Divine God Against The Heavens Chapter 795 Chapter 795: Ancient Earth God & Ye Xiao

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795 Chapter 795: Ancient Earth G.o.d & Ye Xiao

Everyone was completely focused on the battle between the man and the giant statue controlled by the five Ancient G.o.ds. No one noticed Ye Xiao slowly bringing the Ancient Earth G.o.d out of the barrier region set by the combined power of many G.o.ds in order to restrict the escape route of Evil-eyed Lions.

Because Ye Xiao was a human, the barrier didn’t restrict his freedom. He was able to bypa.s.s the barrier easily with Ancient Earth G.o.d on his back.

After going out of the barrier, Ye Xiao travelled more than five kilometers before stopping. Then he focused on the unconscious Ancient Earth G.o.d. With a few minutes of effort, he finally managed to wake up the Ancient Earth G.o.d.


After realizing what had happened to him, Ancient Earth G.o.d couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment. He was really dejected at the moment.

His cultivation regressed from Ancient G.o.d Realm to Nine Mark Heavenly G.o.d Realm, how could he not be dejected. Many people would go crazy and many would commit suicide facing such a situation. After all, he had spent millions of years just stepping into the Ancient G.o.d Realm from Heavenly G.o.d Realm in the past. And now that he had regressed back to exactly that point, how could he not criticize himself for having such cruel and bad luck.pᴀɴᴅᴀ-ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ

Ye Xiao didn’t say anything for quite a while. He let the Ancient Earth G.o.d be by himself for a while, after all, this was one of such moments where a person needs to be alone and think things over, stabilizing their condition and mental state.


Maybe, there was something that didn’t want to let Ye Xiao stay quiet for a long time. A violent explosive sound rang out that seemed to be coming from the side of the Dead Sea, immediately alerting Ye Xiao and causing the Ancient Earth G.o.d to come back to his senses.

“What was that?”

Ancient Earth G.o.d was awakened from his stupor. He looked in the direction of the explosion and frowned. Then he looked at his surroundings where only Ye Xiao was present and was also looking in the direction of the explosion with an irritated expression. The Ancient Earth G.o.d was slightly startled to see no one other than Ye Xiao present near him, causing him to have the feeling of dismay for a very short moment once again. pᴀɴᴅᴀ ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ

When Ye Xiao heard the question of the former Ancient Earth G.o.d, he knew it was time to explain something. He has to first let the Ancient Earth G.o.d calm down before he could say his goal. So, he first explained what happened after Ancient Earth G.o.d fell unconscious and how he brought the Ancient Earth G.o.d out of the barrier. Ye Xiao also told Ancient Earth G.o.d that he was about to fall into the Dead Sea because of the aftershock and horrendous shockwaves born from the collision of two incredible and astounding attacks.

The Ancient Earth G.o.d took a deep breath when he heard everything and come to know the current situation they were in. But his shock reached the limit when Ye Xiao explained everything about the Ancient Samsara G.o.d that the man transformed from the five Evil-eyed Lions told everyone before.

As if the Ancient Earth G.o.d was struck by a lethal thunderbolt, he stood up in distress and looked at the distant sky while taking a deep breath. The look of not believing what was clearly written on his face. It was not that he didn’t believe what Ye Xiao just said, it was just that he couldn’t bring himself to believe everything that Ye Xiao told him. After all, for many eons, he had been believing that everything was done by Ancient Samsara G.o.d. He kept blaming Ancient Samsara G.o.d for what he had done for eons. Now that he was suddenly learning that Ancient Samsara G.o.d was not the one to commit countless unforgivable crimes and he was not the one to seal him and others inside this World, instead, it was the Ancient Devil who pulled the hand from the dark and triggered every single event, Ancient Earth G.o.d couldn’t help but feel that he was about to go crazy.

Ye Xiao could understand the Ancient Earth G.o.d’s current condition. Not only did the Ancient Earth G.o.d lose his cultivation base, regressing to the Nine Mark Heavenly Divine Lord Realm, he even lost all of his comprehension of laws and Profound Meanings.

