Second World Chapter 681 - 681. Time's Up

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Jet jumped past Jack after delivering his Seven Injuries Fists. Jack was still stunned by the amount of damage, hence Jet was able to take a head start. Peniel cast Heal on Jack to bring his HP back up.

Jack used Shooting Dash to chase after Jet, quickly blocking Jet's path again. Jack sent a Flame Strike by the end of the Shooting Dash. Jet wasn't careless enough to take the strike directly. He had experienced for himself Jack's unreasonable damage and strength. He stopped his advance and dodged to the side.

"Let's finish this then!" Jet uttered as his short body grew. He grew to even larger than Jack, a big fluffy bear with white and black fur.

"A panda?" Jack exclaimed. This uncle of him was indeed surprising. Most other beastmasters were still using the standard wolf form. With a small portion having bear or cat form which were the two most common forms after the wolf. Jack was sure a panda form was nowhere near common. Yet, this old geezer who never played games before had gotten his hands on this unusual form.

Jet's panda form, despite looking heavy, was even faster than before. The panda made a jump as he released a series of kicks before landing and followed up with a series of punches.

"s.h.i.+t! A Kung-fu panda!" Jack uttered.

The panda's two hands broke into after images, seven after images! Jet was using the Seven Injuries Fists again.

Jack was immediately alarmed. The damage was already so powerful when Jet was in normal form. With his current panda form, his strength and speed were further enhanced.

Jack didn't slack, he activated Gold Scale Armor. But this skill was just a precaution, in case he failed to block the fists. He didn't rely on this skill to tank. His two swords turned into a blur as he executed the burst attack of his Formless Flowing Sword Style. However, instead of the forty-eight slashes directed towards the enemy, he concentrated them in front of him. The sword lights were so tight that they sc.r.a.ped each other, creating sparks.

"That's…" The orc team leader, Four Winds, who was watching the scene from outside, was taken aback. It was very similar to his martial art technique. The difference was, his art caused the sparks all around him, creating a bubble that protect himself from all sides. The one Jack exhibited now was squarely in front of him, displaying the illusion of a wall made of sword lights in front of him.

Jet's illusionist punches, no matter they were near or far, would still need to pa.s.s through this sword wall to reach Jack, hence their illusion aspect was rendered useless. The seven fists clashed with the sword wall.

Eruptive energy exploded out, throwing the two combatants away. Jet's fists were powered by mana manipulation, so even if they were blocked, the impacts were still powerful, rivaling Jack's overpowered stats.

Hideout's name was greyed out in the sky. Jet noticed it. Red Death ambush had given high burst damage to the bard. Now she was focusing on Sierra, while Jack's ten wolves stopped Longstick and Outdoor from escaping. These two players had slow movement, they couldn't outrun the fast wolves.

Jet looked over to his wolf pack, thinking about sending his wolves to disrupt Jack's. But after a glance, he understood he couldn't divert his wolves away. Jack's Therras visibly overpowered his bear. Without the help from his six wolves, his bear would be defeated in a short time.

While he was uncertain as to how to proceed, Pallas' voice boomed from the sky. Time remaining, one minute.

Jack was astounded by the announcement. So little time was left? Why didn't announce it when it was ten or five minutes before? Why announce it when it's only one minute left? But there was no use complaining. It was already good there was an announcement. If there was not, he might still take his time fighting carefully and the match might be over without him realizing it.

"Defend! We will win!" Jet encouraged his teammates who were currently busy dealing with Red Death and Jack's wolves.

Jet activated Strength of the Wild to increase his survivability. A level 45 Beastmaster skill. The skill bestowed the beastmaster with multiple buffs. It added 80% increase to attributes, 10% increase to damage, 100% increase to defense and resistances, 50% to movement and attack speed. The beastmaster was immune to movement restriction during the skill and recovered 10 HP every second.

Since there was no more time to lose, Jack decided to throw precaution to the wind. He transformed into his wolf form. His Gold Scale Armor armor was still active so he was currently a golden fur werewolf.

He also activated Adrenaline Rush before lunging at Jet, claws slas.h.i.+ng wildly using Formless Flowing Sword Style. Jet didn't meet Jack head-on. Now that he knew he only need to last for one minute, he avoided clas.h.i.+ng with Jack directly. He dodged and threw an attack to deflect when he couldn't dodge. Even though Jack was faster, Jet's finesse allowed him to limit his damage to a minimum.

The spectators outside were fascinated looking at a werewolf and a werepanda danced around as if they were displaying a martial art performance. It was truly weird seeing wild animals doing it.

