Into The Rose Garden Vol. 5 ITRG Volume 5 Chapter 19.2

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Vol. 5 ITRG Volume 5 Chapter 19.2

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In the early hours of the dawn, the carriage turned back the way it came. The coachman had faithfully obeyed his master’s orders. His master’s behaviour was out of the ordinary, but he wouldn’t go beyond his line to question it, so that he could serve the Count for many years. When they came to the front of a plain two-story building, he stopped the carriage with great skill. Without any orders, the master leaped from the carriage and disappeared back into the building. Until he returned, the coachman remained in place.

The darkness inside the house was thicker than before. In his haste, Aeroc nearly tripped on the stairs. Reflexively, he gripped the railing for balance. The loud thud of his toe against the staircase caused a ruckus, but the silence in the room deepened. Ignoring his throbbing toe, he sprinted up the stairs. He did not hesitate to open the door to Bend.y.k.e’s room.

The room was empty. The large bed was disheveled and reeked of thick sweat and s.e.m.e.n. Four or five brown bottles lay empty on the rug, crumpled by some kind of force. Aeroc frowned.

“Where did he go?”

As he furrowed his brow, he heard a commotion from downstairs. Aeroc went back downstairs. The darkness persisted, but the essence was entirely different. Unlike the mere darkness from earlier, there was something lurking within it now. Labored breathing and a faint hum pushed back against the quiet. It was a sensation profoundly unfamiliar to Aeroc, who had lived his whole life in the midst of civilization. Yet it was enough to revive the reflexive instincts ingrained in him over the years.

However, he ignored the inner warning urging his rational mind and overwhelming emotions to flee. Aeroc stared into the darkness.

“Bend.y.k.e? Are you there?”

A more excited response came back. A large figure moved smoothly, altering the flow of the air. Then, the smell that filled the second-floor room hit him. It was an animalistic scent. At first, it was so repulsive that Aeroc felt like he might vomit, but in the second inhalation, a dizzying sensation overwhelmed his entire body, and with the next, it caused a clear physical change. It was the first time he had ever synchronized with another alpha’s excitement.

Perhaps due to their physical intimacy, Aeroc’s body temperature began to rise rapidly. His heart rate increased, and his breathing became rough. The response in his groin was undeniable. Curious about how these inexplicable physical stimuli were occurring, Aeroc thought he should consult a doctor. But first, he needed to ask Bend.y.k.e about something.

“I came here after seeing Rapiel.”

Heavy footsteps approached.

“He’s been with Wolflake all day, so who is this Rapiel who was with you earlier?”

Aeroc could feel all the air around him. A tingling s.h.i.+ver accompanied the approaching hand as it wrapped around Aeroc’s neck. The large fingers circled near the veins, rough and hot. The figure probing the back of his neck suddenly yanked Aeroc sharply.



The palm landed on his cheek. Thick sweat dripped down onto st.u.r.dy chest muscles. Reflexively, his curled fingertips caught the hem of his tattered s.h.i.+rt, and he grabbed for it, trying to right his off-balance. Meanwhile, Bend.y.k.e wrapped his arms around Aeroc’s head, exhaling heavily.

“What are you doing?”

Aeroc had been feeling terrible since earlier. The physical excitement was more irritating than enjoyable. If his tongue hadn’t felt so heavy, he would have shouted for an answer rather than trying to glare at the s.p.a.ce between Bend.y.k.e’s hair and forehead. But that was impossible.


In an instant, two large hands wrapped around his neck. The pressure of the thumbs pressing into his windpipe and the other fingers digging in as if to sever his throat caused his prayers to instantly falter. Aeroc widened his eyes and clawed at the firm wrist of the person squeezing his neck.


The darkness transformed into a brilliant aurora, and the other person lifted him upward with unbelievable strength as if to rip the throat out of him. Aeroc sc.r.a.ped the floor with his toes.

“Ben…… dy…… ke…….”

“I told you I’d kill you if you came near Rapiel one more time.”

Amidst the sweat-drenched grip and the parched voice akin to dry sand, a profound fierceful hatred emanated. Despite his near-death experience, Aeroc felt an uncontrollable rage. What was this Rapiel to Bend.y.k.e that he was reduced to a lowly insect? The brain, starved of oxygen and on the brink of unconsciousness, relinquished all reason.


Gathering the last remnants of strength, he lashed out fiercely. Aeroc slammed his foot into his opponent’s s.h.i.+nbone as he clawed at the flesh with such ferocity that his nails trembled.


The hand gripping his throat trembled. While the opponent’s merciless strength remained, the slippery palm, soaked with sweat, failed to maintain its grip amidst the intense rebellion, ultimately releasing Aeroc’s throat.


Aeroc collapsed to the ground.

“Urgh! Huk, uh!”

