Second World Chapter 480 - 480. Facing An Entire Guild

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Jack looked ahead. There were quite a few groups of these Corporate United teams grinding around their territory. The monsters here were around level 30 to 35, similar to the area around Heavenly Citadel. Each of their teams consisted of five players accompanied by three native Footsoldiers.

Jack used his magic staff and cast Body Double spell formation. Two identical Jacks appeared beside him. The two then ran to the right and left, away from Jack. After his two copies put enough distance, Jack called Pandora out again.

On top of Pandora, Jack rode forward in high speed towards Corporate United's Guild Headquarters.

The distinct sight did not escape the Corporate United members who were monster-grinding around the territory. After all, Pandora was very eye-catching and she also left a burning trail behind her. All the members that saw immediately sent a message to the ones inside the headquarters.

Soon, a flood of players poured out of the structure, while the ones grinding around the territory hurriedly rushed back.

Their swift reaction was due to their recognizing the burning steed. It was in the report of the attack on Everlasting Heavenly Legends' Guild Headquarters. There were even some who had partic.i.p.ated in that failed a.s.sault and had personally seen the unusual steed.

They knew who that steed belonged to. And thus, they knew the rider didn't come here for a friendly visit.

The ma.s.s of players who streamed out of the structure got into a neat line as they formed defensive formations. Jack stopped some distance away and just stayed there as he waited for Corporate United members to gather.

After a while, as the guild members were arranging their formation, another wave of large numbers of players came out of the structure. Jack recognized some amongst this new wave. They were Manager Steelhand, a.s.sistant Manager Ironhand, and Supervisor Killmonger.

Jack greeted them once they were within earshot, "How are you doing, manager? I thought you are still hanging around Thereath preparing to attack our headquarters again?"

Instead of answering, Manager Steelhand replied with a curt tone, "What are you doing here?"

Steelhand didn't answer Jack's question but Jack knew that this second wave should be the ones on standby to a.s.sault Heavenly Citadel again once the protection status was lifted. They must have arrived here so fast by using the Guild Return scroll, which meant that they had built a Scrollmaking Workshop.

A famous guild truly could not be underestimated. For them to be able to complete so many structures when they had started later. But then again, Jack noticed they had not built a wall. They probably thought they had no need for it and focused their resources to build other structures first.

'd.a.m.n, ain't they arrogant! Do they think no one dares to attack them just because they are a famous guild?' Jack thought. But he should be thankful about this, as this had allowed him to get very close to their headquarters structure.

"Hehe, will you believe me if I say I'm here to admire your headquarters?" Jack replied to Manager Steelhand's question.

There was an aged man with s.h.i.+ning armor who stood beside Manager Steelhand. From his pose, it seemed he had a higher rank than Manager Steelhand. "This is the punk that foiled your attempt in dominating Thereath region?" This aged man asked, to which Steelhand nodded respectfully in response.

Jack used Inspect on him.

Director Forcelabor (Paladin, level: 32)

HP: 2010

An elite cla.s.s. Jack observed the ma.s.s. Mostly were level 31 with some at level 32. Their numbers were astounding. He knew from the report that Corporate United's guild level had also reached level 2 a week after Everlasting Heavenly Legends gained Heavenly Citadel.

In these few weeks after they became level 2, they had almost filled up their full quota of 1000 members. The ones he saw here were probably around 800 members. The higher-ups must have called in everyone available. Jack felt flattered. Aside from those, there were also more than 200 Footsoldiers. This guild had produced even more native soldiers than his guild despite starting later.

"Do you need all these people? I'm just alone, you see?" Jack said.

Manager Steelhand didn't answer. He didn't have it in him to comment that during the battle of Crestfall Plain, they had faced him with similar numbers and still failed.

"Are all of you out already? Or you are still gathering? I will wait," Jack said again. Jack was actually telling the truth. His copies were currently hiding at the far end of both sides, trying to sneak as close as possible to the headquarters' entrance.

