Lord Of The World: I Become The Lord Of The Desert From The Start Chapter 1103 610: The Desert God is Crazy, Bastard, Why Are You Impersonating Me So Righteously? [1/3]

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Chapter 1103 610: The Desert G.o.d is Crazy, b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Why Are You Impersonating Me So Righteously? [1/3]

A figure appeared under the backdrop of the yellow sand that filled the sky.

The figure on the divine throne looked so majestic at this moment.

The Desert Sect believers in the square saw this scene, and that satisfied their fantasies about the G.o.ds.

He knelt on the ground excitedly and bowed most humbly without hesitation.

"My Lord, your loyal believer sends you his most n.o.ble greetings.

"Your light s.h.i.+nes upon the entire world that protected every single one of us. Praise you.

"Great Desert G.o.d, the ruler of supreme power. I sincerely beg to receive your attention."

Millions of people filled this large square that could accommodate hundreds of thousands.

The black ma.s.s of people knelt on the ground one after another. They looked spectacular.

Some areas had a mult.i.tude of people. They couldn't kneel even if they wanted to. There was a spectacle of feet touching feet, head to face.

Richard stood in the square center. He listened to the praises and prayers of the believers below. His calm expression suddenly became a little strange.

He suddenly sensed the sealed desert authority in his body. Something must have slowly loosened and awakened it.

Countless emotions appeared in his mind afterward. They were devout, probing, and hesitant.

They were believers of the Desert Sect!

He could hear their prayers!

More importantly, Richard's body gathered a remarkable power gradually.

It was pure, clean, and had no attributes. It was just rich energy.

That energy could mobilize the sealed desert authority.

That must have the genuine key to activating the authority of the desert!

A word suddenly appeared in Richard's mind! Power of faith!

No wonder the G.o.ds needed believers so much. The power of faith could increase their authority so much!

Even under the suppression of laws, he could still mobilize his authority.

The emotions in his heart soared generously at this moment.

The ultimate goal of this plan was to lure the Desert G.o.d out.

Richard suddenly felt that becoming the new Desert G.o.d was blissful with this discovery!

However, a rumble suddenly happened just as he was about to move.

A clap of thunder exploded from the sky.

A shocking scene appeared afterward.

Countless strange thunderbolts condensed from gravel and bombarded the yellow sand that floated in the sky.

That shattered the large patches of yellow sand.

Yellow dragons danced in the air. Wild snakes soared through the sky.

The yellow sand and lightning were as dense as rain. That caused a scene of heavenly punishment to appear in the sky. It was terrifying.

Any intelligent life would be afraid of natural disasters that exceed their understanding.

The believers knelt on the ground below and felt fear and fury.

Someone had attacked the G.o.d they believed in?

Who was it? It was those d.a.m.ned demons! Or a blasphemous heretic?

A few residents couldn't come to the square but had watched the scene through magic. They widened their eyes in excitement. They stared at the scene closely, afraid to miss any detail.

A few people still attacked after the G.o.ds appeared. Could it be the legendary G.o.d hunters?

It was human nature to watch the show. This kind of fun was rare in a lifetime.

The yellow sand and lightning flashed to the sky generously. Endless yellow light flashed, and the world suddenly fell silent.

A majestic figure wore a yellow sand cloak and appeared out of thin air from the sand and thunder.

A mural in an ancient church must have made people tremble.

He focused on the other party while it held a slender scepter condensed from fine sand. His body emitted a majestic and heavy aura. It was like he confronted a vast and eternal desert.

It made people feel awe.

This figure appeared, and the believers below were suddenly shocked because they sensed an extremely familiar aura from the other party.

"Why, why do I sense the aura of our G.o.d on him?!"

Believers were sensitive to their G.o.d's faith. That startled many of them.

"What was going on?"

The stalwart figure puzzled everyone. It appeared in the lightning and suddenly raised the yellow sand scepter.

A deep and solemn voice resounded throughout the world.

"I am the G.o.d of the Desert, Seth!"

"My believers, use your heart to comprehend. I am the G.o.d you believe in!"

He pointed at Richard. Anger filled his voice.

"And he is a despicable thief! A lowly b.a.s.t.a.r.d who tried to deceive everyone and steal the Desert Sect!

"Such a lowly life form could never profane the glory of a true G.o.d!"

He finished speaking. The scepter erupted with the power of yellow sand. The sand in the sky stopped flowing and turned towards him.

This action had forcibly stripped Richard of his control over the yellow sand.

This scene stunned the believers and residents below. Why would two Desert G.o.ds suddenly appear?

The Desert G.o.d stared at Richard. His chest heaved. His anger could almost set the sky on fire.

"This d.a.m.ned blasphemer wanted to occupy his sect?

"How bold!

No wonder Solan City was so cooperative with the other party's preaching. It turned out they were waiting for him here!

What made him even angrier was that this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was only level 19!

He hadn't even reached transcendent!

How dare he impersonate him at such a level?

An ant provoked a tiger. That humiliation and anger surged into his heart. That infuriated him.

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Lord Of The World: I Become The Lord Of The Desert From The Start Chapter 1103 610: The Desert God is Crazy, Bastard, Why Are You Impersonating Me So Righteously? [1/3] summary

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