The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1420: Hua Ruoling Is Not Telling The Truth

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Chapter 1420: Hua Ruoling Is Not Telling The Truth


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“It’s fine if you don’t want to look at it.” Zhu Lin’s heart ached for the money.

” Or we can ask President Xie if he wants to take a look.”

A book costs a few hundred!

s.h.i.+ Xi: “I don’t know. He has a Ph.D in finance and psychology. He probably doesn’t like physics, right?”

As the two of them were talking, Xie Yunzhou returned.

“Xie Yunzhou, are you interested in physics?” s.h.i.+ Xi picked up the ‘Particle Physics’ book at the top and asked.

Xie Yunzhou: “…Why are you suddenly asking this?”

“I want to throw these books away,” s.h.i.+ Xi explained. “Zhu Lin feels that it’s a pity, so she’s asking if you’re interested.”

“Right! You can leave it for your children!” Zhu Lin interrupted. “Xi Xi can use it as prenatal education in the future. She might be able to nurture a scientist.”

s.h.i.+ Xi and Xie Yunzhou looked at Zhu Lin at the same time.

The living room fell silent for a moment. No one answered.

After a few seconds of strange silence, Zhu Lin smiled awkwardly. “I… I was just making an immature suggestion.”

“I’ll go find a longer rope and bring it over tomorrow.”

With that, Zhu Lin grabbed her bag and ran away.

She was a little afraid of Xie Yunzhou.

After Zhu Lin left, only s.h.i.+ Xi and Xie Yunzhou were left in the living room.

“It seems like you’re not interested in physics,” s.h.i.+ Xi broke the silence.

Xie Yunzhou walked forward and took the book from s.h.i.+ Xi’s hands. “Keep it for now.”

“Then carry it upstairs. It’s too heavy.”

Xie Yunzhou smiled and picked up the book.

s.h.i.+ Xi shared a few books. “These are the basics. If you like them, you can take a look.”

“I got full marks for physics when I was in school.”

s.h.i.+ Xi: “How can I jump to a specific location in a hypers.p.a.ce?”

“Spatial folding.”

s.h.i.+ Xi: “…”

“Is there anything else you want to ask?” Xie Yunzhou asked.

“Yes.” s.h.i.+ Xi followed him upstairs. “Why didn’t you tell me you know physics?” she asked hatefully.

“You never asked,” Xie Yunzhou said innocently.

s.h.i.+ Xi: …Who would have thought that a business mogul with a double Ph.D in finance and psychology would actually know physics?

“There was a time when quantum mechanics was popular,” Xie Yunzhou explained. “There were often manufacturers who used this name to scam investors.”

“Did they deceive you?” s.h.i.+ Xi asked curiously.

So that’s why he devoted himself to physics?

“No, I learned a little and used it in marketing.” Xie Yunzhou carried the books into the study and placed them on the table. “The sales for those two years were pretty good.”

“You’re using quantum mechanics as a marketing gimmick?” s.h.i.+ Xi asked in disbelief.

Xie Yunzhou put away the physics book and took the book from s.h.i.+ Xi’s hands. “Can’t I?”

“It’s alright. It’s a normal commercial marketing method. The company has also been marketing me as a sweet person,” s.h.i.+ Xi said.

Xie Yunzhou pinched the girl’s face. “You’re sweet and beautiful.”

s.h.i.+ Xi smiled.

Youngsters, you are still too young.

“How’s Second Xie’s matter going?” s.h.i.+ Xi changed the topic.

“Hua Ruoling refused to tell the truth. She’s still in the interrogation room.” At the mention of Second Xie, Xie Yunzhou’s att.i.tude became colder.

s.h.i.+ Xi was puzzled. “Why is this related to Hua Ruoling?”

“There were some twists and turns. I’ll tell you when the evidence is confirmed,” said Xie Yunzhou.

s.h.i.+ Xi did not quite understand. “Wait, Hua Ruoling is in the interrogation room? Didn’t you take her away in private?”

Couldn’t they just interrogate her?

Xie Yunzhou seemed to understand her thoughts.

s.h.i.+ Xi felt guilty: …I thought too badly of capitalists.

“I’m just keeping her in solitary confinement and using some psychological means to force her to speak, that’s all,” said Xie Yunzhou.

s.h.i.+ Xi: ?!

I thought too highly of a capitalist.

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The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1420: Hua Ruoling Is Not Telling The Truth summary

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