Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 986: Hanlin Academy

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Chapter 986: Hanlin Academy


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

No one dared to approach him at this moment. The incidents involving Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou had left a lasting impression on everyone.

However, the Tian Family refrained from commenting or making things difficult for Shao Yunduan. They simply maintained a distance from him, as if he were invisible.

Each individual prioritized their own future and avoided any involvement.

Qiao Hongxi felt increasingly irritated.

He had never antic.i.p.ated becoming so closely a.s.sociated with Shao Yunduan.

Initially, he had planned to manipulate others into hara.s.sing and humiliating Shao Yunduan, eager to witness his downfall.

After all, he was determined not to let Shao Yunduan enjoy a good life.

But now… he didn’t dare to.

Yes, he lacked the courage!

However, the memory of the 4,000 liang he owed Shao Yunduan and Qiao Xuan, along with the words inscribed on that piece of paper, silenced any complaints he might have had.

The couple were unpredictable. What if they were compelled to expose the secret publicly? The humiliation would be unbearable!

Consequently, Qiao Hongxi had no choice but to avoid Shao Yunduan. Even if he accidentally encountered him, he would lower his head and pretend not to notice.

Unfortunately, news of their connection reached the ears of others soon enough.

Concerned individuals began questioning why Qiao Hongxi wasn’t seen with Shao Yunduan.

“Your sister is married to Editor Shao, making you his brother-in-law, right? Congratulations, Brother Qiao, you now have a prestigious son-in-law!”

“Indeed, Brother Qiao, why don’t you spend time with him? It’s strange to see such distance between you two!”

Qiao Hongxi grew increasingly frustrated as he witnessed others either teasing him out of curiosity or plotting something malicious.

Internally, he cursed at the absurdity of being judged for being a brother-in-law. After all, Qiao Xuan was just the daughter of a concubine. Did anyone have close relations.h.i.+ps with their concubine’s siblings?

However, he couldn’t express these thoughts aloud.

Qiao Hongxi had no choice but to avoid discussing the matter. When he couldn’t bear it any longer, he resorted to making vague comments to discredit Shao Yunduan and s.h.i.+ft blame onto him. He insinuated that Shao Yunduan looked down on the Qiao Family because of his position as Primus and lacked respect for them.

Upon hearing these rumors, Shao Yunduan simply smiled and ignored them.

If someone was curious enough to approach him, he could only sigh and claim his innocence.

Regardless of the inquiries, he would shake his head and remain tight-lipped.

He had the support of the senior members of the Qiao Family, including Qiao Xuan and Qiao Hongxi. What did he have to fear?

No matter how hard Qiao Hongxi tried to discredit him, as long as he possessed that leverage, Qiao Hongxi would never dare to cause any trouble.

Shao Yunduan secretly wished that Qiao Hongxi would intensify his discrediting attempts, making the situation appear even worse. It would only amplify the humiliation.

Clearly, Qiao Hongxi wasn’t particularly clever. After all, he and the Qiao Family were holding something over Shao Yunduan, forcing him to remain subdued.

Unfortunately, Shao Yunduan’s words proved ineffective, and the rumors spread even further.

Furthermore, certain individuals sought to ingratiate themselves with the Tian Family, fueling the situation.

Surprisingly, the person who relentlessly attacked Shao Yunduan was unexpectedly promoted to a vacancy at the Hanlin Academy.

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Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 986: Hanlin Academy summary

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