My Rich Wife Chapter 2852: The God Source and the Absolute Beginning Life Stone

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Chapter 2852: The G.o.d Source and the Absolute Beginning Life Stone


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“It’s strange! How can a native combine Boundless power? It’s impossible…”

Liu Bai revealed a puzzled expression.

He could feel the power of the two Boundless Hearts on the village chief’s body, which was the power of 18 Hearts of Saint Kingdom.

“Hmph! Who are you looking down on? Village chief wants to be the Holy Lord later.”

Hong Yu growled, “Am I correct, village chief?”

However, he saw the village chief dancing on the spot again.

The 18 Hearts of Saint Kingdom stood behind him like colorful lights on a stage.

Only now did Qin Yu discover this strange thing. This was an iron law that belonged to the Saint World.

The natives could not refine the Heart of Saint Kingdom. There had been no exception in the past thousands of years.

But at this moment, the village chief’s body had truly refined two Boundless Hearts.

Even Liu Bai could not understand this strange phenomenon.

However, he could not be bothered to continue worrying about this problem since they were teammates now.

“Village chief, why did you team up with this person?”

Qin Yu was curious. He had just arrived and was a little confused.

He felt the village chief was more reliable than Liu Bai and Ding Yu.

“I saw that this guy’s material was a little strange. I originally wanted to take it down and let Hong Yu absorb it, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t defeat it. However, a few materials are present here, so we can work together with it. Those lousy generals are not easy to deal with. They are truly troublesome. Last time, Hong Yu and I were chased after for three months and we didn’t even s.h.i.+t once. Do you know what happened after that? I p.o.o.ped a very long p.o.o.p.”

The village chief’s words flowed non-stop as soon as he opened his mouth. Hearing this, Qin Yu felt a headache coming on.

“Village chief, what are those generals?”

“I’m not sure about that. Anyway, I’ve never seen anything like that. They are like zombies but their bodies contain tiny Absolute Beginning Life Stones and G.o.d Source. If we can get them, we can improve the origin of our bodies. It’s equivalent to the entire physical body and soul being recast on the original foundation, undergoing a rebirth version of cleansing the bones.”

The village chief said happily, subconsciously shaking his b.u.t.tocks again.

“What are these things?”

Qin Yu quickly blocked the village chief’s lower body with one hand and stopped him from twisting.

“They can almost change the origin. It can even use the original body as the soul to give rise to a more powerful soul power. The divine embryo’s soul seems to have absorbed enough of G.o.d Source to appear. The Absolute Beginning Life Stone can strengthen the body from the root, giving the body the power of a demon G.o.d. I can’t even break this b.a.s.t.a.r.d’s skin with my full strength.”

Village chief pointed at Divine Embryo You’s head.

“It can be said that these two things are the most precious treasures in this world. Of course, the process of obtaining them will also be very dangerous.”

Qin Yu gasped. Something that could change the most fundamental source was no ordinary supreme treasure.

“The most powerful Dharma Treasure born in this extreme death land is naturally not an ordinary thing. However, the timing of the eruption of the Burial Heaven Cave is a little strange. According to the records, there has never been such a long eruption of the Power of the Ancients.”

Liu Bai suddenly said with a frown. His heart had a faint sense of unease.

He hadn’t felt this irritated even during the earth-shattering battle in the Eight Desolates Beast Domain.

“According to the past situation here, traces of generals will only appear after the Power of the Ancients erupts. This is the best time to explore. However, the Power of the Ancients has already erupted three times in a row during this period. The number of generals has broken the record. It was extremely rare to find generals within one’s reach in the past, but recently, the number has greatly doubled. There has even been an eruption of tides and ten generals have appeared in the same area.”

Liu Bai told him the information he had.

“I’m afraid we’ll be in trouble even if we get caught in ten generals. They are extremely strong. Their physical strength alone is enough to put a level 12 expert in a desperate situation. Moreover, they are almost immortal. All the methods of the divine soul are useless against them. Only by continuously grinding their bones and scattering their ashes can we kill them.”

It was rare for Ding Ning to speak.

“These are the G.o.d Source and the Absolute Beginning Life Stone. If you get them, you can just eat them.”

Liu Bai reached out his palm and a tiny trace of energy was swimming in his palm.

A strong source of divine soul collided in Liu Bai’s palm. The power was far beyond that of a level 9 Dao Consciousness expert and this was just a trace of the power of G.o.d Source.

Qin Yu s.h.i.+fted his gaze to the Absolute Beginning Life Stone in Liu Bai’s palm.

He had to magnify it by nearly 10,000 times to see clearly that it was an ore with a metallic l.u.s.ter.

It was covered with complicated patterns, which seemed to be some kind of ancient array.

A surge of power spread out from Qin Yu’s fingertip and slowly covered the Absolute Beginning Life Stone.


Liu Bai’s expression changed drastically.

A monstrous power suddenly descended. The s.p.a.ce where Qin Yu was instantly turned into nothingness.

It was the same power of erasing that Qin Yu had used when he brought the runes into the Saint Kingdom’s chaotic land. It had instantly erased everything.

The three-eyed crows descended upon the land of death, letting out mournful cries.

Qin Yu’s body slowly appeared.

The dream became reality again and the damage entered the dream.

Qin Yu’s face turned pale. If he had not sensed the extreme danger with his powers of creation at the first moment, he would probably heavily injured at the very least.

He had managed to block the power of the light shadow and his body did not face the power of annihilation directly.

Otherwise, he would not be able to resist this power even if he used all his strength.

“What a powerful Dao of Dreams! Did you enter the Nineteenth Prison?”

Ding Ning was rather surprised. He was surprised that Qin Yu was unscathed.

This power had once killed a level 13 powerhouse with peak power in an instant.

“The Ancient Origin Mine was the first ore vein that appeared in the Heaven Covering Era. It is the origin of all matter in the world. It contains the most ancient laws that can ignore the laws of the world. Using the peak power to test it is a form of contempt for this power.”

Liu Bai said with a bitter smile. He didn’t expect Qin Yu to directly use the peak power to test it.

Moreover, his peak power seemed to be able to penetrate this ore.

It directly triggered the rules within. One had to know that even his sword intent and Ding Yu’s saber intent could not cause such a violent counterattack.

He looked at Qin Yu seriously. He reckoned that this child’s peak power was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

“As expected of a power that can change the body’s origin. This tiny Absolute Beginning ore has such power. What if there’s more?”

At this moment, Qin Yu’s heart was pounding. Even if he obtained such power, he would have a huge increase. No wonder many supreme experts were still coming even though this place was so dangerous.

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My Rich Wife Chapter 2852: The God Source and the Absolute Beginning Life Stone summary

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