In fact, he couldn’t be called a Heavenly Divine Lord any longer. After all, he doesn’t have a Dao Fruit now and neither does he have the comprehension of a single Law of Heavenly Dao. It is just that he still has those nine Divine Marks he had condensed after cultivating to Nine Mark Heavenly Divine Lord in his soul. ρꪖꪕᦔꪖꪕ(ꪫ)ꪣꫀ ꪶ

Now, he could only be considered as a fake Nine Mark Heavenly Divine Lord.

And after so much happened to him, he suddenly came to know that everything was done by an Ancient Devil who possessed the body of Ancient Samsara G.o.d after killing him in the Ancient Era, how could he control his emotions so suddenly?

Currently, he was feeling an overwhelming emotion and if not for his cultivation base, he would have had a heart attack and died.

“Cough! That… Ancient Earth G.o.d, there is something I want to ask!”

Ye Xiao didn’t want to interrupt the Ancient Earth G.o.d whose face was constantly changing and many different expressions were emerging on his face, but he has no choice. He knew time was of the essence right now. Those five Ancient G.o.ds were fighting that man right now, the original Ancient G.o.d Levelled Evil-eyed Lion is still in the depth of the Dead Sea. When it’ll choose to come out and attack, no one in his world will survive. So, he has no choice but to interrupt the Ancient Earth G.o.d and bring him back from his whammy state.

Ancient Earth G.o.d was not pleased but he was no longer in the position to show his dissatisfaction on his face. He has suddenly aged a lot and knew that the current Ye Xiao was more powerful than him. Moreover, according to all the Ancient G.o.ds’ a.n.a.lyses after living in this world for countless eons, only an outsider could help them escape the fate of death under the claws of Evil-eyed Lion. It also meant only Ye Xiao could help them.

Thus, taking a deep breath while suppressing the anxiety in his heart, the Ancient Earth G.o.d darted his gaze at Ye Xiao and asked: “What do you want to ask?”

Ye Xiao could feel the unpleasantness in his voice but he didn’t care. He directly asked: “I have an idea that can not only help us kill the Ancient G.o.d Levelled Evil-eyed Lion and free every single person in this world of the restriction restricting them to stay in this world, we can also completely destroy a source of the power of the Ancient Samsara G.o.d… ahem… that Ancient Devil!”

As expected, the Ancient Earth G.o.d was immediately attracted when he heard Ye Xiao’s words. He even forgot about his current condition and the danger this world has fallen into. The hatred in his heart was far greater than the sorrow of losing his cultivation of millions of years.

pAɴᴅᴀ ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ “What idea? Quickly tell me?” The Ancient Earth G.o.d couldn’t control his emotions and immediately asked in an excited voice.

Ye Xiao knew this was the time to bang the hammer. Without wasting a single second, he replied: “You all are connected to this world and are restricted by it. But I’m an outsider. No rule of this world can be applied to me. That Ancient Samsara G.o.d abandoned his Inner World just to completely understand the Profound Meaning of Death. But it is not only to his advantage, it is advantageous to us as well.”

“He is currently far away somewhere in the Divine Realm while I’m here. If I can refine the core of this world, the connection between this world and the Ancient Samsara G.o.d will be broken. With this, that Ancient Devil possessing the body of Ancient Samsara G.o.d will also lose one of the sources of his power. He’ll be weakened this way.”

“And since this world will belong to me, for I would have already refined the core of this world, I can immediately destroy the connection between you and this world. At the same time, killing that Evil-eyed Lion controlled by Ancient Devils will no longer be a problem, after all, that thing is also connected to this world. Not to mention, we can immediately awaken the Patriarch of the Sky Ghost Race.”

When Ancient Earth G.o.d heard this, his eyes lit up, but then he shook his head in dejection as he said: “No, it is impossible. Although this world is no longer inside the body of Ancient Samsara G.o.d, it is still deeply connected with him because of the Law Breaking Stone. You won’t be able to refine the core of this world no matter how hard you’ll try.”

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Divine God Against The Heavens Chapter 795 Chapter 795: Ancient Earth God & Ye Xiao summary

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