Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up Chapter 1127 Visiting the President

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Chapter 1127 Visiting the President


Yi Tianheng’s father, Yi Tianjing, sprang from the couch, newspaper tumbling to the floor. He hurried towards Zhao Qingya, concern etched on his face.

“Mayor Zhao! What brings you here? Why no word in advance? We’d have prepared a grand welcome!”

His voice held a touch of caution and formality.

Zhao Qingya met his gaze. “Yi Tianjing, I’m here to discuss the rampaging dragons plaguing the area. They emerged from a cave, haven’t they?”

“Have you investigated the situation within?”

Yi Tianjing spread his hands helplessly. “Investigate? Impossible! My men can’t even get close, let alone delve deeper. A hundred miles is their absolute limit. Sending them further would be a suicide mission.”

“Here’s the crux of the matter,” Zhao Qingya continued. “It’s not about us investigating them; they’re the ones investigating us. Dragon attacks on human cities are escalating. We’re running out of options.”

“Mayor Zhao,” Yi Tianjing pleaded, his voice laced with desperation, “Black Gold City is on the brink! Daily repairs on the city walls consume all our resources. We’re paralyzed! If this persists, the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce might be forced to relocate!”

He hoped Zhao Qingya could offer aid, but she lacked the manpower for a direct confrontation with the dragons. Her solution rested solely on Lu Yu. His success meant their salvation; his failure meant a grim future.

Yi Tianjing eyed Lu Yu. “Speaking of patrols, are they here? Surely, Mayor Zhao brought her finest for such a mission!” He a.s.sumed only an elite team could handle this crisis.

Zhao Qingya shook her head apologetically. “This time, it’s just myself and my a.s.sistant.”

Yi Tianjing’s jaw dropped. Disbelief colored his voice. “Mayor Zhao, you can’t be serious about abandoning Black Gold City! We have a whole population here! Can you just leave them to their fate?”

“Of course not,” Zhao Qingya a.s.sured him. “The hunting team exists to protect people from threats like these dragons. We’ll handle this.”

Yi Tianjing furrowed his brow. “You’re not considering a solo fight, are you? Taking on multiple dragons alone wouldn’t be wise.”

“Let’s hold off on a fight,” he urged. “We can wait for reinforcements. We’ll be crushed if we attack now.”

Zhao Qingya then introduced Lu Yu. “This is Lu Yu, the newly appointed Deputy Mayor of the Southwest District hunting team. Also, my deputy. He possesses the strength to resolve this situation entirely.”

Lu Yu, ever nonchalant, pulled out a chair and plopped down, forgoing a greeting to Yi Tianjing.

The older man scrutinized Lu Yu. “I’ve never heard of him. How can he be so young and unknown, yet hold such a position? Does he truly have the capability?”

“Zhao Qingya,” Yi Tianjing pressed, “you wouldn’t lead him to his death, would you? He’s far too young.”

“Do I look like that kind of person?” Zhao Qingya countered, a hint of exasperation creeping into her voice.

“No, of course not! But frankly, does he have the power you claim?”

Yi Tianjing scratched his head, still struggling to accept that the young man before him could be the answer to their predicament. “Deputy Mayor Lu,” he addressed Lu Yu directly, “you’ve recently a.s.sumed office. Your youth and rapid rise suggest exceptional talent. However, I must ask, can you truly help us overcome this crisis?”

Lu Yu poured himself a gla.s.s of water. After downing it, he stood up, his gaze fixed on Yi Tianjing. “Leave it to me. I’ll investigate this dragon situation within three days. If a peaceful resolution isn’t possible, they’ll be put to rest.”

“Put to rest? Do you think they’re some livestock you’re putting down?” Yi Tianjing scoffed. “These dragons are powerful and ferocious! A single fire dragon can level a forest with its fury!”

Unfazed, Lu Yu shrugged. “Speaking of fire dragons, I already dealt with one that escaped to Skyplume City. Took care of it without breaking a sweat.”

Yi Tianjing’s jaw hit the floor. “You… you killed it? But it escaped! How…”

“Indeed,” Lu Yu confirmed. “So, are there more of these fire dragons, or was that the one you mentioned?”

A wave of relief washed over Yi Tianjing. “Yes, that must have been it! In that case, you possess remarkable power.”

“Excellent,” he sighed. “With you handling this matter, Black Gold City can finally breathe easy.”

Turning to Zhao Qingya, he exclaimed, “Mayor Zhao, I never expected such a capable fighter to accompany you!”

“For now, I’ll be staying in Black Gold City,” Zhao Qingya explained. “The Patrol Division office has staff dorms, and I’ll be staying there.”

“Nonsense!” Yi Tianjing boomed. “As president of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce, I have numerous villas at my disposal. Choose any one you like in the city’s villa area; consider it your home for as long as you need!”

He flashed a wide smile. “Surely you’ll agree—a villa offers far greater comfort than a cramped apartment.”

But Zhao Qingya remained unmoved. “No, thank you; I prefer the privacy of a small apartment. Besides, you can keep your villas for… well, your new pig residents.”

“You heard that?” Yi Tianjing asked.

Yi Tianheng chimed in, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “The first place we went to was actually that villa, but we couldn’t get in!”

“It was entirely my fault,” Yi Tianjing lamented. “Underestimating that lightning dragon cost me dearly. It killed three of my generals! The audacity!”

“It’s fine; vengeance will be mine!”

“Oh really?” Yi Tianheng perked up. “Are we attacking the lightning dragon again?”

“No. What’s truly unforgivable is Boss Han turning my villa into a pigsty!”

Yi Tianheng’s face fell. “Revenge on Boss Han? That’s… underwhelming.”

Smirking at Lu Yu, Zhao Qingya suggested, “There are villas here too. Perhaps Yi Tianheng can arrange one for you.”

Lu Yu shook his head. “Since my promotion, professionalism demands I stay in the office area. A small apartment will do just fine.”

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Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up Chapter 1127 Visiting the President summary

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