The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1413: Why Is Xie Yunzhou Helping Second Xie?

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Chapter 1413: Why Is Xie Yunzhou Helping Second Xie?


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

s.h.i.+ Xi listened to Zhu Lin’s a.n.a.lysis and thought hard.

When there was no filming, there was continuously no filming.

She had been idle for several months.

But now, there were two suitable scripts.

This was ridiculous.

“Wiry don’t you reconsider? Anyway, the project hasn’t started yet.”

There was a long period of time between the gathering of the cast and the filming of a drama.

It was enough for s.h.i.+ Xi to think.

“Can’t I take both?” s.h.i.+ Xi asked.

“Sure. Let’s film [The Legend of the Princess] first,” Zhu Lin suggested.

s.h.i.+ Xi: “…”

But she really liked the script of [Star Voyage]!

Zhu Lin advised: “I’ve read a little about the sci-fi script. The special effects required are too high-end. I don’t think the country can do it.”

On s.h.i.+ Xi’s left hand, [Legend of the Princess], on the right hand, [Star Voyage]. It was difficult to choose.

“Hurry up and make a decision!” Zhu Lin pleaded. “Liao Chujing has joined the crew!”

s.h.i.+ Xi: “…You’re comparing me to her again.”

“I didn’t want to either. Who asked her to be so arrogant?” Zhu Lin muttered softly.

s.h.i.+ Xi leaned back on the sofa. “You can go back first. I’ll read the script myself.”

After Zhu Lin left, s.h.i.+ Xi lay on the sofa and read the script carefully.

It was only when the sun set and the sound of the door opening rang out from the entrance that s.h.i.+ Xi came back to her senses.

Xie Yunzhou came back from outside. When he saw that the lights in the room were not turned on, he thought that s.h.i.+ Xi had not returned.

“Wiry aren’t you turning on the lights?” he asked when he saw s.h.i.+ Xi sitting on the sofa.

s.h.i.+ Xi was still holding the script in her hand. “I was so engrossed in the script that I didn’t notice the time.”

“The light is so dim. Aren’t you afraid of hurting your eyes?”

“Where did you go today?”

“I went to settle some matters.” Xie Yunzhou handed s.h.i.+ Xi a bottle of iced drink. “I heard that you were shocked at the Hua family today?”

“It’s alright. There’s nothing else.” s.h.i.+ Xi had been reading the script for the entire afternoon and had almost forgotten about being scared by the wild tiger.

Xie Yunzhou pinched the girl’s face. “I’m going upstairs to rest. Don’t stare for too long.”

s.h.i.+ Xi: ?

When Xie Yunzhou went upstairs, s.h.i.+ Xi looked at his back and felt even more puzzled.

Just this?

s.h.i.+ Xi looked at the script in her hand and then at Xie Yunzhou’s back.

Don’t you have anything else to say to me?

s.h.i.+ Xi frowned slightly.

s.h.i.+ Xi had been paying attention to Second Xie’s matter. The first trial was not scheduled and he was preparing for the second trial.

s.h.i.+ Xi took a deep breath, rolled up the script, and slowly tapped on her palm.

Could it be that Second Xie still had a way out?

s.h.i.+ Xi thought that Second Xie’s matter was set in stone and only wanted to watch from the sidelines.

Now that she thought about it, she still had to understand.

s.h.i.+ Xi looked upstairs again.

She was angry and resentful.

Why was Xie Yunzhou helping Second Xie?

The Xie family had given him so many benefits!

Moreover, if Second Xie didn’t come out, the entire Xie family would belong to Xie Yunzhou.

What was he thinking?

Why did he help Second Xie?

s.h.i.+ Xi didn’t know many people in Yanjing, so she called Hua Xuanhe and asked if there was a turning point in this matter.

“Xie Yunzhou took Ruoling away today,” Hua Xuanhe said. “I don’t know why.”

“Hua Ruoling is so capable?” s.h.i.+ Xi did not quite believe it.

“I hope she didn’t interfere in this matter.” Hua Xuanhe felt a headache coming on.

One, two, all of them made him worry.

s.h.i.+ Xi: “…Alright, if you have any news, let me know immediately.”

After hanging up, s.h.i.+ Xi lay on the sofa for a while.

Looking at the ceiling, s.h.i.+ Xi really could not understand.

s.h.i.+ Xi wanted to ask Xie Yunzhou, but she was not from the Xie family after all.

What the f*ck.

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The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1413: Why Is Xie Yunzhou Helping Second Xie? summary

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