My Runes Can Be Upgraded Chapter 1049: Fourth Brother and Sixth Brother's Evolution Condition 3

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Chapter 1049: Fourth Brother and Sixth Brother’s Evolution Condition 3


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When Wu Wei arrived, the ruins were already empty.

Ron was gone, and so were those Western Region students.

Even most of the main buildings in the ruins had collapsed.

Looking at the ruins in front of him that seemed to have been hit by a huge wave, Wu Wei could vaguely feel the horror of Ron’s explosion.

It could only be said that a sixth grade Dao Stepping Stage cultivator was so terrifying.

After taking a quick glance, Wu Wei stopped exclaiming and walked towards the ruins.

The Incomplete Tuibei Map gave Wu Wei more than just a location.

It gave Wu Wei the right time to enter the location and the method to trigger it. Wu Wei followed the information given by the [Incomplete Tui Bei Tu] and quickly arrived at the small house where the 13 Immortal Qin veterans were imprisoned.

The small house had already been washed away, but the foundation was still there!

Wu Wei went over immediately and arrived in front of the foundation in a few steps.

According to the information given by the [Incomplete Tuibei Map], the most beneficial thing for Wu Wei that met his requirements was below.

However, there was no information on how to do it in the [Incomplete Pus.h.i.+ng Back Map],

Standing on the foundation, Wu Wei was having a headache.

The stone tablet in Wu Wei’s consciousness s.p.a.ce suddenly lit up.

In the next second, a hole opened in the foundation and Wu Wei fell down. Everything happened so suddenly that even Ron, who was hiding in the dark, was caught off guard.

The moment Wu Wei landed, Ron appeared on the foundation.

Looking at the ordinary foundation in front of him, Ron frowned.

In fact, he had already discovered the spatial mark left behind by his fourth brother.

When he found the mark, Ron felt that Wu Wei would most likely return. There was definitely something unusual in this ruin.

Therefore, he stayed here and waited for Wu Wei to come.

He had indeed managed to guard her, but he did not expect her to disappear under his nose.

“Is there still s.p.a.ce below?”

Ron tried to open the s.p.a.ce below, but he couldn’t.

“It’s useless to use conventional methods. If we use violence, we shouldn’t be able to open it. If we’re not careful, there’s a risk of shattering the foundation. It seems that we need specific conditions to enter!”

After getting a general idea of the foundation, Ron gave up on the idea of entering the s.p.a.ce below the foundation.

Forget it, I don’t have that much time to deal with this. Besides, there’s no need for me to go in. I just need to find someone to watch over this person. No matter what fortuitous encounter he has inside, it will be mine when he comes out!

I need to complete my mission first!”

After that, Ron found a few Western Region students and asked them to keep an eye on this place. He himself went to his mission objective, and his footsteps were a little impatient!

This was because the mission he was about to do was not only a family mission for his family, but also the most important opportunity in his life.

On the other side, at Wu Wei’s side.

After falling down from the hole in the foundation, Wu Wei’s vision was pitch black.

However, the golden finger notification suddenly refreshed.

[You have entered the special exploration point [The Mad Warlock Laboratory that is extremely obsessed with the Supreme Immortal Qin]. You have entered the mystic realm mission [Cleansing the Laboratory]!]

[Mission: Clean up the laboratory

[Description: This laboratory has a large number of distorted existences that were modified by that crazy warlock. Please eliminate these distorted existences and completely eliminate the remaining power of that crazy warlock.]

[Mission Reward: Unknown]

At the same time as the golden finger notification refreshed, Wu Wei suddenly felt the pores all over his body stand up.

It was dangerous!

Wu Wei subconsciously summoned Ah Huang!


The moment Ah Huang appeared, a long spear landed on Ah Huang’s chest in the darkness, producing a metallic sound.

There was an enemy. Wu Wei flipped his hand and sent a Level 100 Perfect­grade [Torch Talisman] above his head.

The Torch Talisman rose into the air, and a bright light spread out. Only then did Wu Wei’s vision recover. At the same time, Wu Wei also saw the existence of Ah Huang, who was holding a gun barrel.

[Name: Immortal Qin Spearman’s Spirit Distorted by Experiment] [Rarity: Legendary]

[Level: 111]

Looking at this attribute and the lifeless expression of the spearman opposite him, Wu Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

It was just a legend-quality second-stage Dao Stepping Realm cultivator. Ah Huang could easily deal with him.

But soon, Wu Wei realized that he had taken it for granted.

Ah Huang didn’t kill his opponent in one move as Wu Wei had expected. It wasn’t that Ah Huang didn’t want to, but he couldn’t.

Although the spearman in front of him was not of high quality, his level was not high, and his spirit was distorted, his combat strength was abnormally valiant.

The spear m his hand was fierce and powerful, and his strength and physique were also quite extraordinary.

Relying on a spear, the spearman lasted for about a minute in Ah Huang’s hands, forcing Ah Huang to use the Dragon Elephant Golden Body to suppress the spearman.

“Wait, don’t kill him yet!”

Just as Ah Huang suppressed the spearman and was about to take him away with a punch, Wu Wei shouted for him to stop.

The spearman’s performance made Wu Wei quite curious. He could not help but touch the spearman’s spiritual power.

[Your [Tai Qing Qi Eating] has been activated. You have a.n.a.lyzed the fragment of the pseudo-divine power [Eight Spearman Styles] (1/10)!]

“As expected!”

Looking at this golden finger notification, Wu Wei’s guess was verified.

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My Runes Can Be Upgraded Chapter 1049: Fourth Brother and Sixth Brother's Evolution Condition 3 summary

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