Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1368: Huge Battle! War Summary! (1)

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Chapter 1368: Huge Battle! War Summary! (1)


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

-Are you willing to surrender?” Zhou Fight and Zhou Wu looked at the other 12

Master G.o.ds and asked.

The 12 Master G.o.ds looked at each other and transformed into 12 streams of light and fled in all directions without hesitation.

“They” were Master G.o.d-Tier existences after all. They were the peak experts of the myriad races. How could they surrender just like that?

As for the Nine Saint King, “He” could only blame his bad luck. After all, “He” had been targeted by those two ferocious G.o.ds.

“You won’t give up until you reach the Yellow River.

Zhou Fight shook his head.

“He” had already set up an isolation array within a radius of 100 billion light-years with the help of a Master G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade divine artifact. Not only could it stop the enemies inside from escaping, but it could also stop the enemies outside from barging in. It could also stop the enemies inside from asking for help.

This was also the reason why -He” dared to deal with the three armies so calmly.

-He” did not care about these fleeing Master G.o.d-Tiers. “He” turned around and opened his right palm, aiming it at the army of the three races.

Ten Thousand Spirit Saint…


Invisible ripples instantly spread in all directions with the palm as the center and quickly enveloped the entire isolation array.

A text notification appeared.

[Prompt: You have activated your Mythical-Tier Unique Lord Talent, Ten

Thousand Spirit Saint!]

[All spirits see you as a Supreme Saint and long to follow you!]

[Lord Talent Notification One: There are three Capital Units and 1,584,474,498,663,620 Foreign Race Soldiers, one Capital Unit and 2,152,263,245,469,865 Green Bronze-Tier Foreign Race Soldiers, 8,521,241,087,412,623 White Silver-Tier Foreign Race Soldiers… 150,263,287,541,552 Legendary-Tier Foreign Race Soldiers, 112,513,260 Low-Tier Deity-level Foreign Race G.o.d Spirits, 8,154,748 Mid-Tier Deity-level Foreign Race G.o.d Spirits, 2,216,966 High-Tier Deity-level Foreign Race G.o.d Spirits, 2,501 True G.o.ds, and six Master G.o.ds who have voluntarily separated from their lord forces and become your loyal followers!]

[Lord Talent Notification Two: You have obtained a Spellcaster-DeCarlos

(True G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade)!]

Zhou Fight raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled after reading it.

It was not in vain that “He” had spent so much effort to encircle and suppress the allied army of the three races.

The Ten Thousand Spirit Saint had actually directly Incite Defection Seven Capital Units 4,741,266,588,650,000 people of foreign races soldiers, 22,884,974 G.o.d Spirits, 2,501 True G.o.d-Tiers, and six Master G.o.ds! This was already half of the total number of troops under the main body! Then, “He” didn’t think too much about it and immediately gave the order to counterattack.

With the help of the Incite Defection people of foreign races, the Blazing Sun Empire’s army, which was originally outnumbered, instantly became outnumbered!

Coupled with the help of the Master G.o.d-Tier and the strong quality of the soldiers, the Blazing Sun Empire’s army instantly grasped the absolute advantage on the battlefield.

Half an hour later, the Master G.o.ds of the Blazing Sun Empire escorted the other six Master G.o.d-Tiers who had not been incited by the Ten Thousand Spirit Saint to Zhou Fight.

“Reporting to Your Majesty!”

“AU the escaping Master G.o.d-Tiers have been brought here!”

An Immortal Spirit Race Master G.o.d had just been induced by Incite Defection said respectfully.

Zhou Fight nodded and looked at the six Master G.o.ds.

-Are you wining to surrender? If you are willing to surrender, This Emperor can spare your lives.”

“If you refuse to surrender, your lives will be spared.”

“He” went straight to the point.

When the six Master G.o.ds heard this, a sneer flashed across their faces. Some of their eyes flickered while some of them hesitated…

“Your Excellency Azure Emperor.”

“I surrender.”

A Master G.o.d of the Radiant Angel Race gritted his teeth and said respectfully.

“Me too!”

“I also surrender. Please spare my life, Your ExceUency Azure Emperor.”

With the first, there would be the next, and even the third.

Soon, a total of five Master G.o.ds were willing to surrender.

The last Master G.o.d of the people of foreign races firmly chose not to surrender.

“It’s a shame.”

Zhou Fight lamented hypocritically. Then, he couldn’t be bothered to ask why -He” didn’t surrender. He looked directly at the five Master G.o.d-Tiers of the people of foreign races who had surrendered.

“Tell me, are you willing to join the Blazing Sun Empire and become our Wors.h.i.+ped Master G.o.d?” “He” said lightly.

As soon as he said that, the six Master G.o.d-Tiers of the people of foreign races immediately widened their eyes and looked at Zhou Fight.

Especially the Master G.o.d of the Radiant Angel Race who was unwilling to surrender. He looked at Zhou Fight as if he had seen a ghost.

There was only one thought in “His” mind.

The Azure Emperor was really the Common People’s Regal!

In that case, it was easy to understand why Azure Emperor controlled the unique methods of the Common People’s Regal.

However, that was strange.

Why didn’t they think of or confirm that the Azure Emperor was the Common People’s Regal when they thought of these things previously?

The more this Master G.o.d of the Radiant Angel Race thought about it, the more confused he became.

“He” felt as if “His” original thoughts had been forcefully altered.

It was extremely unreasonable!

The five Master G.o.ds of the people of foreign races looked at each other. In the end, they still said that they wanted to join the Blazing Sun Empire.

Zhou Fight smiled in satisfaction.

Then, “He” looked at the only Radiant Angel Race Master G.o.d-Tier who hadn’t surrendered.

“The other Master G.o.d-Tiers have already surrendered. Are you still unwilling to surrender?” “He” asked.

“Common People’s Regal!”

“I admit that your methods are Extraordinary-Tier.

“However, if you want me to surrender just because of this, aren’t you looking down on my faith in the light?!”

The Master G.o.d of the Radiant Angel Race sneered.

“Aren’t you afraid of dying?”

Zhou Fight said in surprise.

Master G.o.ds rarely died.

However, that did not mean that the Master G.o.d was not afraid of death. On the contrary, as an existence that had already reached the peak of the myriad worlds, Master G.o.d-Tier was the group of G.o.d Spirits who were most afraid of death when the Supreme G.o.d Realm and stronger existences did not appear.

That was because they had already tasted the beauty of being a top-notch powerhouse.

They don’t want to let go of this beauty and therefore did not want to die..

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Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1368: Huge Battle! War Summary! (1) summary

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