Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil Chapter 1877 Domination

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Chapter 1877 Domination

?As the Sin Series Domains overlapped and expanded outward, demon beasts of all forms charged toward Eren, who stood at the epicenter.

Not too far behind him lay the unconscious Eldric Force members, completely defenseless.

"Charge!" Keram took the lead of his demon beast horde as he stepped forward. In the next moment, he fearlessly charged inside the multi-domain barrier Eren had erected.

Keram was confident in his abilities to control a demon beast horde. After all, he evolved from a dire-wolf-type demon beast blessed with exceptional crowd-controlling abilities. He was the Alpha of the pack, and his authority as the leader couldn't be questioned by his subordinates, even if he commanded them to jump into a fire pit and commit suicide.

Keram indeed faced some trouble riling up his horde against someone like Eren, who was at the upper echelon of the demonic hierarchy if not at the very top. However, he didn't find it too troubling to exert his will upon his familiars. He also used his powers to drive them into berserk mode, completely abandoning reason.

The demon beasts affected by the forceful berserk mode had their eyes turn red with rage. The demonic energies within their bodies surged, boosting their overall physical stats and magic-wielding abilities.

Keram didn't care about the fate of the demon beasts' bodies after the battle. His sole focus was to dominate Eren within his own domain. With a huge numerical advantage, he thought, 'I can do this,' as he stepped into the multi-layered domain for the first time.

He, in fact, could not do it.

In the next moment, the humanoid dire wolf almost howled to sound his retreat.

The first thing Keram felt after stepping into Eren's domain was a mind-crus.h.i.+ng form of mental suppression. It was as if the Faustian Contract, based on which he had possessed the body of the dire wolf, was trying to tear itself apart, almost forcing him to cancel the contract out of his own volition.

This wasn't all. Keram felt like his legs had turned to lead, as if he were traveling through the deep sea, with each step taking a toll on him. His perception of time and s.p.a.ce was skewed and his vision was affected by the dense amount of Sin Series Mana that prevailed in the multi-layered domain.

The Sin Series Mana was almost tangible. Yet neither the demon beast nor their leaders could use the mana to do their bidding against Eren.

Sifrona, the demoness phoenix wasn't far behind Keram. She approached Eren from another side as she stepped into his domain and almost regretted causing this scene.

Sifrona met eyes with Keram and saw him muster his courage to carry forward. She too decided to follow Keram's lead as she took control of her familiars and charged ahead.

All of this happened within a split second. So much so that both Keram and Sifrona didn't have time to predict the potency with which Eren could wield his demonic powers.

The subsequent events unfolded in rapid succession in front of the two demon beasts leaders who actively took part in the battle against Eren as well as the remaining four demon beast leaders who had decided to not involve themselves and their respective familiars in the battle.

It was as if the battle was meticulously ch.o.r.eographed for a climactic moment in a live performance. Each scene seemed to linger in slow motion for those paying close attention.

[ 1st scene: Flames of Wrath ]

Eren invoked his Wrath Flames on the first group of demon beasts who recklessly tried to approach him. The ease at which he could use these wrathful flames was worthy of praise. After all, the flames of wrath were the first Sin Series power Eren had unlocked for himself from his struggling times in Anfang.

This time, the wrath flames weren't just some mindless attacks Eren had unleashed on his enemies. One could say that they had been upgraded ever since the Sin of Wrath received strengthening from Virtue of Patience.

This time, the wrath flames seemed to possess a mind of their own, hungrily seeking out their targets among the hordes of demon beasts that surrounded Eren. If Eren were to make these wrath flames even more sentient, they were bound to turn into fire elemental fiends– the demonic firesp.a.w.ns that were summoned directly from the demonic planes that cultivated them within the depths of the infernal seas.



As the flames made contact with the flesh of the demon beasts, they seared through their demonic forms, leaving behind trails of smoldering embers and agonized screams. The flesh was burned and even bones caught fire, incinerating the low-ranked beasts into nothingness as soon as they stepped in.

The wrath flames didn't just burn the physical bodies of the demon beasts; they delved deeper. The wrathful flames burned the demons' very souls with an infernal heat. This heat wasn't just high in physical temperature. It seemed to devour their essence from within.

The demon beasts, caught in the grip of Eren's Flames of Wrath, writhed and convulsed in anguish as the spectral flames consumed them.