"Thirty seconds!" Pallas' voice was heard.

Soon, they also heard Sierra's voice, "Aarghh..! Brother Hung! I can't hold on! I am…"

Her voice stopped. Jack and Jet didn't have to see, both of them knew that Red Death had taken out Sierra.

"We still have three people, we will win!" Jet uttered.

"You know, there was no need for me to take you out," Jack said as a spell formation formed in his left claw.

Jet realized something after Jack's words. He was only playing defense and evasion, but now he realized Jack's a.s.saults had been leading him back to near the buildings where Longstick and Outdoor were.

Jack's spell was completed and a wide magic wall appeared before Jet.

At this time, Pallas' voice was heard doing a countdown, "Ten… Nine… Eight…"

Jack's magic wall was not meant for defense. The magic wall was untraversable as long as it was not broken. Jack jumped back after the magic wall was formed, leaving Jet on the other side. Behind him where he jumped to was the broken wall where Longstick and Outdoor were still in.

Outdoor had cast Wall of Vines near the broken wall when the wolves rushed in, trapping three out of the ten wolves. The remaining seven were inside hara.s.sing them. She cast Healing Wind to keep their HP up, while Longstick had activated his Divine Armor as well as his knight's skills, Endure. They were currently trying to tank this through. Longstick used his weapon which was covered by Sacred Flame to protect Outdoor by driving the wolves back, trying to minimize the damage they received as little as possible.

The Wall of Vines was still blocking the entrance, if Jack rushed in, he would get entangled by the vines as well. But he didn't plan to. He activated his Storm Breaker's Overlimit to maximize his damage. The sword animation where it broke apart during the Overlimit state was not shown since Jack was shown using bare claws during transformation, but the energy light and the black lightning accompanying the Overlimit state were seen coating his right claw.

Jack executed Wind Slash. Three green energies rushed forward in high speed, cutting through the vines and continuing forth. The three energies traveled in an arc. All three slashed past both Longstick and Outdoor.

As a druid, Outdoor's HP and defense were not enough to survive the three wind slashes with boosted damage. Her HP was depleted instantly.

Longstick was stunned. His HP had also gone down significantly, to the point that one more single standard attack could take him out. He hurriedly used Soothing Light to heal a bit of his HP before the wolves came biting again.

Seeing Longstick survive, Jack immediately sent a follow-up attack using Sword of Light. The crescent light rushed forward. Longstick, seeing the attack, executed Heaven's s.h.i.+eld while ignoring the wolves that bit him.

The gigantic s.h.i.+eld appeared before him just as Jack's Sword of Light arrived. The crescent light smashed into the illusory s.h.i.+eld with a loud impact and broke it to pieces. However, the Sword of Light was also stopped with the destruction of the s.h.i.+eld.

"Time is up!" Pallas' voice was heard.

Everyone stopped fighting after. They looked at each other. Red Death was just about to jump into the broken wall to aid in killing Longstick.

Both teams had two members surviving, so who won? Everyone wondered.

Pallas' voice was then heard again. "Dwarf team, two surviving members. Longstick, twenty-six percents HP. Jet Hung, sixty-two percents HP. Human team, two surviving members. Storm Wind, eighty-three percents HP. Red Death, Seven-one percents HP. Winner, human team!"

Jack heaved a relief sigh after hearing that. 'Yes!' He exclaimed inwardly. He never thought they would have such a narrow win.

Their surroundings then vanished. Both teams were brought back into the arena in front of the spectators, the ones who died had been revived. Everyone had full HP. They heard clappings from the spectators. Both sides had done their best to win.

Jack turned to Jet. "You almost had us," he said.

"We did," Jet replied. He then looked at his teammates. "Ah… Too bad. Well, we have tried our best. Ain't we, lad?"

The four had downcast expressions.

"Hey, what are you all wearing sour faces? Win or lose in matches are common. What we can do is to train better so we can beat those a*sholes the next time. Do you all get me?" Jet exclaimed.

Jack rolled his eyes hearing Jet's words. 'Can't you do that kind of talk somewhere else when we didn't hear you?' Jack thought.

After giving his team a pep talk, Jet came over to congratulate Jack. This old dude was used to partic.i.p.ating in martial arts tournaments in the past, without ever becoming the champion since he always joined together with Domon. So, he wasn't truly bothered with a loss in a match.

Pallas announced the end of the tournament today.


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Second World Chapter 681 - 681. Time's Up summary

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