that armor on your body by now, you would have been ripped to pieces!” Garbo shouted.

He was confident, as more of his. .h.i.ts were making contact, the smile on his face grew. He knew that he would be the victor.

But from the side, where Kai stood, he had a clearer view of the situation, and to him, it sounded crazy in his mind but it felt like Blake was purposely getting hit.

‘All of the strikes have only hit the armor straight ahead. He hasn’t been hit on his bare arms or been hit anywhere else.’

The indented patterns on the armor started to glow with power. Slowly like a sand gla.s.s pouring out, his armor was filling up from the bottom.

Until the whole chest piece was now lit up in a golden glow.

Blake retreated back, jumping quickly onto one of the car roofs.

“I killed many Altereds before having any of my equipment!” Blake declared. “But, no doubt, against someone of your caliber, we regular humans can’t just rely on our own strength.”

With the armor lit up, Blake then charged forward, he knocked both of the clawed hands of Garbo away, the power more ferocious than before. When he hit each of Garbo’s hands the sound was like a cannon going off.

The force of the air moving was seen with the strikes. Right after, Blake started to climb up Garbo’s body, he used his legs to jump up, and run up his body, before flipping himself in the air right above him.


While high up in the air, Blake was ready to fall down, but he fell to the floor at an inhuman speed. A glow was left behind in the air, a trail from his body, and both of the swords had sliced right down the center of Garbo.

Blake was on the floor, in the same position, his weapons covered in blood and the armor’s glow having disappeared.

Standing up, he started to walk away, because he knew his job was done. Garbo’s body was sliced in half, and he fell to the floor.

The people of Slough, and the Howlers had been watching the fight going on. They had been biting their fingernails while waiting for everything, and now they had just borne witness to the Altered Hunters saving them.

The city, and the residents couldn’t help but burst into cheer as they saw, another one of the Phoenix Gang leaders fall.

The unstoppable King that had been causing them so much trouble, was falling in front of them.

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My Werewolf System Chapter 902 Blake's Power summary

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