Some tried to flee, only to find themselves engulfed by the relentless flames no matter where they turned.

Some attempted to s.h.i.+eld themselves from the flames with futile Skills and demonic powers. This was the battle they knew they were going to lose. And yet, their survival instincts made them struggle till their deaths.

There were other, more sentinel demon beasts, who saw the futility in their struggle. They succ.u.mbed to the flames' relentless onslaught, collapsing to the ground in smoldering heaps.

[ 2nd scene: Mouths of Gluttony ]

This was perhaps the second most trusted battle-oriented Sin Series Ability Eren had in his a.r.s.enal. While a portion of the demon beasts were getting roasted in the wrath flames, the other groups of demon beasts were forced to deal with the demonic mouths that had been summoned across multiple locations in the multi-layered domain.

With a mere gesture, Eren unleashed the Mouths of Gluttony, spectral and grotesque, eager to feast upon the essence of their foes.

As the hordes of demon beasts charged towards him, they found themselves instinctively scared by the insatiable hunger of the Gluttony mouths.

After being strengthened by the Virtue of Temperance, the Sin of Gluttony had leveled up. Eren could summon staggeringly more demonic mouths around him than his previous numerical limitations.

Plus, the demonic mouths could be left to their own devices. Eren didn't have to make efforts to sustain them. As long as they were provided "food", they could stay functioning without Eren's interference. It was as if the Virtue of Temperance had allowed them to last long and become even more demonic in nature and action.

Swoosh. Zoom. Bite.

Human and inhuman-looking jaws opened wide, snapping hungrily at the infernal creatures.

Some mouths resembled those of ravenous wolves, while others seemed like twisted amalgamations of various creatures, each one more horrifying than the last.

Nom. Nom. Nom.

With a sickening sound, the demonic mouths that had popped up in various locations inside the multi-layered domain closed around their prey. These sentient mouths laughed and smiled demonically as they feasted upon their prey. Some cackled and spoke in weird demonic tongues.

It was as if these demonic mouths were a group of best friends who had gathered at a place to watch some sports events and gobbled up a bunch of savory snacks and drinks while they were at it, joking and laughing together. Except, these were the demonic mouths. Just mouths with no bodies.

The appet.i.te of these demonic mouths knew no bounds. The demon beasts, caught in the spectral jaws of the Gluttony mouths, struggled futilely as their essence was drained away. Their screams echoed through the battlefield, mingling with the cacophony of battle.

Blood splattered and the viscera painted the ground red. A thick stench of smell was spread in the surroundings as hundreds of demon beasts were devoured by the Gluttony Mouths at the same time.

Streaks of blood started to release from the corners of these demonic mouths. Yet, they were efficient in their devouring to the level that they did not leave any flesh behind.

The Gluttony mouths moved with eerie grace, darting from one target to the next, leaving nothing but desolation in their wake. Each bite sapped the strength and vitality of the demon beasts.

Some of the demon beasts tried to fight back using their skills, unleas.h.i.+ng their dark powers in a desperate attempt to break free. But the Gluttony mouths were relentless, their hunger driving them ever onward.

Even the feeble Skills and mana-powered elemental attacks initiated by the poor demon beasts were devoured by the Gluttony Mouths, which further empowered Eren and his abilities. Eren experienced a fresh dose of vitality and Faustian Contracts from the relentless devouring. He felt that as long as these Gluttony Mouths were active, he could not feel fatigued no matter how long he had to fight.

With each attack, the Gluttony Mouths and Eren grew stronger. Eren's mana reserves were quickly filled up thanks to the demonic devouring. He then used the demonic essence extracted from the gluttony mouths to empower his other attacks.

Despite their best efforts, the demon beasts found themselves overwhelmed by the relentless a.s.sault of the Gluttony mouths. One by one, they fell, their twisted forms crumbling to dust as their essence was devoured.

[ 3rd scene: Bewitching Specters ]

Bewitching Specters!

After the Mist of l.u.s.t, this was another aspect of the Sin of l.u.s.t Domain Eren had unlocked for himself, thanks to the strengthening provided by its respective Virtue Series Mark.

After the wrathful flames and Mouths of Gluttony made their debut in the battlefield, the Bewitching Specters were next in line.

With a flick of his wrist, the butcher summoned forth the Bewitching Specters, ethereal apparitions that danced in the air, their ghostly forms weaving intricate patterns of illusion and deceit.

