Loved By An Older Man Chapter 1248 Things Getting Complicated

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Chapter 1248 Things Getting Complicated

After Teng Yi sent the message, the fake Mo Long fired a shot at him without thinking.

Teng Yi looked at the fake Mo Long in disbelief. In the end, his consciousness scattered and he fainted.

"Really, a small tranquilizer gun can scare you like this. Hahaha." The fake Mo Long laughed crazily and carried Teng Yi to the bas.e.m.e.nt.

As for that Zhao Xin, he would just let her run her own course. If she could be saved, then she was lucky. If she couldn't be saved, then she deserved it.

When true Mo Long received Teng Yi's message, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

He read the message carefully, and his eyes turned cold. Su Guo, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but s.h.i.+ver.

"President Mo, did something happen?" Su Guo carefully asked, "do you need me to make you a cup of hot coffee?"

"You can go."

"Alright," he said. Su Guo heaved a long sigh of relief and quickly ran off to make coffee for Mo Long.

Mo Long copied the message from Teng Yi and sent it to Jiang Yu, saying, "Something happened to Teng Yi."

After Jiang Yu received Mo Long's message, she also carefully read Teng Yi's message-President mo, I'm currently investigating the Chi family and the black market in Qingcheng. I've already made some progress, so-can't go back for the time being. In addition, I've also investigated the jewelry necklace you asked me to see. It's a fake and not suitable to be a gift for Madam.

Mo Long didn't even ask Teng Yi to investigate the necklace, but now that he said that the necklace was fake, it meant that something had happened to him.

Jiang Yu thought about it and could only think of one possibility. The fake Mo Long had already discovered Teng Yi's true ident.i.ty.

"It seems like Teng Yi recognized the fake Mo Long and was locked up." Jiang Yu said to Mo Long, "the fake Mo Long found out about this. Teng Yi is in danger."

Mo Long said, "the fake Mo Long found out Teng Yi's ident.i.ty and probably won't let it go. If Teng Yi fought back, he might be in danger."

"We have to think of a way to save Teng Yi." Jiang Yu said.


Mo Long fell silent and pondered for a long time. In the end, he decided to personally head to Qingcheng.

Jiang Yu knew about his decision and wanted to go with him. "I'll go with you."

However, Mo Long said, "this matter is very dangerous. You can't go with me. Also, you have something to do in Shanghai."

When Jiang Yu heard that, she hesitated for a while before saying, "Alright, I won't go with you. But you must promise me that you must protect yourself and not put yourself in danger."

"I know."

This matter was getting more and more complicated, but no one knew who was behind this human-making experiment, nor who the final target of this experiment was.

Mo Long immediately got Su Guo to buy a plane ticket to Qingcheng.

He seemed to be alone, but he had already sent his bodyguards to Qingcheng in secret.

Jiang Yu continued to stay in Shanghai to investigate the summer camp last year.

Before this matter was resolved, it was impossible for the variety show to continue recording. The members of the girls 'and boys' groups also went home and went to the hospital for a checkup at the first moment to see if there was anything unusual in their heads.

Fortunately, there was nothing abnormal in everyone's head. In other words, among the hundred or so people, Qiao Yun was the only one who had the explosive chip in her head.

"The Qiao family ..." Jiang Yu narrowed her eyes and muttered to herself, "If it was just to fight for property, they wouldn't have killed him. As long as he could find some dirt on Qiao Yun and force her to hand over her a.s.sets, it would be fine. Even if killing is the only way out, what's the point of finding a human to impersonate Qiao Yun and then killing her?"

The more Jiang Yu thought about it, the more she felt that the Qiao family was not as simple as they seemed to be fighting for property. They were probably plotting something else.

Sister Xia was still taking care of Zheng Yan and Kang Xue in the staff dormitory. The two of them were too afraid to go home alone, so they stayed at Jiang Yu's place.

Jiang Yu first did a rough investigation of the mountain climbing summer camp and found that besides Qiao Yun, her brother, Qiao Shen, was also among the people who signed up.

"Qiao Shen is here too?" Jiang Yu was surprised and looked at all the pictures on the internet.

In the end, Jiang Yu realized that Qiao Shen had always kept a distance from Qiao Yun and never got close to her.

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Loved By An Older Man Chapter 1248 Things Getting Complicated summary

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