Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up Chapter 1116 The Scouting Team

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Chapter 1116: Chapter 1116 The Scouting Team


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Yu unfurled his mighty dragon wings and launched himself into the sky, soaring towards the location of the enraged fire dragon.

As he banked and weaved through the air, smoke plumes dotted the landscape in the distance. These likely emanated from the scouting team diligently tracking the raging fire dragon, constantly relaying its position back to

Skyplume City.

Lu Yu gradually descended, his keen eyes scanning the ground below, until he spotted a clearing in the forest. There, a group of over ten people huddled around a crackling bonfire, feasting on skewered meat and having boisterous conversation.

“Captain,” one of the team members addressed the group leader, a woman with short, determined hair, “we’ve been on this dragon’s tail for ages. Surely Skyplume City has a solution by now? This fire dragon is a growing menace.” The captain pondered this for a moment. “We definitely need to neutralize this threat. But as a team leader, I lack the power to deal with a creature of that caliber. Ultimately, the decision rests with Skyplume City.”

A glimmer of hope flickered in her eyes. “The good news is, they’ve dispatched someone to handle the situation. I’m confident it’ll be resolved soon.

Suddenly, a team member squinted at the sky. “Captain, am I seeing things, or is something falling from the sky?”

The captain chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous. What could possibly fall from the sky? Don’t tell me you think a dragon’s attacking us?”

“No, captain, it’s true! Look! There’s someone with dragon wings flying towards us!”

The captain scoffed. “Dragon wings? You’re getting carried away.”

However, before she could dismiss it entirely, the team member gently nudged her shoulder.

Glancing upwards, the captain’s jaw dropped as a winged figure descended upon them.

“It can’t be… It actually is true!” She stammered, bewildered. “Someone…

someone is flying!”

The entire team erupted in astonished murmurs, their eyes glued to Lu Yu’s graceful descent.

“He doesn’t have a Wyvern mount! He’s flying by himself!” One team member exclaimed.

As Lu Yu touched down, the team cautiously rose to their feet, their gazes fixed on him. He approached the captain, who eyed him with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

“Greetings,” Lu Yu began. “I’m Lu Yu, a member of the hunting team and the newly appointed deputy mayor in charge of the southwest region. I’m here to personally address this situation. You needn’t worry any longer.”

The captain narrowed her eyes, skepticism etched on her face. “Wait, deputy mayor? Are you serious?”

Lu Yu offered a confident nod. “Absolutely. I a.s.sure you, I’m the deputy mayor. I’ll take care of this fire dragon. Your a.s.signment is complete.”

Doubt clouded the captain’s features. “That’s impossible! Don’t lie to us! We know what the deputy mayor looks like. You’re an imposter! You’re trying to deceive us!”

Her team members rallied behind her, voicing their agreement.

“Who are you, really? Why would you impersonate a high-ranking official?” “Exactly! What’s your motive behind impersonating someone from the hunting team?”

Lu Yu raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, a hint of exasperation creeping into his voice.

“Honestly, have you all lost your minds? I am the new deputy mayor. There’s been a recent personnel change, and since you’re stationed outside the city, you probably haven’t received the update.”

“Hmph, personnel changes?” The captain scoffed.

“Even if there are adjustments, they wouldn’t happen overnight. I’d definitely be aware of something that significant.”

“You’re an imposter!” She declared it with unwavering confidence. Lu Yu held his hands out placatingly. “What if I can prove it?”

“Then prove it,” she challenged.

“Look closer,” he instructed, indicating the badge on his chest. “This hunting team badge isn’t some cheap imitation. It signifies my position as deputy mayor.”

With a skeptical frown, the captain approached and scrutinized the badge. Recognition flickered across her face, swiftly replaced by disbelief.

“You… You’re truly… the deputy mayor? But… that’s impossible! Why you? What did you do?”

Lu Yu sighed, his exasperation evident. “Apparently, the news hasn’t reached you yet.”

“Such a rapid promotion in such a short time… It’s unheard of!” She muttered, deep in thought. Then, a realization dawned on her.

“Aha! I understand!” she exclaimed. “I know the reason!”

Lu Yu raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What do you know?”

“It’s because Ms. Zhao has taken a s.h.i.+ne to you, isn’t it?”

A chorus of agreement erupted from the surrounding team members.

“Wrong guess,” Lu Yu countered, stifling a chuckle. “Try again.”

The captain pondered for a moment, her chin held high in concentration. “If not that, then perhaps some incredible accomplishment? Did you help Mayor

Zhao find a significant other?” She inquired earnestly.

Lu Yu rolled his eyes. “Seriously? Way off the mark.”

“Why not?” She persisted. “Mayor Zhao has never been in a relations.h.i.+p.

Securing a partner for her would be a major feat, enough to warrant a promotion to deputy mayor.”

Lu Yu sighed, exasperated by her train of thought. “It seems you’re awfully invested in Ms. Zhao’s love life.”

“Not at all!” She protested. “Mayor Zhao is my role model. I admire her and want her to be happy.”

A sly grin played on Lu Yu’s lips. “Do you… have feelings for her?”

The captain’s cheeks flushed crimson. “Don’t be ridiculous! Of course not! Since my guess is wrong, then spill it! What got you the deputy mayor position?”

Lu Yu shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “A while back, the Demon Lord Abyss sent an army to conquer Skyplume City. I, by chance, happened to be there and helped repel the invasion. Single-handedly, I took down three of their main battle dragons. Impressive, wouldn’t you say? That’s how I landed this fancy new t.i.tle.”

“But the benefits of being deputy mayor still elude me. I don’t even know why I have to do grunt work like this.”

The captain’s jaw hit the floor. “You just said what? You defeated the Demon Lord Abyss’ army alone and slayed three of their main battle dragons? That’s unbelievable!”

“It seems my explanation is a bit far-fetched compared to yours,” Lu Yu remarked with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt. He waved dismissively. “Believe it or not, I can’t be bothered to argue.”

A stunned silence followed, then a hesitant nod from the captain. “Alright, alright. I believe you. You’re the real deal. In that case, I hand this mission over to you. Please, take care of it!”

Relief flickered across Lu Yu’s face. “Perfect! Now, about this fire dragon, where exactly is it?”

Without missing a beat, the captain reached into her backpack and produced a well-worn map. “See here? I’ve marked its location.. Follow this route, and you’ll spot the fiery beast!”

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Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up Chapter 1116 The Scouting Team summary

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