Sounds of giggling that sounded viciously demonic yet hauntingly alluring at the same time.

As the demon beasts surged forward, their eyes filled with malice and hunger, they were met with the mesmerizing allure of the Bewitching Specters. At first, the demon beasts hesitated, their advance faltering as they gazed upon the spectral forms before them.

The demonic language was spoken in cryptic form by the specters. They were nothing but white clouds and cl.u.s.tered mists. Yet, to those who saw them, they took whatever shapes their beholders liked and l.u.s.ted over.

l.u.s.t was one of the primary emotions of all sentient living beings. Even though it was difficult to invoke such feelings in the heat of battle, the Bewitching Specters made the impossible possible with their powers.



The Bewitching Specters danced and twirled, their haunting melodies echoing through the battlefield, ensnaring the minds of their foes with just the right kind of beauty they appreciated. It was as if the specters could read the minds of their targets.

The demon beasts, their primal instincts overridden by the Specters' enchanting allure, found themselves drawn inexorably towards the s.h.i.+mmering phantoms.

'Oh! It seems I underestimated these l.u.s.t-inducing little ghosts. They can't fight on their own and they can't really hurt their targets. But d.a.m.n– look at the "stun effect" they could cast on their targets," Eren thought to himself as he watched his own ability affect so many of his enemies for the first time.

Eren had to say that the lab experiments couldn't even come close to the real deal. He had tried his abilities on the poor guinea pigs locked inside Siren's Sanctuary's underground facility. However, it was only now that he truly understood the extent of the Sin of l.u.s.t domain after it was bolstered by the Virtue Series Mark.

'I can use these ghosts to affect the additional targets, which could make it easy for the wrath flames and Mouths of Gluttony to kill their opponents,' Eren quickly devised a plan.

Within the multi-layered domain, he had ultimate control. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Eren watched as the demon beasts fell under the spell of the Bewitching Specters, their movements becoming sluggish and disjointed as they succ.u.mbed to the illusions. Sensing their moment of vulnerability, he unleashed the full fury of his other Sin Series Domains.

From the shadows emerged the Flames of Wrath, searing tendrils of spectral fire that lashed out at the entranced demon beasts with relentless ferocity.

Meanwhile, the Mouths of Gluttony descended upon the distracted demon beasts, their gaping maws tearing into their victims with ravenous hunger.

Caught between the illusions of the Bewitching Specters and the devastating onslaught of Eren's other Sin Series Domains, the demon beasts stood little chance.

Even the strongest among them, those of C-Rank and B-Rank, found themselves overwhelmed by the combined might of Eren's powers.

[ 4th scene: Chains of Avarice ]

By this point, the battlefield had just become a chaotic frenzy of demonic energies and desperate struggles.

With his Sin Series Domains at his command, Eren unleashed another of his demonic abilities.

Chains of Avarice were released upon the unsuspecting foes who had been entranced by the mesmerizing dance of the Bewitching Specters.

As the ethereal specters did their job, ensnaring the senses of the demon beasts with their haunting melodies and captivating beauty, the Chains of Avarice sneaked upon them.

With a flick of Eren's wrist, spectral chains emerged from the shadows, fueled by the Greed Mana coursing through the domain.

The Chains of Avarice wrapped around the stunned demon beasts with an unyielding grip. The creatures, already bewitched by the seductive allure of the specters, found their movements restricted and their vitality drained.

With each pa.s.sing moment, the chains tightened their grip. The greedier the demon beasts were to survive, the tighter the demonic chains got.

Although they only had a simple restraining feature for the most part, the chains couldn't be underestimated. This was because no matter what kind of Skills and abilities even some of the most powerful demon beasts used, they couldn't break free from them.

The demon beasts' roars of defiance turned to desperate cries for mercy as they realized the futility of their resistance.

'Hmm. I'm using these chains in a non-creative way. Perhaps, they can be utilized better. But I guess I guess this is enough for now. I couldn't make much of the wrath flames in the past as I can now.

So this would be another learning curve I'd have to go through before I can actually make good use of these chains. Meanwhile, I can learn from my experiences. I need to test the effects of these chains before thinking about anything else.''

Eren thought to himself and nodded internally.

'This was easier than I thought. Time to earn some more Faustian Contracts.'

Eren watched with a steely gaze as the Chains of Avarice did their work, binding the demon beasts in place and leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

[ 5th scene: Shroud of Lethargy ]

The shrouds of lethargy were next in line to get summoned.

