Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up Chapter 1079 Retrieving the Quest

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Chapter 1079: Chapter 1079 Retrieving the Quest

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1079 Retrieving the Quest

Lu Yu strolled into the villa, collapsing onto the plush sofa in the living room. He casually reached for a nearby newspaper, flipping through the pages.

“The Heavenly Dragon Chamber of Commerce’s young mistress graces Skyplume City with her presence, seeking aid from a skilled expert,” the bold headline blazoned across the front page proclaimed.

Hu Zhan plopped down beside Lu Yu, a knowing grin on his face. “Quite the stir, wouldn’t you say? People are practically camped outside her hotel, chomping at the bit for this quest.”

“Anyone who accepts it is guaranteed a lifetime of riches, no doubt,” he remarked wistfully.

Lu Yu furrowed his brow. “Wealth? Hardly a motivator for me.”

He tossed the paper aside.

“Of course,” Hu Zhan chuckled. “With your strength, money is a mere triviality. Who needs riches when you have power? Power brings wealth to your fingertips. ”

Lu Yu rose from the sofa, a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt dancing in his eyes. “True enough, but with nothing pressing on us at the moment, why not join in on the fun?”

“Let’s see what this quest entails. If it’s a simple fetch quest, I wouldn’t mind completing it and bolstering my reputation. As for the reward, it holds no value for me.’

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll tag along,” Hu Zhan readily agreed.

The two exited the villa, their steps carrying them towards the bustling city center and the designated hotel.

As they rounded a corner, a sizable crowd blocking the street ahead came into view. They were crammed in front of the hotel entrance, their faces etched with antic.i.p.ation.

Lu Yu spotted a lone figure emerge from the hotel doors—a young woman in a vibrantly colored cheongsam, clutching a yellow parchment in her hand. She approached a bulletin board near the entrance and carefully affixed the parchment to its surface.

“My lady seeks a.s.sistance in locating her lost battle pet,” the woman declared in a clear, authoritative voice. “A handsome reward awaits the one who returns it safely.”

“The exact nature of the reward will be revealed upon successful quest completion. However, rest a.s.sured, the esteemed Heavenly Dragon Chamber of Commerce vouches for its generosity!”

A flurry of excited murmurs rippled through the crowd.

“A lost battle pet? How peculiar. What kind of negligence is this?”

“Considering her pedigree, how powerful could this lost pet be? A bit careless, wouldn’t you say?”

“The daughter of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber of Commerce president, no less. Who knows what kind of fearsome beast she’s lost?”

“Probably nothing like the measly lizards we’ve encountered. This must be a mighty dragon, a real powerhouse!”

“This quest won’t be a walk in the park, that’s for sure.”

Everyone craned their necks to get a better look at the posted quest details.

“The missing pet is an Azure Water Dragon,” the announcement continued. “It is distinguished by its cerulean hue and possesses average defensive and offensive capabilities. While not particularly large, it has the remarkable ability to produce a continuous stream of pure water.”

“It recently sustained a chest injury during training and subsequently escaped.”

Lu Yu gleaned the gist of the situation from the announcement. This Azure Water Dragon must have held immense sentimental value for the young woman.

Though not a combat-oriented dragon, its ability to produce pure water made it a valuable companion. It was no wonder she was so desperate to have it back.

“The latest intel suggests the Azure Water Dragon fled into the Black Forest, most likely seeking refuge in a secluded area. Locating it in short order will prove challenging,” the woman concluded, sending a wave of apprehension through the a.s.sembled crowd.

Panic erupted amidst the crowd.

“Blackwood Forest?!” someone shrieked. “That place is teeming with vile beasts! Even seasoned adventurers lose a layer of skin venturing in there, at the very least. This quest is pure insanity!”

“The Azure Water Dragon is surely dead by now,” another echoed. “It wouldn’t last half a day in that h.e.l.lscape.”

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd. “Absolutely. This quest is a death wish. We wouldn’t even find our way back, let alone a lost dragon.”

“Don’t be such a coward. Scared of a little danger?”

Someone scoffed. “Easy for you to say. But before you waltz into the Blackwood Forest, you better be prepared. Anti-venom, potions galore, top-notch gear, a fast mount for a quick getaway, and enough life-saving talismans to choke a horse! Even then, there’s no guarantee you’ll find the darn dragon.”

“Regardless, I don’t plan to go in. The risk is too great. I can’t afford it.”

The crowd began to disperse, their priorities clearly set. A generous reward was tempting, but staying alive was more so.

The silence stretched, broken only by the anxious murmurs of the young woman who had issued the quest. Hu Zhan tugged on Lu Yu’s sleeve.

“Why not take it, Lu Yu?” he whispered. “We’re free, and completing this could boost our reputation considerably.”

Lu Yu considered it for a moment. “Alright, let’s accept it. The difficulty lies not in the quest itself, but in finding the creature with luck on our side.”

Just as Lu Yu was about to step forward, another figure emerged from the inn’s entrance. This time, it was a vision in light pink, her dress flowing gracefully behind her as two maids fussed over her train.

Her short blonde hair framed a heart-shaped face with flawless skin, ruby lips, and pearlescent teeth. An air of delicate allure clung to her like a fragrant perfume.

Her gaze swept over the crowd, landing with a hint of disappointment. A collective gasp rose from the onlookers.

“She’s here! So beautiful!”

“The daughter of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber of Commerce is a G.o.ddess compared to our local girls!”

“I’d accept the quest in a heartbeat, even if it meant failure. Just to be graced with her presence…”

“Don’t be ridiculous! Accepting the quest means entering the Blackwood

Forest! Refusing might be seen as disrespect, but entering is certain death for us ordinary folks.”

The chattering crowd quieted once more, the weight of the situation settling in. No one dared to approach.

The young woman, Xu Lingyun, addressed the crowd with a hopeful smile. “My name is Xu Lingyun, and I, the daughter of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber of

Commerce president, implore your a.s.sistance in completing this quest. Is there truly no one among you with the strength and courage to accept this challenge?”

Her hopeful eyes scanned the faces before her, searching for a glimmer of bravery..

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Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up Chapter 1079 Retrieving the Quest summary

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