"You are as the report said, very," Director Forcelabor said. "You might have been leading with that anomaly two of yours, but most of the ones you fought before are our low-level members. This time we have more of our experts available, not to mention these trained native soldiers.

"What are we discussing this for? Let's just waste him. I can't wait to wipe that arrogant face of his with the ground," a man in medium armor carrying a golden trident said.

Manager Straightpole (Weapon Master, level: 32)

HP: 1820

Another elite cla.s.s. He wondered how many more were within this ma.s.s. He could not inspect every one.

This Manager Straightpole had a sudden change in his facial expression before he turned to Manager Steelhand and uttered, "don't be absurd! Why should we wear Amulet of Rebirth? Have you been scared by him until you become a chickens.h.i.+t? You are a disgrace to our guild! Everyone, ignore that order, there is no need to wear Amulet of Rebirth!"

Manager Steelhand gave Straightpole an irritated expression. From what Straightpole just said, Jack surmised that Steelhand had issued a silent command in their guild chat.

Despite Straightpole's instruction to ignore Steelhand's order, Jack still saw many proceeded to wear Amulet of Rebirth. This amulet had a unique design, so it was easy to recognize. Most of the ones who wore were those that had come out in the second wave. Those that had fought in Thereath region.

Director Forcelabor came forward, but he kept his distance. He kept on feeling this unsettling feeling which he could not pin for the cause. Little did he know that it was due to Pandora. Jack was still sitting on Pandora. He had kept the Nightmare on purpose, to use her aura to delay this ma.s.s from coming at him. He wanted to provide his copies with as much time as possible.

Director Forcelabor said to Jack, "If your purpose here is to fight, please know that we will gladly welcome it. But our guild can't be seen as a bully of abusing our numbers. So, we will give you the chance to leave. We will consider this matter as a slight misunderstanding."

Jack smiled at his words.

"What are you smiling at, you punk?" Straightpole scolded. "Our director had given you face! If it is up to me, I will have killed you without a word."

"I'm sorry, I just find it funny. He said your guild can't be seen as a bully by abusing your number. All the times that I had confrontations with your guild, that is exactly what happened. Your guild and the others in the coalition are the epitome of bullies who abuse their numbers."

"Arrogant punk!" Straightpole spat. He then turned to Forcelabor, "Director, let me have a one-on-one with him. We will show the world that we are not a pushover or a bully."

"No, don't!" Both Manager Steelhand and a.s.sistant Manager Ironhand spoke.

"You two cowards be quiet! I have great respect for you before, but it seemed this world had turned you soft."

He then strutted out without waiting for Director Forcelabor's permission. Yet, Forcelabor also didn't utter a word to stop him.

Manager Straightpole activated Ki Weapon. A blazing white aura enveloped his golden trident. Although the unsettling feeling that gnawed in his heart kept on increasing, he continued walking with poise. He couldn't afford to look bad in front of all his subordinates.

"Activate the recording stone. We will show this to the world and let them know our guild is not one to be messed with!" Straightpole shouted.

'Hey, great idea!' Jack thought after hearing it. He still had that one recording stone in his back. He went ahead and activated it.

When Straightpole arrived before him, Jack asked, "Are you really sure you don't want to wear Amulet of Rebirth?"

Straightpole harrumphed, "Hmph! Don't lump me in with all the weaklings you have fought. Get down from your horse!"

The second Straightpole called her horse, the Nightmare's eyes bored deep into the man. All kinds of horror surfaced inside Straightpole's mind. His eyes were wide with terror. His knees were about to give but he forced himself to remain standing.

Jack had actually been counting on this to happen. Once he saw the change in Straightpole's gaze, he jumped from Pandora's back. Somersaulting past the petrified Straightpole and landed behind him. He kicked at the back of Straightpole's knee and forced his one leg to buckle. His two swords then danced. Twenty-four bursts of slashes landed on Straightpole who was having trouble maintaining his thought, much less defending.

His HP zeroed in an instant then his body fell to the ground.


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Second World Chapter 480 - 480. Facing An Entire Guild summary

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