A dark mist began to spread in the multi-layered domain, seeping into the air and shrouding the surroundings in a thick haze.

As the Shroud of Lethargy enveloped the demon beasts, a palpable sense of lethargy washed over them, weighing down their movements and clouding their minds with a heavy fog of exhaustion. It was as if they were kicked out of the berserker mode because of the domain's effects.

The beasts' once ferocious roars were reduced to weary groans as they struggled to lift their limbs and muster the strength to fight.

The demon beasts stumbled and staggered through the mist, their movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Their eyes, once filled with fiery determination, now drooped with weariness as the Shroud of Lethargy sapped their vitality and drained their energy.

With each pa.s.sing moment, the effects of the Shroud of Lethargy grew more p.r.o.nounced, rendering the demon beasts increasingly sluggish and lethargic.

Their attacks became feeble and ineffectual, their movements slow and labored as they struggled to resist the oppressive weight of the mist.

"Kekeke. Couldn't have asked for anything better at this point."

Like a trained maestro dictating the ongoing symphony of the band, Eren raised his hands and waved them. The air crackled with demonic energy as Eren's powers surged forth, engulfing the demon beasts in a maelstrom of destruction.

The Sin Series abilities enhanced the effectiveness of others. The effects were stacked and the destruction was seemingly immeasurable.

Flames of Wrath licked at their flesh, devouring them with spectral fire, while Mouths of Gluttony tore into their bodies, consuming them from within. The Chains of Avarice made it more difficult for the demon beasts to launch counterattacks than it already was.

[ 6th scene: Seeds of Jealousy ]

The Seeds of Jealousy were quail-egg-sized spherical things that were made of pure and potent Envy mana. They were somewhat similar to Pearls of Gluttony in size. However, the effects they produced were completely different.

One of the most dreadful things about these seeds was the fact they couldn't be blocked. These spectral and meta-

physical seeds went through any and all forms of defenses and entered the enemy's bodies, sprouting within their souls.

With a whispered incantation, Eren sowed the seeds of discord and envy, planting the insidious tendrils of jealousy deep within the hearts of his foes.

As the Seeds of Jealousy took root, a dark aura began to envelop the demon beasts, clouding their minds with feelings of senseless envy.

While the lower-ranked demon beasts were getting affected by the rest of the SinS series powers Eren had unleashed on them, some of the unlucky high-ranking demon beasts had these seeds planted in their bodies.

Where once there had been unity and cohesion among the ranks, now there was only distrust and discord as jealousy tore through the beasts' ranks like a festering wound.

The demon beasts turned upon each other with snarls and growls, their once fearsome alliance crumbling beneath the weight of their newfound envy.

Former comrades became bitter rivals, locked in a deadly struggle for dominance and power as the Seeds of Jealousy twisted their thoughts and emotions.

[ 7th scene: s.h.i.+eld of Hubris ]

s.h.i.+eld of Hubris was a defensive-type Sin Series Ability.

'Hmm. Since I am not getting attacked, I might as well use it on those poor sleepyheads to test its effectiveness in real-time.'

With a wave of the butcher's hand, a s.h.i.+mmering barrier of golden light surrounded the fallen Eldric Force warriors, warding off the relentless onslaught of the demon beasts.

The s.h.i.+eld of Hubris' radiant energy repelled claws and teeth with ease. With each strike, the s.h.i.+eld pulsed with power, absorbing the force of the blows and dispersing it harmlessly into the air.


The Sin Series abilities, bolstered by the Virtue Series Marks, had reached an absurd level of power. When used together, they formed a symbiotic relations.h.i.+p, strengthening each other to enhance Eren's offensive and defensive capabilities.

The power he wielded inside the multi-layered domain was nothing short of a divine miracle, especially considering he still inhabited a mortal vessel. One could only imagine the extent of Eren's power if he were to become an Immortal.

The two huge hordes of demon familiars almost vanished from sight as soon as they entered Eren's multi-layered domain. A huge amount of Gluttony Pearls, Seeds of Jealousy, Wrathful Flames, and Faustian Contracts were extracted from them. All of them could be used to nourish Eren's Path.

All seven scenes unfolded concurrently or sequentially within mere minute or so.

Despite the brevity of this interval, it was ample for the emergence of a definitive victor.

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Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil Chapter 1877 Domination summary

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