Excuse Me, I Am The Real Female Lead Chapter 586 - Was in a Bus Accident

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Chapter 586: Was in a Bus Accident

The accident happened so suddenly that the people on the bus could not react in time. It was not until the bus had skidded to the side of the road that they remembered to scream.

The car’s tires had lost control and slipped. Fang Mo’er looked at the rapidly changing scenery outside and lamented inwardly. Was this where she would die? Was she really that expendable?

s.h.i.+ Mo held Fang Mo’er tightly in his arms as he tried his best to prevent her from getting hurt.

The road was already slippery, to begin with, and the speed of the car was too fast for the driver to control. Fortunately, everyone had fastened their seatbelts. Only the cameraman who had been filming had not fastened his seatbelt. Thus, he was flung away by the sudden accident.

His body slammed heavily into the door of the vehicle and he fainted immediately while still clinging tightly to the camera.


The rest of the pa.s.sengers were occupied with trying to protect themselves and could not help him at all.

Just when everyone thought that they were going to die here, the car slowly came to a stop after a few collisions.

s.h.i.+ Mo raised his head and looked around. He realized that the car had stopped in a field. Only once he had determined that there were no other signs of the vehicle losing control again, did he let go of Fang Mo’er.

Fang Mo’er and the rest of the pa.s.sengers went to see to the cameraman while s.h.i.+ Mo went to look for the driver to discuss the situation.

He asked the driver, “What’s the condition of the bus? Is there any problem with it?”

Fortunately, there were many saplings along the roadside. When the bus had crashed into those saplings which had buffered the impact, it slid onto the farmland before finally coming to a steady stop.

The people on the bus were also lucky. There were gullies on both sides of the road which contained water. There was a road that connected the wide s.p.a.ces where people could walk. When the car had lost control, a small road happened to be next to it, so the car had not flipped over.

The driver tried to restart the car. The soil on the farmland was loose so after being watered by the heavy rain, it became even more muddy. The wheels of the car spun on the spot, which made it was impossible to drive away.

“No, the car can’t move at all. There’s no signal here either, so I can’t contact the program team.” He was feeling a little anxious. They were in the middle of nowhere with such a large group of celebrities on the bus, and he could not afford to be in trouble.

He took his phone out to call for help, but there was no signal at all.

“What about the rest of the staff?”

“The rest of the staff should be behind us, but the rain is too heavy. I’m not sure how far away we are from them. Moreover, we’re on farmland now, so there’s no way they can see us from the outside.”

s.h.i.+ Mo took out his phone to check, and sure enough, there was no signal. Looking out from the window, other than the fallen crops, there was nothing else around. The heavy rain blocked his view and made the view in the distance a blur.

He thought for a moment, then he said in a deep voice, “Since the program team is behind us, it’s possible that they might not have left and have taken shelter in the hospital. It’s also possible that they might pa.s.s by this area soon. We have two options now. One is to push the bus out together, while the other is to go to the road and see what’s going on with the barrier.”

Fang Mo’er was helping the cameraman by performing a simple check-up. Fortunately, she had studied emergency care for a period of time, so it had come in useful now.

There was a big on the cameraman’s head, but none of his bones seemed to be broken. It was probably a knock to the head that had caused him to lose consciousness. His breathing was even, and he seemed to be fine.

She asked Brother Fatty to carry the cameraman and place him on the seat. After fastening his seatbelt, she determined that they would send him to the hospital for a check-up when they got back.

Just as she had settled the cameraman down, she heard s.h.i.+ Mo’s words and Fang Mo’er nodded in agreement.

She said, “Indeed, the rain won’t be stopping for a while. The longer it goes on, the harder it will be for the car to drive out. However, why would there be a barrier on the road? There had clearly been nothing there when we had come earlier.”

s.h.i.+ Mo felt that something was amiss. Usually, roadblocks would be placed on the road in an obvious manner. Furthermore, there would be a sign that pointed out that there was a speed limit for the road ahead. There would not be anything placed directly on the road at all.

He decided to go out and take a look for himself. He asked the driver for an umbrella and s.h.i.+ Mo opened the car door to go out.

“I’ll go with you.”

Fang Mo’er followed s.h.i.+ Mo out of the car. There was a puddle of water on the ground and the rain was still very heavy. The water splashed on the ground continuously.

As her feet stepped on the muddy ground, she found that her shoes were almost stuck in the ground, making it difficult for her to take a single step. Fortunately, she was not wearing high heels. Otherwise, she would not even be able to walk at all.

The car had not gone too far, so s.h.i.+ Mo and Fang Mo’er soon came to the roadblock. When they got closer, they saw that there were no official roadblocks. However, a few metal frames had been casually thrown in the middle of the road.

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Excuse Me, I Am The Real Female Lead Chapter 586 - Was in a Bus Accident summary

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