Aeroc’s lungs spasmed violently as they sucked in oxygen. His mind was spinning, drool dripping from his mouth. His fingertips were tingling and his feet were numb. It felt like he was going to pa.s.s out. But his primal urge to live miraculously lifted his weak body to its feet.

“Where are you? You evil demon.”

On the floor, the other man’s groping hands found Aeroc’s ankles within a couple of seconds. Aeroc writhed and kicked at it furiously.



Bend.y.k.e screamed. From the way he groaned in pain, it seemed like he might have broken his finger. Aeroc took the opportunity to crawl across the floor. Aeroc hurried to the front door, where his faithful coachman was waiting. If he opened the door and shouted, the coachman would come to his rescue.

He crawled to his knees, feeling the slightly worn carpet.


Sparks appeared in front of Aeroc’s eyes as he slammed his head and shoulder into the wall. In his daze, he stumbled around the dark room and took a wrong turn. Aeroc groped for the wall by the stairs. If so, the entrance hall was that way. Aeroc pushed himself to his feet against the wall. He was about to run to the front door and yell for help when a large body slammed into him from behind.


He crashed back to the floor. His chest hit the floor hard, and for a moment he couldn’t breathe. Aeroc was gagging, but nothing was coming out. That made the shock all the greater.

Thud. Thud.

Aeroc heard some noises on the floor. A claw-like hand soon grabbed his ankle.

“Where are you trying to get away?”

The other man pulled the adult alpha easily with only one arm. Aeroc tried to crawl forward involuntarily, but his numb fingers couldn’t even grip the carpet on the floor.

“My fingers are broken, so I suppose I can at least take your ankle. You will only be living in that dilapidated cabin anyway, it wouldn’t be that hard to lose an ankle.”

Bend.y.k.e’s words were incomprehensible. In the darkness, where nothing could be seen, Aeroc was sure that man was grinning. His body was flipped over as he was dragged downward. A terrible pain radiated through his body, starting in his ribcage, which hadn’t yet recovered from the impact of the fall. A rock-like body landed on top of him.

“Ah…… Urgh.”

His slender body threatened to collapse at any moment. Aeroc shuddered in pain. This time, there was only one hand gripping his throat. The man seized Aeroc’s windpipe and began pressing him down to the ground. He attempted to resist, but he had little strength left. His eyes, accustomed to the darkness, illuminated the blurry silhouette of the a.s.sailant. The glint in the a.s.sailant’s eyes flickered strangely, like that of a wild beast.

“You’re turned on.”

With their lower bodies pressed together, it was easy to sense the other’s arousal.

“Even at this moment, you’re so h.o.r.n.y to be f.u.c.ked. You’re an irredeemable demon.”

The voice was clearly sneering. But it was a one-sided accusation. Bend.y.k.e’s arousal was far greater and harder than Aeroc’s. The hand on his throat was still there, but with less strength than before, and the weight that restrained his limbs had lessened.

“I’ll show you mercy.”

The sound of unb.u.t.toning echoed, followed by clumsy hands fumbling at the hem of Aeroc’s vest and pulling his s.h.i.+rt up. The touch groping at the side of his waistband was terrifying. Aeroc raised a numb fingertip and pushed it away as it reached his waist.

“Argh! d.a.m.n it!”

Bend.y.k.e cursed, even though Aeroc didn’t push him away with much force. The hand on his throat disappeared, and the pressure on his body lifted entirely. Aeroc must have touched his broken finger.

The moment the restraints eased, Aeroc scrambled to his feet. He groped everywhere, trying to find the entrance hall, but he had no idea where it was. He had completely lost his sense of direction. Even though it was just a narrow hallway, it felt like wandering in a vast square.



Feeling around, he collided with a cabinet. Carelessly gropimg, he found a heavg porcelain teapot. Just as he gripped the thick handle, a hand from behind grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Let go!”

Without hesitation, Aeroc swung the teapot. The teapot collided with something hard and shattered with a loud noise.




The noises exploded simultaneously. Bend.y.k.e’s labored breathing, clearly having fallen, was no longer audible. Instead, Aeroc’s excited exclamation pierced through the darkness.

As he stepped on the shattered pottery fragments, he groped along the wall again. He encountered a heavy cloth. He failed to find the entrance but found a window. Aeroc pulled back the curtains. A blue moonlight poured in, blinding him as if he had seen the sun. He opened and closed his eyes repeatedly. Then, as he caught his breath, he cautiously looked behind.

The large, limp body was writhing on the floor. There were no convulsions or groans. Dark liquid slowly spread between the tousled strands of Bend.y.k.e’s hair.

Aeroc squinted his eyes. As his grip loosened, the teapot’s handle thudded to the ground. Meanwhile, the blood flowing from Bend.y.k.e’s head formed ominous patterns as it spread.

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Into The Rose Garden Vol. 5 ITRG Volume 5 Chapter 19.2 summary

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